RP: Leap of Faith

"Me? I'm Jeff, pleasure to meet you Dee." He had replied to her question. "Actually even the weaker ones in our group stand a chance against whatever it is out there, believe me I am very weak physically and took on one of the things and killed it. They just need to keep a level head. Whoever brought us here and made this place, must have been considerate enough to give us level footing against the animals lurking around. That being said, I don't mind being delegated to either job. Here if and when you need me Dee." Jeff saw this opportunity at cooperation and leapt at it. Another sane person who knows we need to cooperate to survive, not be at each other's throats.
Naomi ignored the others. If they came over to her, whatever. She wasn't one that liked to talk much, and didn't like to start convorsations.
Finn had gotten his hands on another fish. He had absolutely no means of making his own fire, so he claimed the one belonging to the delinquent. He would probably get in trouble, but he needed some way to eat this fish. He ended up practically burning it black on one side, with the other barely even cooked. It was still edible, despite being half-charred....well, he HOPED it was still edible. He wasn't good with food at all. He couldn't even frost a cupcake without messing up. This would have to do for now.
Jeff had left Dee to her thoughts as he decided to patrol the treeline. He turned his phone on once again, plug himself and played a song on random. "Take me down to the river bend, Taking me down where fighting ends..." He sang along in low voice as he surveyed the treeline surrounding the beach. Let's hope nothing attacks us
Dee was glad that Jeff had left. She didn't hate him or anything; quite the opposite, he seemed to be the only decent and smart person here so far. But being around people for too long made Dee uncomfortable so it was nice to have a little break from Finn and Jeff. She supposed that she should get the others' names, but the majority of them were giving off a "don't come near me" aura, so she decided against it. She had to think. She needed to get people to listen to her and do as she asked. But obviously getting angry wouldn't work. Unfortunately, that's all Dee is good at. She decided to wait until Jeff or someone competent and not jerky wandered over here. She'd just ask them what to do.
Jeff felt like he had patrolled enough of the perimeter and went back to the group. They were still either still fishing or flirting around. Everyone wants to manipulate the rest of the group. Everyone is out for themselves and I don't think that is a smart thing to do. Apparently Miss Pissed is making her own personal campsite, Finn had just intruded on her. The Ditz(Mina) had Mr. Better than you (Alex) under her spell. Dee was alone looking more annoyed than usual. Two more people had appeared and Jeff still couldn't gauge their personalities, so he left them alone. Well then what do I do to help ease this situation? As lazy as I am, We are not going anywhere if no one works together.

-Alex(Nirvana) is busy flirting around with Mina(amdreams) and vice versa

-Dee(Quizzical) is annoyed and deep in thought

-Jeff(Me) kept scouting around the jungle and just went back

-Finn(Missingno) intruded on Naomi(Nirvana) in her personal campsite

-Finn suggested fishing

-Everyone else had just done introductions.

-Everyone wants to manipulate everyone else.

-No one trusts each other

Up to speed? Good, cuz I'm not sure I nailed everything down)
( pretty much yeah xD ) 
( most of us are done with intros but you can still join nothing much has happened.)
Amanda was just getting home finally after singing in the streets all day. It was exhausting, but she loved it. That's what she does, sing. With her guitar strapped to her back she opened up the door to her shabby little house. Amanda was just about to step in when she noticed, this is no where near my house. She looked into the area to see and ocean and beach. Slowly Amanda stepped inside unsure of how to react. She's never been on a beach before soo it was odd for her to see all this sand. On accident, Amanda let go of the handle of the door. It took her a moment to realize it but the door closed. After that moment she turned around, ready to leave thinking it's just some illusion. What she saw, or rather didn't see, surprised her. The door was not there anymore. Amanda looked curiously at the spot her door was a moment ago but than shrugged. It didn't seem like she was in total danger at the moment so why worry. Amanda decided to take off her sandals and let her toes feel the warm sand. Oblivious to the actual dangerous situation and all the rest of the group in the small island, she giggled and moved her toes a bit in the sand.
As Jeff took a seat under a tree and plunging into his thoughts, he saw another doorway opening. Great another one to add to our group of "friends." Female, might end up hitting on another dude so she can easily get out without putting effort. She looks innocent, but I trust her like I trust everyone here, as far as I could throw them if it wasn't such a hassle. He let his phone play on random again and hooked his earphones on and started singing along with voice barely above a whisper. "Dear Vienna...."

<I has no life this afternoon/evening/morning whereever you all are. 1:53 in the afternoon here.>
(Haha it's only 12:57 am here!!!!)

Amanda looked up finally after playing with the sand a bit and finally realized there were more people spread out around the beach. "Oh!!! I'm not the only one here!!!" She exclaimed still holding her shoes. Amanda smiled and waved to no one in particular. Actually it was towards a tree but she meant it for everyone in the island, which wasn't that much luckily. Well, this was a small island!!!! If there was a mass amount of people, it would be way to crowded in here!!!!
Mina smiled as the boy came toward her, hinting that he might be interested in her. She allowed him to come closer and even took a few steps to close the gap herself. Placing one hand on his shoulder, she brought her lips to his ear and whispered, "Then enjoy your cold shower." After which, she pushed him into the ocean, laughing with a triumphant smirk on her face before she started walking in the direction of the jungle.

She had never liked easy targets. They were boring and so predictable. Besides, right now was not the time for for flirting. From the cold sensation of the water, it was obvious that this wasn't a dream like she had initially thought. Somehow she really was on an island with no traces of civilization. She'd have to scout the surroundings first. Given that there were no traces of man, it must have been an island that didn't show up on any map or was undiscovered, meaning that it must've been a fairly small island if it were to slip under the radar.

As Mina was walking, she tripped over something, a boy, falling on top of him. She quickly got up and brushed the sand off of her clothes, but apparently not quickly enough as the stranger began yelling at her. "Watch where you're going, cow udders! Damnit! I was taking a nap, too."

Mina raised an eyebrow. Cow udders? Seriously? Though pissed, she did her best to smile at him. "I'm sorry. Now that I think about it, how could I have not seen the Jolly Green Giant napping here. It's completely my fault." "Why you little-" Dominic stood up and grabbed Mina by the collar of her vest. The blonde merely smirked at him and whispered. "Are you really going to pick on a defenseless girl? You know, women may like a bad boy but no one likes an uncultured brute." Dominic glared at her with his gold eyes before tossing her back onto the sand. She wasn't worth the trouble.

After the ordeal, Mina went over to the closest tree to her. It was sturdy, enough to make a decent shelter . . . or maybe a boat. Although, from scanning what she could see of the horizon, there didn't seem to be any land masses, meaning there were none close enough to sail to without some supplies. For an undiscovered island, it sure had the makings to support human life. There was ample fish in the sea if these idiots could catch some. The trees were good enough to build shelter. And there were bound to be edible plants within the jungle. So why were there no humans?

She turned back to look at everyone else gathered on the beach. It'd be best to know who these people were and what they were capable of. Walking away from the tree and toward everyone else, Mina clapped her hands together. "Wow, it's like one of those deluxe vacations you win in the lottery, isn't it? Or like one of those nature camps. Oh this is going to be so fun! So why don't we at least introduce ourselves. After all, we're going to be here for quite a while, aren't we? My name is Mina Harker and I'm from Las Vegas." She finished her introduction off with a cutesy giggle and a smile. The others would probably think of her as an utter ditz, but it was better to seem dumber than you were. At least as an idiot, they wouldn't see her as a threat.

Dominic was surprised at Mina's introduction. She seemed a lot more cunning when she spoke to him a while ago. Why bother with the dumb act? But he might as well join in since there didn't seem to be any way off this stupid island. Raising a hand, he spoke up. "Dominic. New York."

(Sorry for sort of forcing the introductions but I feel as if we're moving a bit slow so I'm just speeding it up. At least everyone will at least know everyone else's names. Might make it easier to tell who's talking to who when you can put in a name. If it's a bad idea, feel free to ignore it.)
[jaw drops to floor at size of post...I am ashamed of my recent posts]

Jeff had fell back into the treeline to see what other landmarks he could find. A little deeper in there's a lake with fresh water, that would be a better place to set camp. Predators keep prowling the jungle so whoever is stupid enough to enter should take a weapon. Like this stick. He brought the bloody stick to his face and examined it turning it over, He couldn't bend it at all, however it served as his sword and it also allowed him to cut through the thick bushes. I think I'll make a visit to the lake, then come back before it gets dark. Jeff could not get the nagging feeling that he is missing something out of his head but preferred to leave it be. He had arrived at the lake and leaned against a tree, taking in the surroundings, simply just admiring the view. Everything is just quiet and peaceful here, makes me think......
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(Wow that's a longgggg post O.o )

Amanda smiled a bit as a girl came up to where a bunch of people were and Amanda followed over there. The girl, Mina said her name and so did a guy. Amanda shrugged a bit and decided to say her own name although confused on how they're gonna be there for a while "I'm Amanda from Texas!!!!" She said and giggled a bit. At least she's not just going to be called 'girl' or 'hey you' the entire time she was here.
More. People. Actually, it was just one person, but she was optimistic to the point of stupidity. The flirty girl was acting really dumb, but Dee couldn't tell if it was legit or not. She was like a stereotypical ditzy girl, and she was acting almost too close to it. But on the other hand, maybe she really was an idiot. Dee'd have to look into it more later. She shouted from over where she was sitting. "Name's Dee. The boy who ran off into the woods is named Jeff, and the crazy kid eating a burnt-up fish is named Finn." She didn't want to piss them off right off the bat, so she tried to sound slightly less ticked then usual. It didn't really work. So far the only tolerable person was Jeff and the only sort of nice people were Jeff and Finn. The people couldn't be constantly trying to kill each other, or they'd never leave. She thought to suggest a plan, but waited until everyone was listening to the Mina girl. Then she could suggest that they find food after everyone's attention was focused on the same thing.
Finn had returned with his half-eaten terribly-grilled fish, only to find that there were more f*cking people. At least there was another guy who seemed interested in doing something besides flirting with everything that moved, because he was pretty sick of that guy. "Are we saying names again? And our homes, too? Finn, Who Caresville." He had completely forgotten the name of the town he lived in, and he was fine with that. It was too empty for anyone to recognize it by name. He sighed, and threw himself on the sand while making sure not to get it on his afternoon snack. This wasn't as fun and interesting as Finn had hoped.
Jeff had heard more rustling from behind him. He instantly prepared himself for a fight and was surprised to see Bacon. Only, they were huge boars that looked like they could rip him in two without much effort, Jeff decided he would take offensive this time. He kept attacking the boars until he had finally driven off the rest of the group killing two in the process but getting grazed at several places throughout his body, most notably a nasty looking gash on his chest near the ribs and a lucky shot on his left cheek. He weighed his options. There don't seem to be parasites here at least not yet. I could make this my personal stash or I could bring my findings to the rest of the group. Well, this might raise morale and get everyone together. Jeff decided to haul his catch back to the rest after washing his wounds at the lake. He would be back to the tension soon.
"Naomi, Chicago." She said. She was always more defensive than she had to be, and this was one of those times.

Alex sputtered, and slowly walked out of the ocean angrily. He didn't introduce himself, and sat by Naomi's campfire. He wrung out his shirt.
Jeff had made it back to the group injured, tired and bleeding all over. "Hey I'm back" He had once again threw out the statement into the air, not caring if anyone responds or not. He kept his haul with him. And took a seat against a nearby tree, resting. I didn't expect it to be THAT much of a hassle but oh well. Jeff set his catch in front of him. Now how to cook this thing, if only I knew how to make a fire. Plus I'll have to find some way bandage at least this up. He thought to himself as he studied that wound on his chest. Thankfully, It's not deep so I can just leave it for now....
Naomi glanced around, and saw the dude. No, don't worry... She started thinking, but was already running over to him "What the heck happened?" She asked him, her brow furrowed. Ever since her mothers 'accident' she had always cared a lot about others, and has wanted to help them.

Wow, Miss. Independent actually helping someone. Alex thought, and snorted.
Dee heard Jeff yell that he was back. She turned, "Hey Je- Wow. How'd that happen?" She motioned to his injuries. "We should probably get you patched up, but how..." They didn't know anything about the medicinal properties of the plants on the island. She should probably go off into the woods to find something, but not alone. Dee was physically weak, so she needed someone stronger to go with her, in case those ghastly animals show up. Speaking of which... she noticed Jeff had brought back some meat. They could eat it soon, it was plenty enough for everyone. "Hey, Jeff, can you start cooking that? I can go into the woods and see if I can find anything to help your injuries." She then turned to the group. "I'm going into the woods and I need someone STRONG to go with me. Any volunteers?" She didn't expect any, but she waited for a response anyway.
Naomi scarecly heard her. She was in medical person mode. She made Jeff sit down closer to her fire, and brought over salt water in her fists. She assumed that the salt would help to kill any bacteria in the wound, but it would probably hurt like hell. "This'll hurt." She said absentmindedly, slowly washing the wounds. She noticed a gash on his chest, and nearly swore. It seemed angled so that it may have hit something vital.
Jeff had addressed Dee "You idiot, if you need another scout I can go out there again. Trust me I'm fine." He wasn't able to say more as he had been dragged by Naomi nearer to her campfire. "What are you doing I said I was-" He never finished his sentence as Naomi washed his wounds in salt water, he bit back the urge to scream in pain. He had regained his breath and his head cleared up a bit. "That wound was shallow" he said to Naomi "I CAN still go for another run!" He had directed to Dee.

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