Search results for query: *

  1. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Because of the drug that Dr. Maximilian had just injected himself with, he had heightened sense. He could still see even though the light was out. He heard the whisper, and was able to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. "You know, it's not very nice to barge into someone's home. You...
  2. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    "Dr. Maximilian. Could you hold on for a second?" Dr. Maximilian walks to one of the doors, the one to the bedroom, and goes in. He opens a drawer on a dresser and pulls out a large syringe. He walks back into the livingroom, shutting the door behind him, and sits back on the couch. He injects...
  3. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    "Ha-ha. Now that's a good girl. My name is Dr. Maximilian, and I'll be your attendant for this flight. Now, come with me." Dr. Maximilian begins dragging Emily by the arm, heading towards his apartment. After getting there, he sits her down into a recliner chair. He then sits on a couch in...
  4. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Dr. Maximilian is still lurking in the shadows. His drugs are beginning to wear off, and the voices are beginning to speak again. Rushing to get home, he bumps into Emily. By now, the drugs have completely worn off. Dr. Maximilian lashes out and grabs Emily by the arm. "Why don't you watch...
  5. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Dr. Maximilian watches Blank walk away. He then disappears back into the shadows, and lurks through alleys and streets, looking for easy baggings.
  6. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    "Well, a job that pays more than mugging random people on the street would be nice. You want some of what he got? I've got plenty more. I can bosst your adrenaline, your strength, every single one of your senses, and a bunch of other stuff." Dr. Maximilian stands and looks off to the direction...
  7. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    "Hey, It's alright, I didn't do anything that can hurt you. Just gave you...a boost. Trust me. Just put me down, and you'll see. It should kick in any moment." Dr. Maximilian hangs limp, so as to not anger Lite any further. @Knightling @DaManofWar
  8. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    "Well, I believe you'll find this interesting." Dr. Maximilian quickly takes out a syringe and sticks it into Lite's neck. He injects the juice, then pulls the needle out and buts it back into his pocjet. The effect won't take place immediately, but in a bit, Lite should experience an extreme...
  9. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Dr. Maximilian was at a loss of words. They have powers too? He quickly approaches the two of them before they leave. "Hi..." His voice his low and grumbly. (Think: One of the ghouls from Fallout.) "My name's Dr. Maximilian. I heard you have powers..." @DaManofWar @Knightling
  10. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Dr. Maximilian had decides that it was a good idea to eavesdrop. Project Blank? Spy network? Every major criminal organization on the planet? Vast amounts of technology and weapons? Dr. Maximilian liked what he was hearing. He nonchalantly walks up to the tree beside Blank and Lite and leans...
  11. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Normally, Dr. Maximilian wouldn't watch random people in the dark, but the guy that came out of the tree hadn't been in the tree until right before he jumped out. It seemed weird. The he looked over. Dr. Maximilian attempted to stay still. He then came out of the shadows, attempting to hide his...
  12. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    Dr. Maximilian walks by the park. He sees a man in a trench coat sitting on a bench. He watches as someone jumps from a tree. Dr. Maximilian tries to get a closer look at the two, while still trying to stay hidden in the shadows. @Knightling @DaManofWar
  13. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

    John Wolf exits the asylum he works at. He's wearing some jeans and a thin jacket. He begins walking to his small apartment, checking his phone for messages and emails, hoping someone hired Dr. Maximilian for whatever reason. He needed the money right now, as he can barely pay rent. John soon...
  14. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP

    I'm a villain!!! But I haven't been accepted yet...
  15. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Human 2.0 [closed]

    Name: Crazy Diwhynter Age: 23 Gender: Male Personality: Crazy is usually very quite. He has a bit of schizophrenia and Insanity too. Appearance: Crazy is a tall, slim guy with jet black hair. He usually wears oversized hoodies and baggy jeans. Backstory: When Crazy was a child, he was...
  16. Crazyabeldog

    Futuristic Human 2.0 [accepting another 4]

    Allo! Is this still open to join? If so, anything important I need to know? I've already read the overview and the first post for ICRP.
  17. Crazyabeldog

    Fantasy War Through the Ages

    Arstotska is a fictional nation, correct? Sorry, but you'll have to choose and actual nation...
  18. Crazyabeldog

    Fantasy War Through the Ages - Rules

    Here's the rules: 1. Follow the regular RP rules 2. No godmodding 3. No metagaming 4. No Asspulling 5. #4 means you can't just show up with an army of hundreds of people. 6. You can put some fantastical elements. That means, maybe some steampunk elements. And you can be a mythical...
  19. Crazyabeldog

    Fantasy War Through The Ages

    I've got the thread up! War Through the Ages Just need to wait for my tabs and we'll be good to go!
  20. Crazyabeldog

    Fantasy War Through the Ages

    Name: Sir Charles Gender: Male Nation: None Role: Merc For Hire Strengths: Inventions, building, persuasion Weaknesses: Fighting, not very strong Bio: Sir Charles was born in a small village on the edge of China. He grew up in a very poor family, but even so, he had enough access to...