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Some original ideas for 1x1


More like burnt popcorn.
Hey guys!

I have a few roleplay plots that I've had sitting around in a pile for a few years now and I think it's time to bring them to life. ( Well, outside of my short stories that is)

Yeah, I've written out a few of these plots but for some reason I'm just not satisfied with it. Anyway, I'm looking for someone to help me act out these beautiful stories. :D

Here are a few rules for ya:

1) The first and most obvious rule is that you and I have to follow all RPnation rules.

2) Please please pllleeeaasssseeeee, try to have eligible writing and pay attention to whats happening.

3) Romance is good, it's warm and awesooommmeee, but unless it's a romance story our characters don't have to fall in love unless it goes that way. :D I'm okay with just friends, and enemies. Anything because that's reality.

4) Don't change your character just to satisfy my character. Like, sexuality or personality. Anything of the sort. It's what makes the character well rounded and speaking of well-rounded characters. You're character needs to have faults and some bad history and some good history. Characters with flaws are better. They are more relatable. I like relatable because it's easier to get into the roleplay and for the creative workings of both players to get excited for the roleplay. :D

I can't think of any other rules. I'm not too good at laying out rules...

Without further hold up, here is some of the plots that I could like to try. If you've read all of the rules please put in what you like most about writing in your comment.

This is a MxM romance.

The story is an American business man comes to Tokyo for the first time for an international meeting. First night in the city and after his meeting, the group of business men meet at the theater for a Kabuki show. During the show, the American is enchanted by the star of the show and the stars solo dance, he wants to meet this woman get to know this woman maybe even love this woman? A few days later he gets to meet the actress that played the staring role except somethings not quite right.

The actress is a..man? Turns out, Kabuki actors are all men. Despite finding out that the actor is a male, the business man is still willing to pursue him. Will the two fall in love?

She is an alien, crash landed on Earth almost a century ago. She's been worshiped as a God, hunted after like an animal. She's fought day and night for her life and to get back to her home planet. 30 years ago she was captured by Dr. Hathaway and locked inside of pod, hooked to all kinds of wires and tubes to been her alive so that Dr. Hathaway could experiment on her. 30 years. That's a long time for someone to be locked away. Thankfully for the alien, Dr. Hathaway has recently passed away and the agency has no need for the alien specimen any longer. The agency hires a transporter to take the Alien to a special facility so that she can be permanently locked away from the world. Heaven forbid the general public knows that there are aliens! The job is simple, take the pod containing the specimen halfway across the country and drop it off. But what happens to the transporter when the pod gets accidentally opened and the alien gets out? The plot is the transporter and alien gaining each others trust and their journey to the new facility. This can be MxF or FxF. I'm excited for this because I'd also like to play out the Aliens earlier years on Earth as well as her present time.Especially when she was worshiped as a god.

Okay, so I only felt like putting two plots on here, but I have tons of ideas.

I'm also open to your stories too! We can share.


Pairings are nice to discuss also, I'm flexible.
ooo mind sharing some of your prompts? I'd love to RP with you *if you don't mind

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