Search results for query: *

  1. TheMagicalMissingno

    When bananas do things, do we do stuff?...Wait that made no sense.

    When bananas do things, do we do stuff?...Wait that made no sense.
  2. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    "Finn Franchot, from the city of nutjobs. Most commonly known as New York City." Finn didn't care about this person. Except for the question of where she got a bowl, of course. Bowls don't just materialize...or do they? Finn shrugged it off. He had better things to do. Like getting that coconut...
  3. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn did not have a bucket, and had already surrendered his carry-everything-shirt-that-wouldn't-have-worked-anyway. Hands wouldn't work, and carrying over singular droplets with palm leaves was a pretty stupid idea even by Finn's standards. He rose his hand once more. "Bro, are there any...
  4. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn's face went red. Since he was on the internet all the time, he obviously thought that Dee was trying to make hawt yaoiz happen in the real world. However, he couldn't really refuse considering the situation. "Fine. And Yes Dee, you are my bro. Stop trying to deny it." He shuffled over to...
  5. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn could have easily solved this problem in a non-violent manner. He could also easily solve this by giving the delinquent a good hard slap across the face. Obviously he didn't have the guts to do the latter, so he just stood there with his usual creeptastic squint. He definitely didn't want...
  6. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn was merely watching the action unfold. Delinquent slapped Ditchy too much, most likely for her own selfish needs. His name was called. He only had the flannel top he was currently wearing, so that would mean he'd be stuck topless for the rest of this magical trip of whimsy. But, being Finn...
  7. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn was alright with Dee testing his "goods". She probably wouldn't have listened if he tried to stop her. His entire family consisted of headstrong nutjobs, so he was used to people doing things without any form of consent. He had to find more stuff for his super-awesome-magical-sparkly prize...
  8. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn nodded once more. "Alright, I'll go find your stuff!" He ran off in a completely random direction, warding off everything that moved with all the strength he could muster. He stumbled upon a prickly thicket of roselike plants. Too easy. For once he was careful, slowly cutting away a stem...
  9. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn only sent Dee a nod of agreement. He skipped behind her like a old man schoolgirl...and stopped behind her to grab the epic stick. It was stiff and sharp on the ends, as well as smelling strongly of animal fluids. He felt like a badass, carrying a stick covered in animal...
  10. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn heard Ditchy's arrival, and his jaw almost instantly dropped. "How the hell did that happen?! I knew it, we're all gonna die slowly and painfully." He had been in somewhat high spirits up until this point. Then Dee said something about finding plants. It was surely a lost cause, but Finn...
  11. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn had returned with his half-eaten terribly-grilled fish, only to find that there were more f*cking people. At least there was another guy who seemed interested in doing something besides flirting with everything that moved, because he was pretty sick of that guy. "Are we saying names again...
  12. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn had gotten his hands on another fish. He had absolutely no means of making his own fire, so he claimed the one belonging to the delinquent. He would probably get in trouble, but he needed some way to eat this fish. He ended up practically burning it black on one side, with the other barely...
  13. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    "Oh." Finn dropped the half-eaten fish. "Whoooooops, I messed up! But at least I ate something, and if I die, you have the rights to eat my corpse." He was much too enthusiastic about dying, but he figured that he would probably die anyway, so might as well just go with it. He eyeballed the...
  14. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    "Thank you, and don't forget it!" Finn skipped back to the beach, parking himself next to Dee and pulling the fish out of his back pocket. It was still alive and flipping about until he stuck his hands over the creature's gills, killing it after another minute. He didn't have anything to cut it...
  15. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    "I shut up when I feel like it, and my name is Finn! Not idiot boy, FIIIINNNN!" Finn seemed to enjoy the water. Cold things were always his wake-up call, which is good, because where he had been before, it was late. The delinquent had come to join him. He really wasn't in the mood for her whiny...
  16. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn seemed somewhat depressed, or as depressed as you can be if you're Finn. All he did was say exactly what he thought was true. Did people become so complex and confusing during the 3 years he spent inside? If that was the case, he should probably just keep his mouth shut...but what fun is...
  17. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn was used to this sort of rejection and drew his hand back. He certainly didn't want to bother this girl, for he needed all the help he could get. So far, this young woman was the only one who seemed right in the head, and although he didn't find normal people particularly interesting, they...
  18. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    "Cruel, ladies, so cruel! I can be just as cruel if I want, but I'm not going to, because I just had a cookie!" Finn giggled like a child. Snacks, for Finn, are more important than anything. He held his hand out to one girl(Dee), as if trying to shake hands. No, he didn't trust her in the least...
  19. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Hearing the complaints, Finn lowered his hands. The woman calling out to him sure was cruel, and Finn would definitely remember her doing for later. Don't do what the lady tells you. Thankfully, you didn't leave your gaming system on, remembering a mistake you made a year or two ago when your...
  20. TheMagicalMissingno

    RP: Leap of Faith

    Finn had spent his day like every other. Rolling back and forth on his bed, wallowing in a pool of boredom and cramming cookies down his gullet. When he wasn't doing that he'd be playing on his N64, which he still found virtually unusable because of that damned controller. After dying a couple...