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Love, love, love.


Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust
Hey there! I'm just gonna cut to the chase and post my plot ideas. Let me know if you're interested. Oh, I only play female. Just so you know. I can do MxF or FxF. Alright, here they are!

  • Person A lied to their grandparents about being in a relationship so they would just get off their back already. The thing is, Person A's grandparents are visiting soon. Person B is Person A's neighbor. Person A begs Person B to help them out for a few days.
  • Person A is an adventurous rebel whose best friend, Person B, is a shy goody-two-shoes. One night, while Person B is trying to convince Person A that they should go home and chill which Person A just wants to explore, they witness a gang fight. Not just any gang fight, though - a gang fight between the local witches and vampires. The two supernatural groups have been enemies for as long as they can remember, and they had developed a harsh rivalry. Upon discovering that vampires and witches are real, Persons A and B are now on the run from the gangs who cannot have any witnesses.
  • Person A’s parental guardian was a scientist who was sent to a remote corner of the globe in order to work on highly volatile experiments. After a freak accident, Character A was left to fend for themselves, until they’re found by a pack of wolves. Growing up among the wolves, Character A is taken by surprise when another group of scientists show up and try to continue Person A's guardian's research. Person B, a scientist, is put in charge of teaching Person A how to act human again.
  • Person A started a bird-watching club at school, and Person B is the only one that showed up.
  • When Person A gets their fortune read by a seaside fortune teller, Person A is told that they will die within one year. Being superstitious, Person A realizes that they’ve done nothing with their life, so they decide to drastically overturn their life and sets off to do everything that they’ve ever wanted to accomplish – watch the sunrise while on a boat, write a book, stay awake for 72 hours, learn Russian, ect. Along the way, they find Person B.
  • Person A is a scuba diver who’s been hired by Person B, a marine biologist who can’t swim, to help collect and document information pertaining to a certain coral reef’s wild life. Under the impression that they will be recording aquatic life, Person A is surprised to learn that their job will have them exploring sunken shipwrecks, photographing very unusual fish, and trying to unravel the mystery behind the “Endless Reef.”
  • Person A is a tourist in a foreign country. Person B is the only native that Person A can find who speaks English.
  • Person A world at IKEA. Person B is homeless and goes there to sleep in the beds.
  • Person A used to be the best baker in the neighborhood, but then Person B showed up at Mrs. Appleby’s 80th birthday with a stack of brownies that were almost orgasmic. Person A's honour is at stake, and they're going all out for the next event.
  • Persons A and B are counselors at summer camp for kids.
  • Person A is a history major, and they keep getting into arguments with one of their classmates, Person B, about things because they keep saying Person A is wrong so Person A finally screams, "How would you know?" And Person B is like, "Because I was THERE!" And that’s how everyone finds out that there is a centuries-old vampire taking their British history class.
  • Person A is a med student who has a huge crush on the hot guy, Person B, who works at the coffee shop and always gives Person A free drinks when they're stressed and calls Person A 'princess,' even though Person A pretends they think it’s annoying. But Person A extremely concerned about Person B because they always smells like smoke so Person A always give Person B lectures about how terrible cigarettes are for you, and Person A may have made a powerpoint - which is probably excessive. But lung health is extremely importan, and - oops, it turns out Person B is part-dragon or something. Hahahaha, oops.”
  • Person A got cursed and turned into an animal and taken to the shelter and ended up getting adopted by Person B.
  • Person A is a newly-turned werewolf without a pack, and they can’t really control themselves well on full moon nights yet. And Person B keeps finding Person A passed out naked on their lawn.
  • Person A loves to sing in the shower and does so late at night so they can have the dorm's community bathroom to yourself, but Person B is the school's choir president who had to pee at 3 am and really wants Person A to join choir now.
  • Person A thought Person B had a crush on their friend, and Person B thought Person A had a crush on the same friend when - in reality - they have a crush on each other.
  • Person A is a bus driver and despite their no-coins policy, Person B always manages to weasel their way into giving them to Person A with stories that cannot possibly be true.
  • Person A is Person B's siblings’s best friend, and Person B absolutely hates Person A. But Person A pretends to be Person B's boy/girlfriend to piss off Person B's family.
  • Person A is a ghost, and Person B is a ghost hunter.
  • Person A is the crazy cat person next door, and their cats keep on wandering into Person B's yard.
  • Person A is a fisherman, and Person B is a mermaid who got tangled in one of Person A's nets.
  • Person A is actually good at math, but the math tutor - Person B - is really hot so Person A is pretending to be dumb.
  • Person A was shrunk to 4 inches tall by a witch, and now they kinda live in Person B's kitchen without Person B knowing.
  • Persons A and B are both park monitors, but Person A takes this job way too seriously so Person B keeps encouraging littering and hogging the swings from little children.
  • Persons A and B are both federal agents working undercover for different branches of the government and inadvertently trying to arrest each other for a crime.
  • Persons A and B are both mall cops, and they periodically have races on the segways.
  • Persons A and B are both traffic cops, and they have a bet to see who can give out the most traffic tickets by the end of the month.
  • Person A is Person B's loving significant other, and Person B assumes Person A is harmless until they see Person A's face pop up on a most wanted alert in the CIA database.
  • Persons A and B work in the X-Files department of the FBI, and Person A won’t stop talking about aliens being real.
  • Person A is a witness protection agent, and they've got to keep an eye out for Persom B. But if Person B doesn’t stop talking, Person A will shoot Person B their goddamn self.
  • Person A is new on the job, and Person B is the one who’s gotta show Person A the ropes.
  • Persons A and B 100% need to pretend to be married on this undercover mission for it to work.

Let me know if any peak your interest! I will be updating this post when I get new ideas!
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Hmm. Maye if I ask a few questions here it could help with the post limit because I'm not getting anywhere fast. Are you going to be playing male or female and who's going to be the scientist?
tombstones said:
Hmm. Maye if I ask a few questions here it could help with the post limit because I'm not getting anywhere fast. Are you going to be playing male or female and who's going to be the scientist?
I'd prefer to play a female. As for who's who, I don't really care. I think it'd be interesting to play either. What are your preferences?
KaylyTheFae said:
I'd prefer to play a female. As for who's who, I don't really care. I think it'd be interesting to play either. What are your preferences?
I only like doing M x F, personally. It probably sounds lame but I can only properly play hetero relations, because, well, I'm not LGBTQ+ and I have no idea how to work that, haha. I am so down to play the raised-by-wolves character.
tombstones said:
I only like doing M x F, personally. It probably sounds lame but I can only properly play hetero relations, because, well, I'm not LGBTQ+ and I have no idea how to work that, haha. I am so down to play the raised-by-wolves character.
Rad! I'd love to play the scientist. Are you cool with playing a male?
tombstones said:
Honestly, I play a male better than I do a female.
That's perfect! I could get a thread going right now! Then we don't even have to worry about PMing! ^.^
KaylyTheFae said:
Person A is a med student who has a huge crush on the hot guy, Person B, who works at the coffee shop and always gives Person A free drinks when they're stressed and calls Person A 'princess,' even though Person A pretends they think it’s annoying. But Person A extremely concerned about Person B because they always smells like smoke so Person A always give Person B lectures about how terrible cigarettes are for you, and Person A may have made a powerpoint - which is probably excessive. But lung health is extremely importan, and - oops, it turns out Person B is part-dragon or something. Hahahaha, oops.”
Omg that prompt sounds adorable. I'd love to RP that out with you, if you don't mind me playing Person A?

The 1st prompt interests me too! ^ u ^
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Aster said:
Omg that prompt sounds adorable. I'd love to RP that out with you, if you don't mind me playing Person A?
The 1st prompt interests me too! ^ u ^
Of course! We could do either one! Do you mind playing a male so I could be female? Or we could do FxF! ^.^

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