Introductions? Aight, let's do this


The Resident Lurker
So I'm Fabilous(obviously) but my real name is, well... just call me Fabi. It's my surname. I also go by Eana(rarely) or Eli(before I found a guy also called Eli and started going by Fabi instead).

I've been 15 since last month and live on this warm, sunny place also known as the Philippines. Come visit some time if you don't mind the sweltering heat of the tropics(there's always Baguio though).

I read a lot, sing a little, swim when the weather is good. Writing is also a thing I dabble in. And of course, I roleplay when I'm in the mood.

I'm not exactly new to roleplaying, but this is my very first experience in forum rp. At the present moment, I prefer posts of about 3-5 sentences each. For genres, I'm not exactly picky, but I tend to go for sci-fi and fantasy, fantasy more so. Still, I really don't mind anything as long as it strikes my fancy.

This introduction doesn't seem very long but it is starting to take up half my screen so I'll stop now. Have a good day and thank you for taking your time to read this post.
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. I also like reading and writing. I've never been to the Philippines, but I think I'd enjoy it their since I love tropical birds. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. An admin will be here sometime to give you some tips and stuff. Enjoy your stay!


Image created by the user Darkangel666.

WHAT?! You like to ROLEPLAY?! Psh, what kinda nerd roleplays?!

( :P ) Joking, of course. Reading is a joy. What are you reading right now?

And welcome to :RPN:. If you have any questions, post in the Site Questions & Information forum, but your Welcome PM should answer most of them already!
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Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay! :) My friends are from the Philippines, and I've always wanted to go, it's a lot better than the cold that we have here on the East coast of the US :')

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