RP: Leap of Faith

Ene came back with the dead animal, but left it not too far from everyone, so that they wouldn't be disgusted by a smell that may start to appear. She had sawed off its horn and already made the mixture she had read about in an article about why rhinosauruses were endangered, the sort of medicine was Illegal in most countries, but was one of the fastest working medicines known. She brought the paste in a small hollow shell towards the group and said, "This is a traditional Chinese medicine from the horn of a rhino or bone of a tiger and is effective in many ways including getting poison out of some one's system, uninfecting wounds and cuts, and making deep wounds close faster and getting rid of physical scars. It might be able to help."
She looked at the girl. "Thanks, but not right now. We've gotta, y'know. Find him first." She turned to Finn. "One, I'm not your bro. And two, what's wrong with him? People keep ditching..." She took a look at the girl she had yelled at before motioning for Finn to follow her and running off into the woods. Was he an idiot? He's injured. He could easily get injured again, or even re-open the wound after she had stitched it up. At least it wasn't too difficult to figure out where he was going. He wasn't exactly being careful as to where he had stepped, so she could just follow the trail of crushed plants and broken branches. For now she could just follow his trail. "Jeff?" She called, waiting for a response.
As she watched them run off and decided that it wouldn't be very helpful if she followed, so she just sat and waited for their return, because they easily would be able to catch him, because injurred people can't run very fast. She looked at the paste she had made and decided that the animal probably had some sort of meat. She decided that as soon as they got back she'd cook it's meat over a fire and then they'd have more food.
"SH**" Jeff swore under his breath. Who the hell noticed me shambling away? They all looked like they were ready to fight each other. Now Dee is looking for me...He glanced back...more like she sees me and so is Finn. "I'm alright I got this!" Jeff said as he was trying to shamble faster. He glanced back again and realized it doesn't seem to be working Dee looks like she's taking her sweet time getting to him. She has me cornered, that's why. His head spun for some reason and lost balance, he fell to the ground but tried to shift himself so the chest wound doesn't get hit, he landed on his side and turned on his back, looking up at the blue sky before he gets dragged back to seawater treatment. "You know there's a freshwater lake further down there right?" He threw the statement out again to no one in particular.
Naomi went over to Ene, and kneeled next to her, "Can I take the medicene?" She asked, remembering all of the uses and stuff. She felt bad, as she loved animals a lot. It was a matter of survival, though.
Dee was annoyed. Again. "Tch. You coulda said something rather than running off like half of the other people here. Besides. What were you gonna do? Carry it with your hands back to the beach? I gotta applaud you. Real great idea." She crossed her arms. You've got to be kidding me. Dee gave him one of her trademark "get your ass up" glares. She might not be too intimidating normally, but she could be very much so if she tried, and right now she was trying.
Ene looked up and nodded, still not smiling or frowning. "I'm going to go get more water and cook meat. Who are those other two people? Are they natives?" She held the shell up to her so she could take it.
Jeff decided it was his cue to just try to stand up and hobble over to the beach. They wouldn't be pulling him over there. "No, I was thinking of maybe bring just you over there to share with the view." His mind was clouded and his mouth was playing out some of his thoughts. He got up and was barely able to stand straight, he started shambling again back to the beach.
Dee took a quick look at him. "You're talking nonsense, and you're in no shape to walk. Finn can carry you." She stifled a laugh at the thought, before composing herself. "We can take you back and I can come here and get some water. Some other girl has medicine, though I don't know how she found it. Finn," she looked at him expectantly. No way was Jeff walking back by himself. He would probably tear a stitch or something.
"Thank you." Naomi said, taking the shell "And no. I think that we all appeared here like you. Either that, or this is an enormous hoax." She joked, and then handed her the other half of cooked fish that she caught earlier "Here. Have this, so that you don't die of starvation while you cook that." Naomi said, nodding to the meat.
Finn's face went red. Since he was on the internet all the time, he obviously thought that Dee was trying to make hawt yaoiz happen in the real world. However, he couldn't really refuse considering the situation. "Fine. And Yes Dee, you are my bro. Stop trying to deny it." He shuffled over to Ditchy, barely lifting his feet off the ground. "...How do you carry a person without it being awkward?"
Jeff had went on walking back and ignoring what Finn just said. If anything it had made him walk faster. NO NO NO NO ABSOLUTELY NO. He was already attempting to run at this point. I will not be a part of this girl's imagination.
"It's fine, I don't usually eat, because it ruins my concetration when I study, so I will be off again," Ene got up and walked away dragging the creature across the ground towards an opening in the forest by the lake, in a different direction that the injured boy and native went. She used the same pit that she had set up last time, only she set up a contraption to hold it over the fire without lifting it herself
"Ok..." Naomi says, and sees the guy trying to crawl away. She rolls her eyes, and runs over slowly. After a teeny bit, she manages to catch him, and (Wrestling terminology now!!! :big grin: ) gets a single, grabbing his left leg. She pulls forward, and then pushes back so that he lands on his back in the sand. "Stay." She says, smiling a bit.
Dee reappeared close behind Jeff. "Persistent one, aren't you?" She smirked. "A little stupid too." She said as she laughed. Yes. Stupidly persistent. "Where'd the chick with the meds go?" Had she ditched too? C'mon. People have to stop with that. "Whatever." She tried to act like she didn't care and ran over to her tree. She sat down and started drawing lines in the sand, trying to seem indifferent.
Jeff couldn't feel her coming, not until she got close. She mocked him for a bit then laughed as she went ahead of him. He slowed his pace down to just walking, his body still hurt as he got injured and did this recent stunt. He couldn't take it anymore, so he sat down by a tree and tried to catch his breath as he let the pain subside.
Dee suddenly felt kinda bad. No. You 100% don't care. Seem indifferent. She sat there stone-faced, playing with the sand, running it through her fingers, taking the occasional glance over to make sure he wasn't dying or anything. She finally stood up. "Do we have anything to carry water with? I was thinking of going over to that lake and bringing back some fresh water. We can't drink ocean water, unless you have a death wish." She said sarcastically, while looking around for a bucket or other vessel.
Ene finally finished cooking the meat and decided to boil some more water because she was so close to the lake. She stood up and looked at the bowl she had been carving while the animal was being roasted. She started to walk towards the lake and scoped up a bowl of water, then walked back and purified it. Once she finished everything, she kicked sand onto the fire to put it out, and walked back to the others with the large supply of meat in her hand over her shoulder and the bowl of water in her other hand it was a bit heavy, but she walked careful not to spill the water, and made it all the back without spilling a drop.
(Note: ...= question mark, my keyboard broke...)

Naomi applies the medication to Jeff's wounds, thinking Ha ha.
Finn did not have a bucket, and had already surrendered his carry-everything-shirt-that-wouldn't-have-worked-anyway. Hands wouldn't work, and carrying over singular droplets with palm leaves was a pretty stupid idea even by Finn's standards. He rose his hand once more. "Bro, are there any coconuts here? 'Cause this is an island, and in comics islands always have coconuts...you could just empty one out and use it as a bucket thing....Bro."
Jeff found it hard to breathe through the pain racing through his whole body. Almost everyone seems to be working together now, even Finn is bringing out useful ideas. He needed to help them too, he scanned the whole area before looking up at the tree he was sitting under. "HEY FINN! There are coconuts up here." Oh god the pain. His face had pain written on it but he said it anyway, he needed to pull his weight too, even if he was injured
"Shut up." Naomi told him, trying to keep from slapping him int the face, again "Rest, or you'll kill yourself." She tells him, and is tempted to tie him to a tree.
Ene seemed to have appeared out of nowhere because she had been so quiet and careful walking back to everyone. "It's not needed, because I purified some more water so that it's safe again," She held up the bowl that she had water in, and the meat was still with her, only now the boar was cooked. She turned to Naomi and asked, "Did you give him the medicine yet while I was gone?" She had a bored look on her face, but she was actually a bit interest in all of this.
Jeff was alive, however he was still in severe pain. He could notice that another girl had arrived on the scene with what looked like water in a bowl. The hell'd she get a bowl? She seemed to be instructing Naomi on what to do or what they should be doing. What caught his attention most was the eye color of the new girl. It's red?

"Whats happening?" He managed to let out that one question, even though his ears are ringing it didn't matter as long as he knew that they acknowledge that he is alive.
Ene looked back at the boy, and walked closer to him, noticing that the shell still had a bit of the medicine left and picked it up, looking at him more closely, and finally answered in a dull tone, "We're trying to save your life and so far it's working. I never expected it to be this easy on surviving. Is there something else you need?"

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