RP: Leap of Faith

Nope, He wasn't jumping down. Just No.

Rune Had come home after finishing night school tired and hungry. His mom and dad were out at his little brother`s play leaving Rune to his own business at home. He had studied for an upcoming test in his room before deciding to prepare his dinner. Now, he was standing at the edge of his door, overlooking the sea and a island some feet in front of him. Nope, he wasn`t jumping. Too busy trying to understand the situation.
It was 3 in the morning and Mina still couldn't sleep. The sounds coming out of her partner's nose could wake up the dead or trick everyone within a mile of his apartment that there was an earthquake. Sitting up in his bed with her knees to her chest, she looked over at the sleeping boy. She honestly couldn't remember his name and was starting to regret spending the night with him. He wasn't particularly good looking or special and the drool flowing down his cheek was certainly a turn off.

One thing was for sure, if she was to get any sleep tonight, she'd need to go back to her own house which laid dark and empty ever since she had inherited it from her father. Wrapping the blanket around herself, she walked around the room picking up her clothes and things. Now all dressed and with her few possessions in her backpack, she opened her nameless one night stand's bedroom door to see a beach before her. She raised an eyebrow. This was . . . odd to say the least.

She was probably dreaming or something. With that mindset, she stepped through the doorway which disappeared once she was through. Okay . . . She quickly scanned her surroundings. Her eyes drifted to the vast ocean to her right. She had always wanted to go to the beach and if she had known she was going to be here, she would've brought her swimsuit. Taking a big whiff of the salty sea air, a smile appeared on her face. She slipped out of her boots and into the water, allowing it to come up mid calf. She really did love the water.

(What's in her bag: a change of clothes, a cellphone and earbuds, a switchblade (only two inches long), a one subject notebook, a few bandaids, two pencils, four candy bars and a half filled bottle of water) Just so you guys can't say I'm pulling stuff out of my a$$ when I take something out of it.


As the first few sunrays of the morning peeked into Dominic's bedroom, the alarm clock flew across the room and smashed against the opposite wall. It was another three hours until the dark haired boy finally woke up. Late. For work. @#$%.

Rushing to get ready, Dominic decided against the shower and just put on some random clothes lying on the floor of his messy room. Goddamnit, why'd he have to have the early shift?! He had liked his afternoon shift at Wendy's. But he couldn't complain. He needed the cash. His minimum wage paycheck was what was allowing him to stay here, away from that chaotic war zone he had once called home. Away from those lunatics and their eternal arguments. He'd just have to suck it up this time as well and try not to kill the manager.

Taking one last look at the clock, he ran out the door only to trip on a branch sticking out of the sand. The sand? Dominic took one look around him. This certainly was not his living room. @#$%! He was really late to work now. The manager already hated him. He was so getting fired.

Seeing as his bedroom door had just disappeared behind him, it looked like he was not getting home or to work any time soon. He let out a groan before laying on his back in the sand . . . @#$% . . .
Jeff had noticed the arrival of three more people to their merry group of "friends." One boy looked like he was relaxing on the sand. I should have done that when I got here, would have saved me some trouble. The other, a girl didn't seem to feel the gravity of the situation laid out to her, she looked like she was going on a vacation or something. I should have packed some bags too if I knew the door way would close behind me. And finally, a boy standing by a door looking like he doesn't want to enter this beach "paradise". I could hijack his door, but then it's too far away for me and would most likely bring me halfway around the world with no way home, so screw it. Three more people who would join their little circle of "friends." I'll let the situation play out. He turned his phone back on, plugged himself in and played a song on random. "I don't know where you're going but do you have room for one more trouble soul...." He sang along in a small voice.
Freaking fantastic. Like they totally needed more probably-dumb or probably-snappy or probably-something bad people. Like hell she was talking to them. One girl looked so relaxed, it was ridiculous. And two more boys showed up too. Whatever. She replied to cell phone boy who had answered her question, "No I don't mean you, obviously." She snapped. "I meant the high-and-mighy person who ditched right after we got here. I have to find him, it'll be easier to figure something out if we're all in one place." Man, was she getting annoyed. She already wanted to slap the always ticked off girl and also wanted to punch idiot boy in the face. She sighed again. This would be a long day.
"I can help you look for him" Jeff had offered his help to the annoyed girl, whether or not she would accept it was entirely up to her. If she does, I'm going through a bigger longer shortcut out of this place. If she doesn't less effort on my part. She looked ticked off but that did not faze Jeff from suggesting to help her.

(Short post, sorry)
Dee glanced at the boy, trying to evaluate how helpful he'd more or less be. He didn't seem perpetually annoyed, dumb, or sarcastic (true, Dee was some of these, but she didn't like when other people were). She looked at him. "Fine. Get up." She ordered. If he didn't listen to her, he wasn't worth taking along anyway. "I'll leave without you." She threatened. Maybe then he'd hurry up so they could get going.
Jeff took his sweet time getting up and unplugging himself from his phone and switching it off just to see her get annoyed even more. "Alright do you have a direction in mind? Because I think I remember him heading out deeper into the jungle. I think" He kept his usual smiling face on, in more attempts to piss her off.
Finn seemed somewhat depressed, or as depressed as you can be if you're Finn. All he did was say exactly what he thought was true. Did people become so complex and confusing during the 3 years he spent inside? If that was the case, he should probably just keep his mouth shut...but what fun is that? As of now he didn't trust any of the people on this dumpy island, and for all he knew one of them could pull out a pistol and blast him in the face, the same way his father was sent to the fiery pits of hell. To make this even worse, more people seemed to be appearing. But one of them made him realize something. Finn wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, in fact he was probably the knife still sitting on a forgotten mound of trash, but he DID know that there were fish in oceans. Thanks, crazy lady running in the water! He could just hand-catch the scaled creatures, and he would surely make it out okay if he just continued doing so...maybe he would even find a path home, hidden by the depths of a vast ocean. With that, Finn made a run for it, straight into the water while yelling "FIIIIIIIISH!"
Mentally adding him to the list of people she wanted to kill today, she replied. "Whatever you say, I guess." God, she got more pissed the longer she looked at him, "Geez, would it kill ya to wipe that dumb grin off your face? It's kinda off putting when we're freaking stranded on a deserted island." She'd regret taking him along, she could already tell. And now idiot boy was screaming about something again. "Hey, idiot boy! Shut up, will you?"
Score, the less people trusting me the easier it will be running around on my own. He had already began walking to the treeline before Ms. Annoyed got to shout at Finn. Fish, that is actually very smart Finn, I would compliment you but you are too far away. He had already put some distance between himself and Annoyed. I don't really know these people's names.
Naomi listened and nodded her head. She picked up her tank top and pulled it on over her long t-shirt. She then tore the t-shirt off from underneath and tied the sleeves and neck. It looked like a makeshift net ion the end, and might catch some fish. She went over to the water. Naomi thought better of fishing near the Finn dude. She went along the edge of the water until she came to a calm little patch. She waded out slowly, scarcley disturbing the water, and set her net down in it gently. She slowly waded back out. She sat on the shore, holding her shorts in one pocket of her long black jeans.
(Ehhhh srry I missed a lot... =u=")

Ene got home really late from her studies. She was glad that she had stopped some where to get food, because it was far too late to make anything. She yawned as she slipped the key into the door doorand when she opened it and stepped in she wasn't in her small apartment but on some sort of island. The door suddenly dissapeared, and Ene could easily guess that she was stranded. "Nothing about this is scientifically possible..." She thought outloud to herself. She looked at the bag of food in her hand and was glad she atleast had food to survive with. She sat in the sand and was about to fall asleep anyway when she heard arguing from not to far away, and wondered if maybe the natives spoke her language.

"Ugh aftera month I finally found a new job," said Kuro as he opened the door to his small house. He walked in and put his things away, about to sit down and read his new book from the library, until he heard a knock on the door. He groaned and got up, but when he opened the door no one was there. He went outside, just to.make.sure that there really was no one who needed him, looked around and walked back in, only to find himself on a stranded island in front of a bunch of crazy people. He turned around to the door but it was gone and he didn't have any idea of what these crazy people were going to do to him, and beads of sweat formed on his head just thinking of what might happen. Is this Karma?! He thought to himself.
"I shut up when I feel like it, and my name is Finn! Not idiot boy, FIIIINNNN!" Finn seemed to enjoy the water. Cold things were always his wake-up call, which is good, because where he had been before, it was late. The delinquent had come to join him. He really wasn't in the mood for her whiny bullsh*t, but he couldn't just get rid of her. Or, at least, she wouldn't listen. He reached his hand into the water, snagging a medium-sized fish of some sort and having no idea how to hold it. Finn shoved the creature into his back pocket, still holding it by the tail. Oh, if only he randomly carried buckets to bed.
Dee addressed cell phone boy before she addressed idiot boy/Finn. "Uhm, hello? We're going together, last time I checked. Geez, does no one listen around here?" Suddenly two more people showed up. Dee groaned audibly. "You've gotta be kidding me." She said as she rolled her eyes. She chose to ignore them for now. "I'll call you whatever I want." She said to idiot boy. She thought she might wanna get on his good side. He can catch fish and Dee was pretty hungry... "Whatever. I'll call you Finn." Maybe that'd help.
Jeff was left alone. Good, there has to be something here that would help me escape, me and maybe everyone else. He disappeared in the treeline, he had taken a thin stick as his companion in the jungle, I'll go in check things out and go back before it gets too dark. He had come across a variety of fruits and plants that had berries growing in them. He always took a small bite from them to see if they were edible or not. He had made good time on his expedition into the jungle, everything seemed edible. He climbed the nearest tree to survey the area. Green as far as the eye can see. He had descended the tree as quickly as he could and heard a low growling sound behind him. So I'm the first to die? He held the stick in a defensive stance ready for almost anything. A strange looking feline animal, akin to a tiger jumped out of the bush. He had swung the stick to intercept the trajectory of the jump, He could hear nothing except the air sounded like it was being sliced, he had thought that the stick broke. The creature broke, The thin stick held it's ground, slicing through the creature with ease. The plant life here is edible and the stick is so sturdy it actually sliced through something, This is definitely new. I was lucky to survive that. A smile formed on his lips as he departed back to the rest of the group.
Alex finally just gave up on the math, and chucked it away. He trudged back to the beach, and saw some girl lounging in the sand. "Whatcha doing, trying to catch flies in that gaping mouth of yours?" He said cruelly, smirking.

Naomi rolled her eyes, "Nope. You trying to get a sock in yours?" She threatened, her balled up socks in one of her hands. She shifted them into her left hand since she was a lefty, and wound up for the pitch.

"I'm fine." Alex said, quickly. He held his hands up to protect his face. he was always very protective and such with his looks.

Naomi rolled her eyes, and waded back out. She scooped up her makeshift net, complete with 2 large fish. She smiled triumphantly and walked to the beach.

"What the heck..." Alex muttered, and followed her. He saw another girl in the water, and nearly rolled his eyes. He then gaped at her beauty, his mouth hanging open.

(This is how I imagine boys around pretty girls... as I'm not one, I don't have first hand experience. (As in, I'm not a pretty girl or a boy))
(I'm not a guy or a pretty girl either so I wouldn't know.)

After a nice walk through the water, Mina got back onto the dry sand, not putting on her boots just yet. Her feet were still wet and she didn't want any sand getting in either. Feeling a bit thirsty, she pulled a water bottle out from her bag and took a sip. She began scanning her surroundings. A beach and a forest from what she could see. There was no signs of civilization. No unusual structures. No smoke or signs of pollution. No tree stumps or even gravel. The only indication of humans were the other humans that were on the beach with her. Where exactly had she been transported to?

She'd obviously need to find a source of fresh water first, judging by what was left in her bottle. Some of the others were trying to fish. Idiots. You're supposed to find shelter and build a fire first, otherwise what's the point in the fish? Unless they were planning on eating it raw.

From the corner of her eye, Mina spotted a boy looking at her, mouth agape. She smirked and gave him a wink out of habit. Looks like she had plenty of people to toy with here. At least she wouldn't be bored. Giving the boy a flirtatious wave, she spoke first. "Hi there. See something you like?"
"Thank you, and don't forget it!" Finn skipped back to the beach, parking himself next to Dee and pulling the fish out of his back pocket. It was still alive and flipping about until he stuck his hands over the creature's gills, killing it after another minute. He didn't have anything to cut it with, so he just split it apart with his bare hands and fed on it's raw insides. Not bad at all. Nowhere near as good as the cookie he had earlier, but it would have to do. It's not like there were any cookies around here.

He could only dream.
(Note: I suck at flirting... so, lets see how this goes.)

Alex mentally slaps himself in the face, and walks over to the girl. "Maybe." he says slyly, in his usual sarcastic-ish voice.

Naomi grinned evilly, and flounced over, "Well, duh. He's checking you out so he must be a'crushing." Naomi says in a weird voice, and skips away. She sets the fish in the water, and allows them to stay cool. It's her brother who's the survival expert; not her. She builds a small fire, using a rock that she assumed was a flint. Thank you John. She thought, and jammed the 2 large fish on a stick to roast them over the fire. She didn't bother skinning them and crap; her brothers taught her enough.
Great. Loner boy was back... but now he was over flirting with some girl who was so relaxed, it was insane. Dee thought that this was ridiculous, and it got worse when relaxed girl started FLIRTING BACK. She wanted to shoot herself. Or everyone there. The Finn boy pranced over to her. "You know if you eat that fish raw, you're gonna get sick. I think considering there's no first aid on this island, it'd be easier to start a fire, rather then die." She said. He really was an idiot boy. Meanwhile cell phone boy had returned. "Thanks for ditching me, jerk!" She yelled. He pissed her off to no end. And he had that stupid smirk on is face again. Dee was so tempted to slap it right off. She stood up. "Anyway," she yelled to cell phone boy, "find anything worth while?"
Jeff had return to same group of people. Most of them were flirting with each other one way or the other. Great I'm in a group of trained manipulators. They were all either fishing or "fishing." No one seemed to care much about their survival or knowing the layout of the place. I don't even think they know that predators lurk around the jungle, I almost died back there, oh well. He had heard Miss Annoyed call to him. He walked over to her thinking it would be better if not everyone knew just yet. "I saw a small lake further down the jungle, all of the fruits you'll see in there are edible. The woodwork in this place is sturdy like this..." He showed her the bloodied stick "...and there seem to be predators lurking out there somewhere. That's all I could gather, the jungle stretches on for miles." He whispered his report to Miss Annoyed.
"Oh." Finn dropped the half-eaten fish. "Whoooooops, I messed up! But at least I ate something, and if I die, you have the rights to eat my corpse." He was much too enthusiastic about dying, but he figured that he would probably die anyway, so might as well just go with it. He eyeballed the bloody stick in the hands of Mr. Ditchy McCellphone-ington. Predators were in the area, hm? Finn should have expected that. He did like red meat, so it was indeed a plus. He tried to keep his attention on Dee and Mr Ditchy, but there was so much disgusting flirtatiousness in the background, making it hard to do anything without wanting to vomit buckets. He held in his nausea and figured he should catch another fish, because his first one was now covered in sand. "Gimme a sec, I'm going to get another fish thing." With that, he was off on his own once more.
Naomi finished cooking the fish. She hadn't eaten for a while, so this had been her first priority. She ate half of one, and put the rest in her t-shirt and wrapped them up. She then built a small and simple lean to.
Yeah, Dee had been ticked, but it was time to get down to business. So far cell phone boy seemed like the only competent person here. "I see. Nothing poisonous... that's good. We should gather into groups later to find food. Boys and stronger girls could hunt for meat and girls and weaker boys can pick berries and fruit. We should probably try to get everyone's names too... but they seem preoccupied. I'm Dee. And you are?" She looked around while awaiting an answer. One girl was already ignoring them and building and cooking stuff (for herself only, of course). Finn had said something weird about corpses and then ran off to get more fish. They should probably build a fire too... but that could wait 'till later.

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