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  1. tombstones

    Realistic or Modern Beverly Hills High

    Life's so fragile, a successful virus clinging to a speck of mud, suspended in endless nothing. WIP. {slide=FLESH IT OUT.|center} NAME: Mateusz Leszek Maciej. NICKNAME(S): Matthias to some, Maciej to most. AGE: 18. PLACE OF ORIGIN: Krakow, Poland. SEXUALITY: No matter...
  2. tombstones

    Hungry Like The Wolf

    Something shifts suddenly in the atmosphere surrounding the feast, and his attention is drawn elsewhere. He ceases his agitated growling and instead flicks his head in the direction of a new scent trail. This isn't like any other scent he's tracked before. No, this is something entirely...
  3. tombstones

    Realistic or Modern Beverly Hills High

    I'll be auditioning for the part of The Model, I think.
  4. tombstones

    Some original ideas for 1x1

    I'm digging the alien plot.
  5. tombstones

    Realistic or Modern Beverly Hills High

    I've never seen 90210 but consider me interested.
  6. tombstones

    Hungry Like The Wolf

    The nameless man quickens his sprinting pace. His senses are sharp, you see, not any mere human raised in the world of primetime television and cafe lattes would be able to square up to him. You must adapt to survive. First, you've got to catch the scent of the prey. Following the scent, you...
  7. tombstones

    Hungry Like The Wolf

    Crimson blood cakes under his nails and the tips of his toes feel numb against the icy tundra his feet smack against. Running wild with his pack through these glacial, forested conditions should be enough to kill a man. Should be. For you see, this life is all he knows. This nameless concept of...
  8. tombstones

    One x One Hungry Like The Wolf

    You start. I want to see what I have to go off of.
  9. tombstones

    One x One Hungry Like The Wolf

    I agree wholeheartedly. Like a novel.
  10. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    Just link me when you've made it.
  11. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    Ah! Okay. Thread it is ;)
  12. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    Just three more posts and we can get this train rolling.
  13. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    Honestly, I play a male better than I do a female.
  14. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    I only like doing M x F, personally. It probably sounds lame but I can only properly play hetero relations, because, well, I'm not LGBTQ+ and I have no idea how to work that, haha. I am so down to play the raised-by-wolves character.
  15. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    Hmm. Maye if I ask a few questions here it could help with the post limit because I'm not getting anywhere fast. Are you going to be playing male or female and who's going to be the scientist?
  16. tombstones

    Historical Romance (Updated 1/6/15)

    Kidnapped Princess- X Evil King sounds good to me.
  17. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    I'll post in a few other threads until I get to ten posts and then get back to you.
  18. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    I'm still new here so you're probably going to have to PM me first (>u>)
  19. tombstones

    Love, love, love.

    I like the third one.