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Fantasy War Through The Ages


The God of Madness
You walk out onto an open plain. It's rained recently, so the earth under your feet is a bit muddy, and the air smells of wet soil. The sky is streaked with many deep hues of red. As you look upon the horizon, a war horn sounds, and an army of more than one hundred begins marching towards your camp. There's no way to tell how this battle will end, but one thing's for certain: war is coming.

So, I just wanted to know if anyone would be interested in something like this. Basically, what happens is a time period will be chosen, say, the Middle Ages. RPers can join as either a historical figure or a made up one. They may be a samurai from Japan, or a knight from England. Or, whatever they want to be. Sometime in the RP, battles will begin. Alliances can be made, and then kept or broken, enemies can, and will, be made. And the only time it ends is when one person - or one alliance of people - are the only people left standing. Yes, you can get an army, but not anything too OP...

So...questions? Comment? Concerns?
Interesting. How about a combined medieval setting? The rp could also picture the life of the ones affected by the war. Like, merchants, inn keepers,common townsmen. I for example, could come up with a merchant who would travel the land, selling goods to soldiers and other strangers. Also by combined medieval I mean, it would be primarily medieval but influenced by other cultures as well, such as Eastern European or Japanese cultures, who knows.
Nefelibata said:
Interesting. How about a combined medieval setting? The rp could also picture the life of the ones affected by the war. Like, merchants, inn keepers,common townsmen. I for example, could come up with a merchant who would travel the land, selling goods to soldiers and other strangers. Also by combined medieval I mean, it would be primarily medieval but influenced by other cultures as well, such as Eastern European or Japanese cultures, who knows.
Yes! Anyone can be anything they want! Their free to be whatever, as long as they don't show up with a huge army from out of nowhere, or begin manufacturing tanks in the medieval times.

However, it isn't just medieval times. Once one war has ended, a new time period will be chosen. Maybe, the renaissance or the industrial revolution, or maybe even waaaay far into the future.
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I was thinking maybe powers as long as they are used moderately and aren't too OP, and maybe some steampunk stuff. Would you recommend anything else?
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I recommend keeping powers to a minimum, since even seemingly insignificant ones can become OP.

Dunno, maybe, only a few characters would be able to use them? Or maybe the powers could develop along with the character as time passes by.
If only a few players could use them, then it would seem unfair, right? And I'm not sure how to develop a system for them to acquire spells over time...

Would it work if only people who win battles get powers?
Would it be legitimate to play with a faction? As in, multiple factions fighting one another, with atleast two people in a faction? IE, Samurai Shogunate (One person playing Shogun, another playing a Daimyo) vs Random Tsardom? (One person playing Tsar, another playing a Boyar.) With both these factions having NPC armies?
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Would it be legitimate to play with a faction? As in, multiple factions fighting one another, with atleast two people in a faction? IE, Samurai Shogunate (One person playing Shogun, another playing a Daimyo) vs Random Tsardom? (One person playing Tsar, another playing a Boyar.) With both these factions having NPC armies?
Yes, that would be a thing that people can do. However, they wouldn't have to.
Alrighty! No worries! ALSO! We have a map we're going on for this that we'll fill in? Are you making up the lore? Or are we?
The whole thing occurs on Earth, so I can have maps of certain areas if anyone needs it. Like, if a battle is occurring between China and Japan, and someone asks for a map, I'd probably give them something like this:

Real world nations, but not real world battles. Because I'm sure that, in medieval times, the Japanese didn't fight the Egyptians...

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