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Hungry Like The Wolf

Engineered Maxitech is a corporation focused on solving the world's growing issue of climate change. Fifteen years ago, a biologist took his young son to live in the frozen fjords of Greenland to observe how the melting ice caps were affecting the wildlife there. They scientist and his child lived in an industrial building on the west coast of the large island, where the biologist did his studies - recording data relating to weather patterns and writing digital journals about the wildlife he had observed. He would relay this information back to Engineered Maxitech, and they would expand their projects based on what he and other scientists posted around the world had concluded.

Until one day, when his research stopped.

Engineered Maxitech stopped receiving a signal from Greenland, and this biologist never contacted the company again. While they wanted to, Engineered Maxitech did not have the funding to investigate.

Until now.

Maryann Stevenson is a recent graduate who studied biology and communications. Being a scientist, as well as a true people-person, Maryann was a great asset to Engineered Maxitech's team. She was a part of both the research and the advertising teams. She moved up the company's ladder quite quickly, earning a reputation that she was extremely happy with.

Maryann's impeccable status and workmanship is what got her selected to journey to Greenland to investigate what had happened fifteen years ago, when she was just a child.
Crimson blood cakes under his nails and the tips of his toes feel numb against the icy tundra his feet smack against. Running wild with his pack through these glacial, forested conditions should be enough to kill a man. Should be. For you see, this life is all he knows. This nameless concept of a young man, fresh out of puberty and towering amongst his brethren. He knows nothing of spoken language. Nothing of generosity and lacking human morals.

He is the pack leader, having successfully wrestled the large alpha male to submission with bared teeth and seething loyalty.

The pack is under his command now, and without a word he leads them to fresh kill and crisp spring waters. He plays with the wolf pups and teaches them to fight. He doesn't know he's happy. He doesn't know when he's sad. He didn't know what to do when a salty tear dripped from his eyelash when gray-muzzled Mother Wolf curled up in her den for the last time.

He knows survival. That inept primal instinct that lays buried deep within every human being, the same instinct that they are taught from day one to shelter.

And so he sprints swiftly over roots and ducks under fallen trees with the Beta at his heel, overgrown waist-length hazelnut hair falling to his waistline, crowned with cobwebs and snapped twigs. Green eyes darting in the direction of each small sound that resonates around them. They are on the hunt.
The plane landed around 3:00. Maryann was accompanied by two of her colleagues, both men who had been working for the company much longer than she and actually knew the man who once lived in that barren land. She felt out of place, like she didn't belong there.

But she did. She brushed a dark curl from her face as she stepped off the small aircraft, the harsh winds beating against her face. She pulled the hood of her parka up, it's faux fur surrounding her icy skin. She followed the other scientists to a building that sat a few yards away from where their plane landed. She could only assume that it's where the man and his child once lived.

The concrete walls were still in tact, but the metal roof had suffered damages from the harsh conditions and had many holes. Almost every window was broken, and the doors hung off their hinges. Maryann brought a gloved hand up to her chapped lips, taking in the sight. She could only imagine what had happened to these people.

The nameless man quickens his sprinting pace. His senses are sharp, you see, not any mere human raised in the world of primetime television and cafe lattes would be able to square up to him. You must adapt to survive. First, you've got to catch the scent of the prey. Following the scent, you steady your pace and tread lightly as you can. You are close enough to hear the caribou gently grazing in a field of green. But you must be careful from this point on, as the caribou may hear you just as well as you may hear it. Only when you've managed to get close enough to zero in on it without scaring it off beforehand may you lunge.

These three senses, when in tune, are all any creature really needs to survive in the end.

And that's where he finds himself now, closing in slowly on the horned creature as if he were nothing but a shadow.

This man is very, very silent. He hasn't scared any of his prey off since before Mother Wolf passed. His gaze trails calculatedly to both sides of his form. At his flank are his two brothers, white as snow and furious as a blizzard. Their lips pull back, exposing yellowed fangs forebodingly. They do not growl, but they do prepare to lunge.

Dinner time.

His brothers jump at the beast, taking it by surprise. With an agonized wail, the caribou is taken down in no time flat.

It's a welcome change, him not being the first to act for once. But with this, he can't help but think that his brothers are trying to assert dominance over him. One thing's for sure, if they think they can take him, he'll be ready.

The man emits an animalistic growl and stands up slowly from behind the bush as the others charge at the downed creature to dig in.

He tightens his fists as hard as he can, knuckles fading to a pale white, accentuating the old scars from past fights with other Alphas and fresh bleeding cuts from the thorns of the forest.

Scars, this man has an excess of scars. But trivial things like pain never bothered him. He's just fortunate none of them have ever managed to get infected.

His brothers swarm while he looks on. He is not hungry, not one bit. But he does it for the pack. A good Alpha always does.
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Maryann slowly approached the building, her colleagues already far inside. It looked sad, almost - as if it had feelings, and someone broke its heart. And this is the pit that it's soul has fallen into.

She entered through the opening, stepping over the broken door that had fallen off the hinges much before she was there. She traced her hand along the wall as she walked down a long hallway. It smelled of piss, and feces littered the floor. Cobwebs hung from every corner, their spiders clinging to the wall and staring through Maryann with their many eyes.

As she walked through, Maryann poked her head through every doorway to see what lay inside of each room. There was a simple bedroom, a bathroom, a study - and then something pulled Maryann in. It appeared to be a child's room, belonging to a young boy. A mobile of airplanes hung from the ceiling, their wings broken. Toy cars had been in wrecks, flipped over against dingy walls. Maryann entered, her dark eyes flickering around the room.

She noticed a series of framed photos sitting on the dresser. She walked over, picking it up and observing it. The glass was still in tact, unlike the others on the surface. Inside the frame was a photograph of a middle-aged man and s young boy. The man wore glasses, but Maryann could still see that the young boy had gotten his olive eyes from his father.

As Maryann observed the picture, taking in their smiles and smiling a bit herself, a hand was placed gently on her shoulder. The sudden contact caused Maryann to let out a shrill scream, dropping the photo. The glass shattered. It was one of her colleagues, his eyes filled with sadness.

"We found him."

Something shifts suddenly in the atmosphere surrounding the feast, and his attention is drawn elsewhere. He ceases his agitated growling and instead flicks his head in the direction of a new scent trail. This isn't like any other scent he's tracked before. No, this is something entirely different. It is new. And it is scary. There's no room for any other predators in this forest, and he's dead set on making the point known. With bared teeth and drawn brow, he takes off in the direction of this new scent, abandoning his brothers for the time being. A couple of them look up at him as he goes, gore dripping from their lips yet they make no move to follow him. He bounds through the landscape once again and he grows even more wary the closer he draws to the source of the scent.

It's oddly familiar. This clean scent seems to spark something in him that he remembers from long ago though he brushes it off to focus on the task at hand.

A large dilapidated metal structure stands in the middle of a cleared section of forest. He tries to avoid these types of unfamiliar habitats. Here lies the source of the scent as he knows it, yet he'll wait here behind a collapsed pine tree; peaking out over the rough trunk.

A shrill sound unlike he's ever heard before, a high-pitched shriek echoes from the corridors of the structure along with a loud

The nameless man absolutely despises loud noises. Faint noises were already loud enough for him. He jumps and growls once again. Whatever this strange creature is, it is loud and clumsy and will not survive the dawn if he gets the jump on it. It has already successfully agitated him. He ducks down lower.
Maryann follows the older man into a larger room full of computer screens, the screens broken. Glass covers the ground, and wires are torn apart. Maryann avoids stepped on a frayed cord as she enters the room, her boots heavy on the floor.

Then she sees him. A middle-aged man laid on the floor, his corpse well-preserved by the cold temperature. His glassss still sat on his face, cracked slightly. Ice crystals formed on his exposed, leathery skin. He had a blue tint to his body, matching the dreary surroundings. His abdomen had been torn apart, his insides hanging around him in a dark red pool. Maryann couldn't tell if they were the cause of his death or post-mordom from hungry animals. An autopsy would need to be performed.

She took a step closer, kneeling beside the body. A sadness filled her body as she stared into his glazed over eyes, their once olive hue a shade of gray now. She looked up at her colleagues. "What about the boy?"

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