RP: Leap of Faith

Finn heard Ditchy's arrival, and his jaw almost instantly dropped. "How the hell did that happen?! I knew it, we're all gonna die slowly and painfully." He had been in somewhat high spirits up until this point. Then Dee said something about finding plants. It was surely a lost cause, but Finn had nothing better to do. Especially because he didn't trust a delinquent drowning Ditchy in salt water. "Deeperson~! I can help you on your magical quest to find PLANTS!" Oh, his sudden changes of mood even amazed him.
Dee sighed in frustration. "Look, Jeff. We don't want you getting infected and dying before the day's even over. It'd be easier to try to fix it now, rather than go searching for freaking antibiotics later. It'd be way better for you to stay here, maybe eat something. Me and Finn can go find something." Dee glanced at Finn. Not the most reliable person, but he'd have to do. At least he didn't hate her. She started towards the woods, giving a "come on" motion to Finn. "Now, unless anyone has any further objections, we'll be off."
"Then take this, it protected me before it would protect you two as well." He tossed the bloodied stick toward Dee and resigned himself to Miss Pissed's treatment. "Hey do you know how to cook?" He asked her as he pointed towards the two boars he had killed earlier.
Finn only sent Dee a nod of agreement. He skipped behind her like a schoolgirl...an old man schoolgirl...and stopped behind her to grab the epic stick. It was stiff and sharp on the ends, as well as smelling strongly of animal fluids. He felt like a badass, carrying a stick covered in animal blood. Even if he was going to die, at least he'd get to go while holding an awesome death stick. He ran ahead without even hearing Dee's OK, because that's just what Finn does.
"Yeah." Naomi muttered as she examined his chest wound. She sat back on her heels and swore. "$h*t..." She muttered, "I think that something vital might have been hit." She told him.
"Wait what? How deep?" Jeff had felt the edges of his vision blur and blacked. His adrenaline had worn off and he was feeling the bite of every wound he taken during the fight. He his head was lighter and spinning. "Hah, so maybe you are right that it was a deep wound and that maybe..." He was beginning to lose consciousness and that was not a good sign, he kept fighting the urge to close his eyes.
Naomi noticed him start to drift off. With lack of anything better, she slapped him in the face. "Come on." She said, and half-carried, half-dragged him into the shade. He might be going into shock. She made him lay down, and lit a smaller fire close by. She glanced at him as she lit it, then went over. She peered at the wound again. It didn't hit his lungs or heart, so that was good. It was deep, though; down to the bone. She could see flecks of white, and an artery or two must have been ruptured.
They say that when you die, you're whole life flashes before, I call Bull. Jeff was sure he would be dead within the hour, right up until he felt a searing pain on his cheek with the wound. It jolted him awake and he stayed slightly more alert as Miss. Pissed went about her work as a makeshift medic. Judging from her face it was bad. He had reached for his phone and plugged himself in again, as much as it hurt, as usual he was singing along to whatever played in a low voice. " My legs are dangling off the edge, the bottom of the bottle is my only friend...." (Bullet - Hollywood undead )
Naomi shook her head, and took his headphones "I think that you may be starting to go into shock,"She told him, "And that you probably have some brain damage too." She muttered under her breath. Naomi then looked up, and explained the wound, "You need stitches. We don't have anything for that, though."
(I keep on missing way too much.... Ugh... I'm terrible at being active... Sorry again)

Ene continued to walk towards where all the noise was coming from, not that she didn't like being alone, more like she wanted to know what the natives were like. She noticed a girl with a concentrated face and watched her drag a boy to somewhere she couldn't see. The boy looked hurt, and there wasn't much that the girl could do to heal him, because the island was so limited on resources. She continued walking closer, but stopped and just watched with a dull look on her face.
Naomi noticed a girl watching them, "If you wanna help, go find some fresh water, and try and find a way to hold it over the fire and boil it." She snapped. She was back into angry Naomi mode.
Miss pissed was back to her normal self. She had taken of his headphones which robbed him of his music. Jeff found that he could focus on staying awake more if he didn't listen to anything and stay awake he did. To think my life is now dictated by a pissed off girl patching me up and a very annoyed girl with an idiot searching for some natural medicines. A smile formed across his lips, he wanted to laugh but fate dictated that he shouldn't ,,,not yet. However, this situation is just too funny. A thousand thoughts weaved and spun in his head.
"I understand, Ms. Native, but would you mind not being so rude?" Ene said plain and simple with the same, dull expression as always. she took her bag near the lake, then quickly searched for some sort of grass to make a basket. When she finally found some, she also found a sort of hollow shell that you'd find from a coconut, but didn't see any sources around, so picked it up as well the long grass. The basket was made in a number of seconds. And she put her food from the bag to the basket, and filled the bag with about two or three gallons of water. She then used a pile of sticks to make a fire-pit sort of creation, while she scratched at a stone with the pocket knife from her pocket to start a fire. Ene was doing so much for people she didn't even know, but hoped that it would help. She boiled the water and brought it back over as well as all of her other things.
Naomi sat back on her heels, "Since you need stitches, there is nothing else that i can do. If we find a way to get a sterile needle and thread, then I could patch you up good enough." She said, sighing. She thought for a moment, and ripped off the bottom half of his t-shirt. Hers was already torn up(right...), and to ruined. She wrapped the wound in the shirt, and pressed down lightly to stop the blood flow.
Dee ran into the forest with Finn trailing behind her. "Okay, so I think he's probably going to need stitches. That means we need a makeshift needle... a plant with long thin thorns will probably work. And then maybe a very thin vine or something for thread. If you can find those, I'll uhm... I'll give you a pat on the head. Fetch." She ordered. This was easier than searching, though she was taking a bit of a gamble. If an animal showed up, and Finn was off somewhere, she'd be kinda screwed. She grabbed a branch off of a tree for a weapon, even though she was physically weak and would probably lose regardless.
(Multi post... gimme a sec...) 
"Thank you." Naomi said, and quickly scooped up a bit of the water. She stopped applying pressure, and took of the bandage. She put some water around the wound gently, trying not to tear at the flaps of skin still there (DO NOT tear them off... if you do, you'll be like my dad and need more stitches...) and gently washed the wound. She poured some water onto the t-shirt shred and wrung it out, then rewrapping it around the wound.
"How come you can't take care of him, even as a native?" Ene asked with a curious look in her red eyes. She was glad that she atleast said thank you
"Oh," Ene said, a bit disappointed for a reason that she didn't even know. "I didn't think that the way I got here was scientifically possible, therefore I thought that maybe I had been dreaming my whole day and maybe some one had taken me here on a plane, but then again I did still have the food that I had bought, therefore the whole thing confuses me even more. Were you a doctor before you came here?" Ene was thinking her mind again, and wondered if the other girl could even keep up, but then again she was a doctor and probably had more education than even Ene.
"No." Naomi said, "I just started learning about all of this once my mom died." She said, adding the last bit in a quieter voice, "I took some pre-med school classes this year, and last year. I'm just 17, so how could I be a doctor?" She added, smiling a bit at her joke.

(Note: I'm getting all of my info from old health stuff, and google...)
"Oh I'm very sorry for you. I would like to say, 'I know how you feel,' but I can't because my parents aren't dead, and I probably wouldn't change anything I do for my parent's death. But either way, it's possible to be 17 and have doctoral education, besides, I'm only 16 and I've almost completed a whole year of college." Ene hadn't changed her expression once, and could feel no sorrow for these two, though she could see in many ways what she could do to help.
Jeff could vaguely make out two girls having a discussion over his dying body. Something about medicines. He had so much trouble keeping his eyes open, he focused on the nearest thing to him. He focused on Miss Pissed. He studied her features for lack of anything to occupy his dwindling attention and life. Ha, never expected to go out like this but oh well. Nah I have faith that those two in the jungle will pull through. "Or they could be taking their sweet time waiting for me to die" he had muttered to himself. Everyone was self-interested here, "The only reason I'm alive was because of my catch" His thoughts and words started to blend into one.
Naomi turned around, and noticed his eyes sort of struggling to stay awake. She slapped him in the face again, "Try and stay awake, you could get into serious trouble." She ordered him, then turning to the girl "I'm in my second year at our community collage; I just don't want to leave home yet." She told the girl, shrugging.
Ene looked back at the boy who was obviously injured, and then just walked off like that. No one knew where she was going except herself, but she left behind everything except for her pocketknife. She picked up a stick and started to sharpen it as she continued wandering off.
Moron Naomi though, and watched Jeff. "You better stay awake." She threatened. She hated silence, yet also sucked at convorsation.

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