RP: Leap of Faith


Junior Member
Each and every one of you has a problem, a secret if you will. No one knows. You all think you'll be judged or rejected. After a particularly long day, you come home. You walk to your bedroom or even the kitchen, and you close the door behind you. The hours tick away, and finally you emerge. But the door doesn't open into the house you're used to. It opens onto a beach, a deserted island. Other people are coming out of doors, looking confused. People you've never seen before. The door closes behind you and promptly disappears. Now you are all stranded, forced to cooperate with eachother. The island has food on it and animals, but also ferocious monsters. It does not provide you with weapons. The key to unlocking the way out is by unlocking everyone's secrets. But this won't be easy. Being mean and cold brings you further away from your goal: to get home. Making friends and being kind brings you closer to achieving your goal. Once everyone's been unlocked, you will all get to go home.

Dee had finally reached her house after the long walk home. The walk seemed to take an eternity these days. Unlocking the door, she put her backpack down and trudges up the stairs to her room, closing the door behind her.. She then proceeded to plop tiredly onto her bed. She had work to do, but she decided to game a bit before she got to work. Dee put on her headphones and immersed herself in a game for a good 2.5 hours. "It's getting late," she muttered to herself. She hopped down from the bed, ready to go downstairs and make dinner. She checked her watch and sighed. "Dead battery," she groaned. Regardless, she could just check a clock somewhere else in the house. She opened the door and was met with the oddest sight. A beach, surrounded by ocean and seemingly empty. Cautiously, she stepped out, letting the door close. But soon, other confused people began poking their heads out and looking around too. If there was one thing Dee couldn't usually deal with, it was people. She turned to leave, but all she saw behind her was empty air. Not a bedroom door in sight. As the reality of her situation dawned on her, she mumbled to herself two words. "Well, crap."
Naomi slings her backpack onto her back, and runs into her room. She took it off, then thought better of it. Her stupid brothers are always playing pranks on her! She opens her bathroom door, and goes in carrying a tank top and shorty pajama shorts. "What the f***." She says in shock.

Alex leaves school, smirking. He had just finished bullying some kid, but who cares. He went inside, and tossed his backpack aside. He sauntered to his room, and entered. Surprised, he raised his eyebrows. He saw 2 other girls besides himself standing on a beach. One swore. "Language." He told her, smirking.
Jeff, went back upstairs to his room after eating breakfast. His parents were off to work again, which left him alone. He didn't feel like going to class at all. The hearty meal of instant noodles and frigid water filled him up, He ascended the stairs toward his room and opened the door. He plugged his phone into the speaker and out came "Death Valley by Fall Out Boy" filling his room. He took a quick nap. He woke to the sound of "Castle of Glass by Linkin Park" He thought he had heard something downstairs. He opened the door in his room and expected the hallway leading to the staircase going down. He greeted with the sight of a shoreline and the ocean stretching off to infinity. His thought doing laps around his mind. He closed the door and opened it again. Still the same scenery. He stepped out and, unwittingly closed the door behind him. He turned to reopen it but was surprised to see it was no longer there. "haha haha ha, this isn't funny at all."
I see 2 guys, and grin evilly, my eyes gleaming wickedly. Depending on who has what sorta personality, Imma try to crack their heads open. I hate boys.
Finn had spent his day like every other. Rolling back and forth on his bed, wallowing in a pool of boredom and cramming cookies down his gullet. When he wasn't doing that he'd be playing on his N64, which he still found virtually unusable because of that damned controller. After dying a couple times in Majora's Mask, he would resume his routine of thrashing about, messing up his bed covers and eating too much for his own good. It got increasingly dark outside, though Finn didn't really care, despite the rules in his home regarding bedtimes. Might as well get a snack before bed. That was obviously his first thought, and with that, he threw the door open....where was the hallway? There was a sandy beach before him. Confused, Finn trudged out the door and heard it shut behind him, then disappearing altogether. He grinned wildly. It was a while since something interesting happened to him. Not even seeming to care about his current situation, he waved his arms around like he usually did to attract attention, seeing if anyone was there to notice.
Naomi glanced at the new guy, "We can see you idiot!" She said snarkily, as he was waving his arms around like a doofus. She sat on the ground, and considered changing in the little forest nearby. No way. She thought, I don't trust any of these peoples.
Dee glanced around. Too many people were showing up. A girl who swore loudly and an angry looking boy. Another boy who was being rather sarcastic. Of course this wasn't funny. And last was some idiot boy who was waving his arms wildly. Did he think we were blind? This is a small island. How could one not see him?! Regardless this situation was the polar opposite of ideal. Dee just wanted to go home. Desperately. She crouched down for a moment, clearing her mind. There had to be a way out of here. She could run somewhere, but one side was surrounded by water, and she couldn't see much of anything in the other direction. Cooperating wasn't her forte, so asking for help might not work out. She stood back up and looked at the assortment of people. "Yup. I'm screwed."
Alex shook his head, and ditched the losers. He walked into the forests, and searched for some wood. If he found enough, he could probably build a boat and sail back to land. He found a large plank of wook, and some smaller bark. He scratched into it with his credit card which was in his pocket, and groaned. Great, math. He thought, The big thing that I suck at. He furrowed his brow, and focused.
Jeff took in the situation on the beach. So far, there were two very annoyed looking girls and one idiot going full retard on the beach. Peachy, I should have just gone to class. His only comfort was that he brought his phone with the earphones wrapped around it. A thought came across his mind. I'm going to lose my sanity if any more people enter at the very least it's going to be a hassle. He walked over to where they were all converging. He studied the surroundings and figured that an exit might be here. "Do you guys know a way out of here?" he threw the question out to no one in particular. At least the sound of waves crashing against the shore has a somewhat calming effect on me.
Hearing the complaints, Finn lowered his hands. The woman calling out to him sure was cruel, and Finn would definitely remember her doing for later. Don't do what the lady tells you. Thankfully, you didn't leave your gaming system on, remembering a mistake you made a year or two ago when your older brother beat Super Mario 64 for you, forcing you to start aaaaaallll over again. He had a chocolate-chip cookie in his back pocket, the chips melting slightly in the intense heat. The worst mistake he made was wearing flannel pajamas. He had no clue what to do other than die of a heat stroke and leave his older brother in the hands of his mother, who was basically a woman version of Godzilla. Without much thought, he shoveled the cookie into his mouth. He was probably gonna die anyway, so why waste a perfectly good cookie? "I have no idea how too get out of here, or where the hell this is!" He replied to the stranger in an overly enthusiastic manner. Then came his final revelation. "I'm dead~!"
"Yes, we're just staying here because you're company is so pleasent." She says sarcastically, crossing her arms defensivley. Naomi rolls her eyes, and pushes her bangs out of her eyes. These idiots won't even last a day, and she'd be stuck here alone. Thats an awesome thought!
Great. Now idiot boy was babbling about death or some crap. Because we totally needed a weird crazy dude on a deserted island where no one knows what's what. Another boy who obviously thought he was way better than the others had ditched to go to some unknown location. For a brief moment Dee thought that maybe he already knew how to leave. She quickly dismissed the thought, he looked just as confused as the rest when he showed up. Another odd boy was yelling about a way out or something. "If we knew, don't you think we'd be going there already?" She replied, pissed off. Can't this boy put 2 and 2 together? If Dee knew a way out, she'd have lost these suckers a long time ago.
Jeff didn't like answer he got but decided to go with anyway. It's not like I can get out without figuring things out. He calmly took stock of the situation, both girls looked very annoyed and looked like they would ditch at any moment. To top it all, off they seem to be fighting and the other boy thinks it's a game. One of them even snapped at him. She'll be a hard one to deal with. "I think we should work together to get out of this place." explaining further would have just been a hassle for Jeff so he just threw out a suggestion.
"Cruel, ladies, so cruel! I can be just as cruel if I want, but I'm not going to, because I just had a cookie!" Finn giggled like a child. Snacks, for Finn, are more important than anything. He held his hand out to one girl(Dee), as if trying to shake hands. No, he didn't trust her in the least, but if he wasn't careful one of these psychopaths could have his head on a platter...or he'd have theirs. He then cocked his head towards the other male who was spitting suggestions. "Indeed, sir. Yes we should. That doesn't mean we will, because Finn Franchot does not work well with delinquents!" He pointed at the second girl, who seemed to enjoy jamming him full of rude remarks. Oh, this would be an interesting time indeed.
"Alright" Arguing also proved to be a hassle for Jeff, so he just randomly agreed to what Finn said. He walked over to a tree and sat down, plugged himself in and let the "Alligator Sky" play on his phone. He sat down watching this group of people bicker and B**ch among themselves. "I'll just wait for you guys to calm down alright?" once again he threw out a question, not really caring if they react or respond. This just too much of a hassle, but you have to do what you have to do. There has to be a shortcut out of here. Jeff fell into thought.
[should we establish a flow to posting so we don't end up warping the story or messing up or no?]
"Get up." She snaps at the guy who sat down, "We gotta make a plan. I suggest building a shelter, searching for food, sending a smoke signal and building a boat." Naomi informs them, ignoring the Finn dude.
Oh, how Dee hated people. She plopped down sitting against a tree trunk, and saw that another boy had done the same. Idiot boy was trying to shake hands or something. "...No thanks." She said to him. She didn't particularly want to be rude, but at the same time, she didn't really care. She began to think. The only trustworthy person here so far was herself. What to do, what to do. Cell phone boy (for he was listening to music on his phone by now) had suggested cooperating, but was immediately shot down my multiple people, herself included. However, if Dee ever wanted anything done, it'd be best to have everyone in the same place. Which meant she had to go find loner boy off in the woods. "Hey, which way did loner boy go?" She asked. If she didn't get an answer then, oh well. She'd have to go find him herself.
Jeff was vaguely aware that someone was talking to him. Ah, they must be screaming at the top of their lungs I'm hearing things. "Where was I when the rockets came to life and carried you away to the alligator sky..." He just sang in a low voice. One of the girls was looking at him, pissed. He left her be and continued to survey the situation: They were gone from the original spot, I can squeeze in another song I guess, but have to save battery so no. He simply waited until the song finished.
Naomi walked over to the guy(Jeff), and hit him on the back of his head with the palm of her hand, hard. "Idiot." She muttered.
Finn was used to this sort of rejection and drew his hand back. He certainly didn't want to bother this girl, for he needed all the help he could get. So far, this young woman was the only one who seemed right in the head, and although he didn't find normal people particularly interesting, they were much better at being useful. Everyone seemed to dislike him. What did he say wrong? He only spoke the truth. If only people weren't so sensitive, it drove him nuts. He then heard the girl's question, and once again, spoke the honest truth. "Who cares where he is? He thinks he can just take care of himself, I bet nobody would care if he just died wherever he went!" He then pointed at the cruel delinquent once more. "Stop calling everyone an idiot~! You're not anything special, all you do is run around flaunting your superiority by making everyone else feel like sh*t!" ...Maybe he went overboard on that one. She'd probably just retort in her usual I-don't-care-what-you-think manner.
Great. Now idiot boy was on some self-righteous insult mission. "Hey. Shut the hell up. No one asked for your opinion or what you think of us. Yeah, that girl needs to cool her jets, but honestly so do you. I care because I want to GO HOME. It'll be easier if we have everyone in the same place. If you don't know where he is or don't care where he is, then don't answer." This so wasn't worth her time. Why was everyone here so awful? So was she, but at least she was trying to get home. She sighed. "Now, for the love of all things. Where did loner boy go?"
Naomi gives him the shut-up-and-go-to-hell eye. She is gonna be a murderer by the time that the day is through.
Jeff felt the impact to the back of his head, apparently miss forever pissed got pissed and smacked him. She was now getting pissed at Finn. Finn must have said something or done something stupid. The song had just finished playing, he unplugged himself and shut his phone down. He stood up right when a girl had asked "Where did loner boy go?" Loner boy? must be me. "Right here if it's still important to you." He raised his hand he stood a little distance away from whoever was looking for loner boy. I don't think it's me but I'll just sound off just in case.
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