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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp


Trash that hasn't been taken out
Please include the following:






Alone or With a group

Biography (Optional)

Pic or description of your characters looks

All entries are accepted unless said otherwise
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Name:Maxine Cawlfled (Aka Max)




Personality:Usually calm,Hates being dependent on others,Fast paced,Cocky at times,Silly,Optimistic,Serious when needed,Civil,Smart

Alone/Group:Running an underground shelter for anyone who wants in

Bio:Leaving home at the age of 14, she stormed out of the house after an incident with her family. Since then she's been dodging authorities who've been looking for her whereabouts now presuming she's long dead and has worked hard to open a runaway shelter under the willow tree trying to help anyone who wants part in the group, though bossy at times she tries to do what she thinks is best, and is loyal to those who'll listen


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Name: Joseph

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Cold. Its been like that since he finally got the courage to leave the house at the age of 13 from his drunk abusive father. He prefers to be alone and is very untrusting.

Alone or With a group: Alone

Biography (Optional) Abusive drunk father, dead mother. Left the house at the age of 14, authorities assume he was killed by his father. (More will be shown in the rp if I get accepted.)

Pic or description of your characters looks: short black hair and brown eyes, 5'11 tall.


Rosa Green. (She prefers Rose)








Quiet, shy, smart, defensive, distant, Pessimistic, reserved, easily embarrassed. Once she gets to know people; Hyper, smart, civil, happy, talkative, over-trusting and clingy.

Alone or With a group



Rosa run away from home at the age of twelve, her father was a very abusive man and her mother did nothing to stop it so she ran away and has been alone for the past three years, she has hid from the authorities mostly getting food from people who would giver her anything or buying it herself from money people give her whenever she begs. She finds it hard but thinks that is easier than her old life. She is thought long dead by her family but the authorities know about her but she has avoided them.

Name: David Raymond

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Quiet, prefers to keep to himself.

Mostly alone. Pops into the Underground Shelter from time to time to check in on his sister.

Biography (Optional): ((I'll pop this in later))


Name: Sarah Raymond

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Outgoing, likes to meet new people

Stays in the underground shelter, while her Brother tries to find them a place.

Biography (Optional): I'll type it later.



Maria Lilan






The Shadow Knights




She appears aloof and cold to those who don't know her well. But, she is caring and intellectual on the inside. Her emotions were relatively dulled by her painful past, but she still has the ability to like and dislike, luckily. She does not understand love at all, no, she refuses to believe it even exists.



The Shadow Knights

The Darkness


Being Inspired/Creative

Creating Stories






Her parents were brutally merciless. They owned a high-class hotel in the centre of the city, however, that wasn't through fair means. Thievery, murder, assassination, even petty bribery was used during their time of greed, the list is endless. They took turns beating Maria, even for the littlest things: such as her getting one question wrong, looking at something, even saying one word was bad enough for her pain. Eventually, Maria had enough of trying to please them. She had always tried her best to get the highest grades, the best etiquette and a fashionable manner for their sake. With not one letter of goodbye, she left, with a large supply of food, water and a few clothes.

However, she wasn't alone. Her close friends from school joined her as they were having domestic problems too. She gave their group a name, 'The Shadow Knights'. They committed thievery for a living, whether it be money, clothes, or even a mere slice of bread to fill their hunger. On an abandoned newspaper, she found that her parents writ her off as dead, without one ounce of an attempt to find her. Her emotions had already been dulled, but that newspaper revived them. A large stream of water fell from her eyes, they never loved her.... not even a little.

Years later, her and her friends have adapted to survival on the streets. One day, she hoped to have her revenge....


She has long wavy chestnut coloured hair which reaches her lower back and light purple-blue eyes. They are generally seen as purple, especially when in the dark. She always appears as if she is thinking about something. She has a slim body, thin from hunger. Her scars are visible on her back, but have faded slightly.


(I will be creating her friends soon)
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Name: Masika


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unkown

Personality: Quite innocent despite his age. He is quiet, shy, usually scared, and physically very weak and tired from his years of abuse. He is also very wary of others, though he may have to depend on whosoever happens to be willing as he is unable to do much for himself.

Alone or With a group: Alone

Biography: He grew up in an extremely abusive home, neglected to the point of near starvation. As soon as his parents thought him to be old enough (6 years old), they sent him off to work in a factory not far away. He would have to walk there and back every day no matter the weather. Masika was so severely overworked and malnourished that he seemed to exist in a constant state of near-death.

It wasn't as if he could just run away from this on his own either, his parents had raised him to believe that this life was the best he could get.

One day, when he was 16, he got lost on the way home, and stumbled across a highway. At this point, not having had anything to eat for quite a number of days, he collapsed upon the side of the road. This is where his real life shall begin.

Pic or description of what your character looks like

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Masika.JPG.c7bdc08d67527ac7f3bb7d5b1cd6032a.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109298" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Masika.JPG.c7bdc08d67527ac7f3bb7d5b1cd6032a.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Reira Akaba

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Sexuality: He has no idea.

Personality: Reira lacks a sense of self and he is thus is unable to decide anything, essentially leaving him with no identity whatsoever. Social Services speculates that this was the result of a survival instinct he developed on the streets. However, after spending time with the other's at Maxine's Shelter, Reira's sense of self starts to bud. Interacting with the kids there has helped him come out of his shell. He still cries a lot at night and views Maxine and the other girls there as surrogate Mothers. He is worryingly adept at stealing, although he prefers to just ask first.

Alone or With a group: Alone

Biography: I'll add it later.

Pic or description of your characters looks

All entries are accepted unless said otherwise

Name: Archer Austin Savage








Optimistic, Caring, Loving, Kind, Hot-headed and Cocky

~Alone or With a group~



He doesn't talk about it often but if he does you must be very special

~Pic or description of your characters looks~


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Name: Marcus Black

Age: 14

Gender: male

Sexuality: Hetero

Personality:Mischievous, Caring, Loyal, Rash, Intelligent, Tricky

Alone or With a group: Alone for right now

Biography (Optional)

Pic or description of your characters looks

Name: Fricka Fnich

Age: 15

Gender: F

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Shy, kind, easily scared.

Alone or With a group: Alone

Pic or description of your characters looks

Name: Serena Stark

Age: 14

Gender: F

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Slow to trust guys, sensitive, quiet

Alone or with a group?: Alone


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-5_16-32-21.jpeg.c90f0e6b493e0cc59308d624fe012190.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-5_16-32-21.jpeg.c90f0e6b493e0cc59308d624fe012190.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Wikimak Lussier

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Who knows, really

Personality: Usually laconic, slow to engage with others. Intelligent, but not wise. May come off as uncaring. Has a strong sense of self-preservation and will gladly do anything to live.

Alone or With a group: Alone

Pic or description of your characters looks: At this point in time, 5'3", with short, messy brown hair and brown eyes. Has a skinny frame.


Anastasia Vaska (Russian)








Ana has a very hard and almost cold personality due to her life in the Bratva (Russian mafia). However she is a kind intellectual girl, Ana is funny, sarcastic and a good person to be around. Despite her ability to push people away and short temper.

Alone or With a group:



Ava doesn't really tell people who she is or where she came from. The most you may know is her past was sketchy and to do with the Russian Mafia. But you're lucky if you even know this.


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Name: Alex Morris


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Bold, confident, but is very likeable. He can have a temper every so often but he can control it most of the time.

He is alone for now but will soon join a group

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Lillian "Lily" Vosch


8 yrs old


Cis Female (what her father says...)




Cold and Mute. Lily has learned not to trust anyone at all ever since she ran away from
"Home". She often still has that childish personality but is very stubborn and demanding (cause...kids). She has a bad habit of stealing and is pretty much violent due to the fact she has been carrying around a bloody metal bat she just took from her father. Lily is a fast learner and learned some basic survival skills when she stole a guide from the market. Lily learned how to become silent and move fast while finding new shortcuts to her new home. At rare moments, she would usually cry and become lonely.


Born mute and raised in a house where her mom beats her up almost everyday ever since the death of their father who is a soldier and best friend and where her older sisters abuse her and forced to sleep in the attic. Lily was never given the childhood she dreamed of.


No one can help her as she was already broken and helpless. She never liked them who looked at her in pity and was forced to endure the pain. Even there were times when she was raped by her uncle. Until a fire burned their house and she was able to escape with only a few things that are dear to her the most. A bag with 3 school books, a hand language guide, two sweaters knit by her father, a necklace with a name tag and a metal bat.

Ever since then she would survive in the streets and find a home on top of an abandoned building filled with small collectibles she stole and thing essential to survive with while studying on her own by using the almost-burnt books that she got.

Sometimes she wondered if she could meet someone like her. But she highly doubted it.

Alone or With a group:

Alone (At the moment)



Wears a worn out over-sized hoodie and skinny jeans with black sneakers and a bandage wrapped around her right leg. Her is always messy and is often mistaken as a boy. And usually carries a metal bat everywhere.

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Name: Orabela Arif

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: ???

Personality: Orabela usually is cold and reserving. She usually cries when things go wrong. At night she usually screams. She doesn't talk a lot. She feels more open to talking to females.

Alone or With a group: Currently alone.

Biography (Optional): Her mom left 2 weeks after giving birth to her and her father fell into a deep pit of depression. When she turned 4 he started screaming at her and said stuff like "This was your fault! Katie left because of you! You take my money, you took the best thing in my life!". He'd frequently hit her and slap her. He'd some times try to choke her. He'd leave scars. All night she'd cry herself to sleep. When she turned 11 her dad started sexually abusing her. On her 15th birthday she couldn't do it anymore and ran away.


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