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  1. NightmareCat

    Fantasy Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    Dike Eris She awoke when her ferret bit her. Patience was not very prominent with Bandit. Dike decided to wander around a bit, maybe talk to someone... She was more awake now, but didn't exactly feel awake. She briefly thought about trying to hang around a couple of the Dark Class students...
  2. NightmareCat

    Fantasy Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    Dike Eris Being half-asleep, she wasn't exactly paying attention to where she was drawing, and ended up drawing a horse's flank on some half-blood's right arm. She apologized, and then proceeded to pass out on the table. Her pet ferret, Bandit, took a scrap of paper out of her pocket that had...
  3. NightmareCat

    Fantasy Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    Samuel Villamil He checked his uniform for any dirt. It was clean... Obviously. It always was, but it couldn't hurt to check. He had to look his best for if he ever found someone special... Whoever that may be. He walked past a group of half-bloods, desperately trying to suppress the urge to...
  4. NightmareCat

    Fantasy Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    "Samuel. You remember our discussion... Correct?" Dike hissed. "Ugh... Yes, of course I remember. You're giving me a headache." He began to walk faster. Of course, he knew this was no way to avoid her, as she would find him easily enough. "Hmph. We'll see..." She groaned in response. He...
  5. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

  6. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    Thanks so much! :) @Belle Moon Will the RP be starting soon? Just curious. :)
  7. NightmareCat

    Scavenger Hunt

    I found it!!! The TV Remote! Never lose it again... \( *o*)/
  8. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    Can't wait! :)
  9. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    @Belle Moon Dike can get very hot-headed about pure vampires being rude to halflings, and can get a bit aggressive. Additionally, she has a pet ferret named Bandit that she sometimes carries around on her shoulder. (Samuel thinks it's a giant rat)
  10. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    I have a couple questions. What are some things you consider god-modding? And, are students allowed to have pets? (Small pets, like fish or ferrets)
  11. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    Name: Samuel Villamil Age: 16 Gender: Male Class: Dark Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Looks: (See Picture) He stands at 6' 2'' Personality (Required!): He is sort of stuck-up. Raised by a rich pure vampire family, he was taught to think extremely lowly of halflings and humans. While...
  12. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    @Belle Moon I added some to Dike's Personality and Looks. (Just 1 or 2 things to each that I had forgotten to add earlier.) Also, I think I will be creating a male character as well... Make the ratio of girls to boys a little more even.
  13. NightmareCat

    Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

    @Belle Moon Name: Dike Eris Age: 16 Gender: Female Class (Dark or Shadow): Shadow Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual Looks (If different from the picture): She stands at a towering 6 feet tall, and has yellow eyes. Personality (Required!): She tends to keep to herself, but can be...
  14. NightmareCat

    Vithlen: Starved

    Name: Dike Eir (sometimes called "Bird") Age: Around 25 Gender: Female Race: Avian Humanoid (Can turn into a Raven) Sexuality: Bi-Sexual Occupation: Executioner Backstory: In a chaotic world, she felt it best to serve it some justice. She not only kills the wicked, but ends the lives...
  15. NightmareCat


  16. NightmareCat

    The Importance of silence.

  17. NightmareCat

    The Importance of silence.

    Name: Eris Gefjon Appearance: (The crow, not the girl.) Name Meaning: Eris: Greek goddess of discord, strife, and rivalry | Gefjon: Means "giver" in Nordic Other Names: EG, or Eri Sexual orientation: Bisexual Titles: (Not in a gang.) The Crow, or The Beast Alternate Forms: (This...
  18. NightmareCat

    Fantasy Butterfly Lake

    Meanwhile, on the opposite side of Butterfly Lake, a young dragon had just gone back to her sleeping nest inside of her home. She was tired, and didn't want to stay out past sunset... That was when the Beasts of the Forest came out. They attacked everything that moved- this, she knew. What she...
  19. NightmareCat

    Butterfly Lake

    Looking for new characters: YES! Current Active Characters: -Nightmare the Crow: (Myself) -Scratch the Dragon: (Myself) Current Setting (Butterfly Lake): Scratch has just noticed a creature standing outside. It is getting dark, and the Forest Beasts will be coming out soon... Current...
  20. NightmareCat

    Butterfly Lake

    OOC Chat Rules: Pretty much same rules as all chat, be polite, make your typing legible to others, the basics. Also, if you have an important question for me, put it in {these, or just PM me.} That's pretty much it.