RP: Leap of Faith

"I'll try my best" He smiled at Miss Pissed. "Hey pissed, how come you've never said your name yet...or was I gone getting injured while everyone was busying introducing themselves." Jeff would do anything to occupy his attention anything that would keep him awake, anything that would prevent him from closing his eyes. "You think, they'll come back?" He was still in doubt as to whether Dee and Finn would ever return to the rest with something to patch him up.
"You were gone and asking something to tear your heart out." Naomi said, smiling at her lame joke. "I'm Naomi. Dee, I think, said that your name was Jeff."
Finn nodded once more. "Alright, I'll go find your stuff!" He ran off in a completely random direction, warding off everything that moved with all the strength he could muster. He stumbled upon a prickly thicket of roselike plants. Too easy. For once he was careful, slowly cutting away a stem with the sharp end of his weapon in case something lived inside. It was something small, so he could ignore it and made his way back to Dee. She reminded Finn of his older brother....except scarier....
Dee glanced at Finn and took the rose. "Now, a thin vine for string. Then you get a pat on the head." She commanded. "And, I'm just going to make sure that this isn't poisonous. You don't care, right?" She didn't wait for an answer, and pricked the tip of her finger with the spine. "Now go and find the 'string' please." She said. She figured if it was poisonous, it wouldn't work immediately. She busied herself with trying to poke a hole in the top of the thorn to make it more needle-like. After trying a few different things a sharp stick did the trick. Dee wasn't feeling any effects of the thorn yet, and the cut she had made looked fine... She'd just wait for Finn to return and then they could get going.
Ene continued walking, and now the stick was as sharp as a real spear. She knew exactly what they needed and knew that there must be some sort of animal around with a horn, and then she found it. Sleeping in a cave was a small, boar-like creature with the grey horns of a rhino, fur of a hog, and spiky back and tail of a lizard. While the animal was still asleep, Ene took both her knife and her, "spear," and dug it, exactly where she thought that it's tender spot would be, and sure enough, it was. The creature's lizard-like eyes opened and it let out a sort of growl or squeal of sorts, before she removed the blade and stabbed it in a different spot, then took both weapons out and looked at the simply dead animal, proud of what she did. 
(I have to be gone for soccer for a while, so my character is just going to continue looking at her pig thing... Idk but I'll be gone for three whole hours =w=")
Finn was alright with Dee testing his "goods". She probably wouldn't have listened if he tried to stop her. His entire family consisted of headstrong nutjobs, so he was used to people doing things without any form of consent. He had to find more stuff for his super-awesome-magical-sparkly prize, and ran off once again. A plant with very thin vines was just behind more of those damned rose plants. He got scratched up a bit on his calves, ankles and feet, but he came out alright in the end with a couple vines in hand, and ran back to Dee once more.
(Nirvana, if you're going to write OOC, please write an actual post after ^^)

Dee slowly reached her hand out and hesitantly ruffled Finn's hair a bit. She then took the vines. "Thanks. Um... Let's head back now." Dee dashed through the woods with Finn at her heels. They finally reached the area where everyone was. "We found a makeshift needle and thread, I can stitch him up." She said. She didn't trust people easily, and she'd much rather do the stitches than let anyone else take care of them. She wouldn't let anyone do it, she decided. She had found them, she'd do the stitches or no one would. "I tested the 'needle' for poison," she said while holding up her hand. "Nothing. It should be okay. As to sterilization..." She trailed off. She wasn't sure how to do it. Hot water, probably. "Could we boil some water to sterilize the 'needle'?" She directed the question to no one in particular, hoping someone would just take the job.
(Sorryyy I can be sorta spacey and I didn't now what to sayy...)

"Yeah." Naomi said, nodding "And did you take any classes, do you know how?" She asked, eyebrows raised. She didn't really feel like staring at another dead body before she was 30.
They came back, they actually came back. A grin formed on Jeff's face as he noticed Dee and Finn come out of the treeline with, he guessed, something to patch him up. So I won't be dying today. For someone who got annoyed quickly and looked like she didn't care, Dee had been the exact opposite just now. Almost became the exact opposite, she still had that annoyed look on her face. Everyone seemed to work on keeping him patched up. I unknowingly got them to work together, this is a plus for all of us. We might just get out of here alive, without running for our lives. He decided to drift into sleep when they begin to work on him.
Naomi noticed Jeff drift off, and she slapped him in the face again. "Stay awake." She snapped, but her eyes were warmer.
"I'm not gonna rest yet, I'll do it when you guys have started." He still couldn't remove the grin plastered on his face. Everyone is working together...almost everyone.

(Short post, I am very sorry. *Kneels* ) 
(well I think I'll go to sleep soon, so if you guys ever continue just assume Jeff is still resting and recovering from being patched up.)
"I know what I'm doing." She snapped at the girl. If Dee wasn't doing it, no one was. She expected the girl to yell at her, but she walked over anyway and sat down. She began to thread her makeshift needle, waiting for the girl to get pissed off at her.
Naomi shook her head, "If this is f*cked up, no one can blame me." She said, sitting back on her heels.
Jeff could sense that Dee was nearby and weakly tried to survey his surroundings. Everyone was where they were before, save Dee. She was seated near him and looked like she was threading a needle. Apparently, She still had the annoyed look to her face. Why am I not surprised? Whatever it is they intend to do, it would involve stitches....but what about the wound dressing? He pondered on it as hundreds more thoughts weaved in and out of his mind. He may be weak physically right now but his mind still works wonders. "Hey, you came back" Jeff had said weakly. Still struggling to keep himself awake.
(I gotta slap you in the face... again...)

Naomi sghed as she noticed him start to drift off. With still no other ideas, she slapped him again.
Dee turned towards the girl. "I said I know what I'm doing." She snapped. She then turned towards Jeff. "Yeah, I'm totally gonna ditch and let you die before the day's even over." She said sarcastically. She had managed to thread her needle. "This'll probably hurt. A lot." She flinched before sticking the needle into his skin. She stitched it up and then poured more salt water over it. "Sorry," she said. "Trust me, it'll be better than death." She did the same to the other wound. Now for bandages... Idea! "Finn, tee shirt." She said, holding her had out expectantly. She could tie the rest of the vine around it, and then all she could do was hope it'd be fine.
Finn was merely watching the action unfold. Delinquent slapped Ditchy too much, most likely for her own selfish needs. His name was called. He only had the flannel top he was currently wearing, so that would mean he'd be stuck topless for the rest of this magical trip of whimsy. But, being Finn, he didn't really care. He unbuttoned the pajama shirt and handed it over to Dee. "There you goooo~!"
Naomi made her move aside, and retied the t-shirt. She just didn't trust the girl with no medical knowlege whatsoever.
(Salt actually does nothing to clean wounds. It just makes it hurt a LOT. Plus using ocean water in general is pretty bad. Not only does the salt not work, but you also have tons of bugs, bacteria and microorganisms that might infect the wound. So . . . yeah. It's best to use sterile water. Also, shock would mean that he is not getting enough oxygen in his tissue matter. Symptoms being low blood pressure, fast heart beat, confusion, lack of consciousness and even organ failure. Sorry, I'm studying to be a doctor so I'm pretty nitpicky about this sort of stuff. Also . . . why not take the thread from their clothes? It's not like one thread would leave them naked. Oh well, just make sure to clean the vine as well.)

Mina smiled as everyone introduced themselves. At least she knew everyone's names. That would certainly make it easier to call out to them should the situation call for it. She watched as another boy, Jeff, came back from the jungle carrying some meat and a sh*tload of wounds. Seeing how one of the other girls, Naomi, was taking care of him, Mina winced a bit and watched as she dragged him off somewhere. Yeah . . . That kid was going to die.

She didn't really feel like following them so she decided to a little exploring of her own. Since there was no obvious means of escape, she'd have to find one of her own. But going alone might not be such a smart idea. Judging by the appearance of that Jeff guy, there was at least something out in the jungle that was hostile. Now Mina was quick so she could easily run away but if the creature was as fast as she was, that would prove a problem. She wasn't that strong and all she had was a small knife on her. Still, she wasn't about to go asking for help or anything. Her pride wouldn't let her. Walking toward the edge of the jungle, Mina grabbed a switchblade from her bag and carved an x into one of the trees to help mark her way.

Dominic saw Mina leaving to the jungle. Was she crazy? After how that Jeff guy came back injured, she was going off as well? She looked even weaker than the other guy. He decided to go after her. She was cunning but at least she wouldn't get him killed. "Hey! Wait up. I'm coming with you."

Initially puzzled by the voice, Mina turned around and flashed him a smile. "Why? Do you like me or something?" Dominic glared at her. "No! I just think it's stupid of you to try and go off on your own like that!" When Mina giggled, his face became flustered. This chick was just toying with him. He clenched his fist tightly. God, give him the patience to deal with this cunning b*tch or else he just might kill her.

(You guys are seriously fast. Five pages since I went to bed last night. Do you even sleep? My posts take a while to write so I may not be able to keep up. )
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(well. Now I feel stupid ._.)

Now Dee was pissed. She had been shoved aside. People don't touch her. Ever. It was an absolute no-no, and it flipped a metaphorical switch inside Dee. She was about to get very, very angry. "Excuse you! I said I knew what I was doing. And regardless, don't touch me!" She was seriously ticked. This always happened when someone touched her. And after she wears herself out yelling, she just gets depressed. "I can't believe this! Stuck on some idiotic island where people keep ditching and are only looking out for themselves. Well you know what? F*ck you. I don't give a crap about you or anything about you, but don't touch me ever again! Don't even come near me." She had stood up by now out of anger. Dee suddenly realized what she was doing and slowly backed away. She had really done it now. That girl would probably beat the crap out of her, and Dee couldn't do anything to stop it. For starters she ran to her favorite tree and stood against it, catching her breath and waiting for the inevitable.
Jeff could never really sleep with all the PAIN going around his system, first salt water then a needle. YOU IDIOTS THERE'S A LAKE NEARBY. He decided it would be time to get up again. His wounds seemed to have been stitched. No sense in staying here and burn potential daylight. Amid the commotion caused Naomi and Dee, he decided to slip away once again. People tend to really not notice the loner, and he was hoping he wouldn't be noticed now. I'll just have to grin through the pain, If more time out there means less time stuck here, I'm all for that. He began a very painful and taxing stealth escape in broad daylight. 
(read am's long post...they were basically trying to kill off my character? xD )
(I was winging it...)

Naomi rolls her eyes at the over dramatic affair. "Drama queen." She muttered.
Jeff had almost made it to the treeline. He kept crawling as Dee and Naomi were standing off. Naomi seems like she is taunting Dee into making the first move. That would destroy Dee's rep and hurt her relations with the group. Whoever this Naomi is, She is scary. Jeff kept crawling, against his better judgement against Dee's and Naomi's decision. He felt that he had put some distance between him and confrontation when he decided to get on his feet and start shambling toward the treeline. His chest hurt like he'd never believe it. For all I know I'm reopening the wound.
Finn could have easily solved this problem in a non-violent manner. He could also easily solve this by giving the delinquent a good hard slap across the face. Obviously he didn't have the guts to do the latter, so he just stood there with his usual creeptastic squint. He definitely didn't want to bother Dee, and Delinquent would kick his sorry ass if he came anywhere near her. Instead, he quickly rose his left hand to break the awkward silence. "Your patient ran away, bro."

He just called a woman "bro". Goddamnit.

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