RP: Leap of Faith

"N-no, n-not really. Just checking if you guys think I'm still alive or if you're just going to let me die off is all." Jeff's head hurt as he answered the strange looking girl who was talking to him. They will never believe just how much this hurts. "The name is Jeff by the way." He tried to smile at her to show her he was fine and didn't need anything else, at least that was what he thought as he did so.
Ene nodded. "With a name like that, I know your not a native unless we're in America. My name is Enomoto Takane, but I am called Ene. And might I tell you that you are not going to die, because the wound will most likely close by tommorow because of the medicine I made," She said simply. She looked at the covered wound and saw that the bandaging wasn't the best, but it was pretty good. "That and we now have enough food to last a while. The animals here are huge."
"Believe it or not I'm half chinese and I only dream of going to the United States. Full name is Jefferson Chao. Wait was my catch really that large? or did some one else trump mine?" He had already gotten used to the pain and could speak clearly without having to put on a pained expression everytime. "Also what medicine, in fact could you please get me up to speed on the situation? If it is not too much of a bother." He studied her closely, she looks like a pure Japanese who sounds like she took a lot of English classes. Well duh with that kind of name you'd think she's Korean?
Dee was starting to get very bored. There was almost nothing to do around here except climb trees and... swim. That sounded fun. No sarcasm intended. She wasn't sure if she should just run into the water or tell people what she was doing. She decided to just give them a little heads-up. "Hey, I'm going for a swim." She yelled. No one would probably acknowledge it, but at least she had said something. Now she could run into the water, and she did. It was much better than land. It was pretty hot on the island after all. She just decided to splash around for a bit and enjoy herself.
"I'm Naomi Cain. I'm from Chicago." She tells them. What she doesn't mention could stop a human stampede of zombies in it's tracks.
Ene nods at both of them saying, "Nice to meet you I'm sure both of you might be interested in the medicine I kinda put together. It's usually made of a rhino's horn that's ground up and mixed with water, but in this case, I have no way of fighting such a huge creature, and luckily found a much smaller animal with the horn of a rhino, back, eyes, and tail of a lizard, and fur of a pig. So I killed it in its sleep and sawed it's horn off with my knife and scratched it against a tree and put what came off into some sort of turtle shell, mixing it with water. I also cooked the meat." Ene easily explained things as though it were a presentation for school, and found it a lot easier than informally explaining things.
Dee shouted from the water. "Dee Farris. And you don't need to know where I'm from." She wasn't too keen to tell them that she came from one of the worst neighborhoods in the South Bronx. It'd just make them think worse of her than they already did. She then proceeded to continue to splash around. This was probably the most fun she'd had the entire time she'd been there. Why didn't I think of this earlier?!
"Finn Franchot, from the city of nutjobs. Most commonly known as New York City." Finn didn't care about this person. Except for the question of where she got a bowl, of course. Bowls don't just materialize...or do they? Finn shrugged it off. He had better things to do. Like getting that coconut. He clasped his skinny legs around the base of an oversized tree, and made his way upward until he could see not only his possible water vessels, but he could see everything and everyone. Everything except a way out, because the universe hated him. He kicked one of the coconuts from where it sprouted, causing it to land on the sandy ground and making a puffing noise. Satisfied, Finn dropped from the tree, "ingeniously" landing face-first and getting a mouthful of sand.
Ene glanced at Finn with her bright red eyes and stared at him. "It might've been easier if you climbed back down, or easily slided down. We don't have time to deal with another broken leg." Ene found it amusingly annoying how foolish he was.
(I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop this rp. I do like the premise of it but I'm finding it hard to keep up and it's getting a bit confusing to me. Again, I'm sorry.)

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