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Fantasy Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special


The Wolf Girl
Court Hall is quite a unique school. There are two different "Classes" of students; the Shadow Class and the Dark Class. While both are vastly different, they have something in common...

Both have vampire blood running in their veins.

Join life in Court Hall as a Halfling or a Full Vampire and lets have some fun.

*More information is available in the Overview tab.
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Night fell upon Court Hall. As the sun went down the sky was alight with reds and vibrant oranges. Lamps lit on there own along an oak tree lined stone driveway, lighting up the slowly opening dark iron gate. Out of a pair of large mahogany doors, a male vampire wearing a crisp suit. His red eyes watched as students arrived in droves. Headmaster Wellcroft watched as students milled around in the entry hall and freshman explored the cafeteria and library after finding their dorms. Already, there was an obvious divide in the two classes. Even this early in the year, the experienced headmaster could see it. He always worried for his students and felt angry at the discrimination he could already see.

Isabelle sat on her own with an anthology of Victorian era Literature. She sat in a corner of the cafeteria and watched her fellow students mill about. Her silver uniform stood out in the sea of freshman in street clothes, not that she cared. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulder, almost covering the crest on her blouse.

"Hey Izzy," Liam Day walking over to Isabelle, wearing his own silver uniform. "Studying already?"

Isabelle smiled and shut her book, "Believe it or not this is what I read for fun." She leaned back and watched some of the freshman with narrow red eyes. "How was your summer?" she asked.

"Good, my father gave a lecture at the University of Iowa on Hitler. How was yours?"

Isabelle shrugged, "I got to spend it with my mama. 'Course I didn't get to stay away from my biological donor," her southern accent got stronger for a moment when she talked about her father.

Liam frowned, he knew how Isabelle felt toward her vampire father. He didn't know his own vampire mother so he truly couldn't sympathize with her. "Well at least you got to see your mom."

Isabelle looked down and frowned, she often forgot that Liam didn't know his mother. "You're right," she allowed.

@Kasper @Gravity Shifter @DefinitelyNotErin @NightmareCat @Tiegirl @Kaira @The Velveteen Rabbit

(Did I forget anyone?)
"WOOOOOOOW, so much girls" said Amon having most happy face one can have.

I think this year will be awesome and full of love thought Amon looking at all the beautiful bodies around him.
"Samuel. You remember our discussion... Correct?" Dike hissed.

"Ugh... Yes, of course I remember. You're giving me a headache." He began to walk faster. Of course, he knew this was no way to avoid her, as she would find him easily enough.

"Hmph. We'll see..." She groaned in response.

He started diving in between students. "Pest..." he growled under his breath.

Before he had time to react, a cold wet finger was inside of his ear...

He screamed.


After that, there was no way he was sticking around. Besides, it seems she had stopped following him.

He let out a sigh of relief and continued to walk, weaving in between students to make sure she wouldn't follow.

Dike looked around, checking for any familiar faces. Obviously stupid for doing so... 'The only familiar face is that good-for-nothing stuck-up-' She noticed some guy gawking at all of the girls. A grin spread across her face. 'Someone new to mess with... This'll be fun.'
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Venetia sat drinking "tea" at one of the many patios of the school. It lay next to the garden so it provided a pleasant scenery and smell . She listened absently to some of the girls who had attached themselves to her as "friends" two years ago. They chatted about their summer, family and more pointless subjects. If they weren't so good at warding off some of the riff raff here she would of got rid of them ages ago. Their childish actions did annoy her here and there but they were a bit tolerable.

New freshman passed by routinely touring the grounds and as was the usual every new year, the extravagant garden was popular. Fortunately the Half-bloods new their place and didn't come anywhere close to her - the black uniform of the Dark Class warding them off as it should be. Thinking reminded her that
that boy was to be attending this year. She hoped he would save her the trouble of disciplining him, by making sure to stay away from her.

"So Venetia, what did you do over the summer?" of the girls asked her. She put her teacup down and proceeded to give them the bare, acceptable minimum.


Erin stood breathless in the cafeteria. He had had to rush out of the car and to the teacher's room to get the information he needed due to being late. He had hoped to catch a ride with his Sis and treat as a bonding experience, maybe even gotten her to show him the school no matter how unlikely that was. But he had slept past his alarm clock and none of the servants woke him. By the time he was ready his Sis had already left two hours early.

Now here he stood in a cafeteria teaming with people. Welcome chatter was everywhere and he smiled to himself. He was here, among kinds his own age and among his own kind - not that he had anything against Full-bloods. It's just that everyone he had met was either disgusted or in different to him and unlikely to talk to him unless needed to. This was his chance, for a fresh start, to make friends, and learn exactly what. Now all he needed was someone to befriend first day like. He scanned the room to see if anyone would jump out to him.

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"Look we have a late comer," Liam indicated Erin in the entryway to the cafeteria.

Isabelle tried to scent if he was a halfling or not but there were too many people in the room for her to scent. "He doesn't look like a freshman, You think he's a transfer?" she asked.

Liam shrugged, "Maybe." He decided to wave the newcomer over, might as well be friendly. he thought.

Rin and Hikaru



The air was musky and warm as tension slowly began to build around her. Full bloods made their way down the hallway, the halflings moving quickly out of their way to avoid conflict. Not even a glance was cast in her direction, as if she were a ghost. With glimmering, purple eyes, Rin watched curiously as people conversed with one another. Most of her friends had moved away to a new place, or simply forgot about her until she was merely a stranger to them.

Slowly, Rin made her way down the hallway alone, weaving around people who stood in her way. A large group of guys stood near the windows, laughing boisterously and joking around with each other. The fiery color of orange caught her eye, and Rin glanced towards them to see Hikaru Yoshida leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He had a small smirk across his face as his friends spoke to him. His smirk disappeared however, when he saw Rin. Hikaru murmured something to his friends, and than pushed himself off of the wall only to wander towards her.

"You're here early." He said to her as he approached, his voice deep and monotonous. Hikaru had a single hand in his pocket, and his position was leaned back and relaxed. Rin shrugged, beginning to walk forward with him beside her.

"It's the first day, why wouldn't I be?" She responded, a small smile on her face. Hikaru sighed, running a hand through his orange hair. His pitch black uniform gleamed slightly in the moonlight peering through the open windows.

"It's the same as every other day." He began. A group of full blooded girls walked past them, giggling wildly as they glanced over in Hikaru's direction. He paid no mind to them. His bright orange eyes glanced over to Rin, completely unamused and somewhat blank.


Rin laughed quietly in response.

They entered the cafeteria together, and almost as soon as they did, eyes full of jealousy and judgement glanced towards them. After all, it was rare to see a full blood and a halfling together as friends. As usual, Hikaru didn't even seem to notice. The two found an empty table somewhere near the back. Eventually, Hikaru's friends joined them. Rin sipped quietly on a juice box as the boys talked.
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A waving hand caught Erin's attention. There was a boy and girl and the boy seemed to be motioning him over. Oh what they hell, why not. He made his way to them and hoped his smile was welcoming. "What can I do for you folks?" He studied them in their uniforms and was delighted to see that they were half-blooded like him by the silver of their uniforms. "So those are the Shadow uniforms. Much cooler than the Dark ones." He commented thinking of his sister's uniform.

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Liam returned the friendly smile with one of his own. "Just being friendly. It looked like you were looking for someone; thought I could help."

Isabelle latched onto the comment about uniforms, "I agree," she leaned back, "So, are you a transfer? You don't look like a freshman." Now that he was closer he could tell he was a halfling, not that his comment on uniforms wouldn't have told her anyway.
Samuel Villamil

He checked his uniform for any dirt. It was clean... Obviously. It always was, but it couldn't hurt to check. He had to look his best for if he ever found someone special... Whoever that may be. He walked past a group of half-bloods, desperately trying to suppress the urge to say something offending. However, it was a bit easier to keep his mouth shut once he began to pay attention to their eyes... Their beautiful eyes. Oh, how he wanted them... But his parents wouldn't allow him to wear the contacts... Wouldn't want him to be mistaken for one of those lower beings. As he continued walking, he noticed a half-ling that stuck out to him... Different from the rest, he looked more sophisticated. Samuel pushed himself forward... 'Falling for a half-ling? How childish.' But he couldn't help but think about him. He looked at a piece of paper that Dike had given him. In a black sharpie, she had written "Your self-centered personality is like a pit... A really deep pit. And you're in it. There's a ladder in the pit, also. A ladder you could climb up to escape your stupid selfishness. But you're just too lazy. I know you tried to climb it once, but you fell and broke your brain. So now, the ladder's broken, and there's no escaping. Unless you take my hand... but even if you did that, I'd probably slap you. Or poke you in the eye. So you're stuck. Stuck-up, that is." He crumpled it up and shoved it into his pocket. She was almost inspiring... In a weird sort of way.

Dike Eris

Dike sat at a cafeteria table along with some other half-lings. She tried to find the weaker ones in the group- not for any malicious intent, but simply to seek out who she should watch out for. She didn't make "friends" per say, but she was friendly to those who needed someone to lean on... She saw a few of them gossiping about whatever new thing was "in", and some of the others trying to make small talk with some of the Dark Class students. Standing a couple tables away from her was an exhausted-looking half-blood along with a group of other half-bloods. She didn't reach out to him, or anyone really- she just wasn't that kind of person. She began to doodle some horses out of boredom.

"Should I consider it a compliment that you think I'm older?" He joked. "But nope, I'm as green as most of the casuals around." They seemed like any other normal human kid. Was normal a term he should use for half-bloods? Well whatever, this was a heavensent lifeline. "I'm Erin Rowland and you two are . . . not freshman, I asume." They seemed to possess a familiarity of the school.

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Dike Eris

Being half-asleep, she wasn't exactly paying attention to where she was drawing, and ended up drawing a horse's flank on some half-blood's right arm. She apologized, and then proceeded to pass out on the table. Her pet ferret, Bandit, took a scrap of paper out of her pocket that had "Wake her up to feed me." written on it.
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"Yeah! I saw her walking down the hallway a few minutes ago. A dark class student like us."

The boys seemed to direct their curiosity towards the new students, particularly the girls. They glanced around the cafeteria every now and then, continuing to speak quietly to one another. Hikaru, however, wasn't paying any attention to their affairs. He seemed uninterested on the topic. Rin talked with him about his summer and hers. They spoke with each for a long time, until one of his friends butted in.

"So, Yoshida, anyone caught your eye, yet?"

"Like he cares. He gets enough attention from girls anyways." One grumbled, sipping on a glass filled with red blood. Hikaru closed his eyes, and leaned back in his seat. He simply shrugged, opening a single eye and staring towards them.

"You're right. I don't care." Hikaru murmured, closing his eyes again.

The boys broke out in protest, suggesting names of popular girls like rabid animals. They got no response from him. Rin bit her lip to keep herself from laughing. Hikaru opened his eyes and smirked a bit at her facial expression.
Nelle Lavandier

Nelle was endlessly grateful for the fall of night. Her father had been, shockingly, very peaceful that day, until right before sunset. She had told him that she was leaving for school and that she wouldn't be back until the end of the year, and it had inflamed his temper. She had driven away as quickly as possible and avoided his reach, and now that the sun had begun to sink in the sky, she felt his burden lifted from her back. The directions that she'd gotten from the school were confusing, and the building was far away as it was.

Eventually she pulled up to the bramble-covered building, and, with a sudden wave of anxiety, approached the door. Backpack slung over her shoulder, she approached the cafeteria, where some kids had gathered. She didn't feel inclined to socialize at the moment, so she took a seat against the wall in the corner of the room.

Dane Silvetti

As Dane reached the school, he took a deep breath. It was impossible to see anything in this place. He reached out with his foot, mapping out each and every footstep. Soon, he tripped into the doorway of a rather large room. He could vaguely make out some tables scattered about and different vampires sitting at each one. He leaned awkwardly against the doorframe, unsure of whether it was a classroom or something else.
Dike Eris

She awoke when her ferret bit her. Patience was not very prominent with Bandit. Dike decided to wander around a bit, maybe talk to someone... She was more awake now, but didn't exactly feel awake. She briefly thought about trying to hang around a couple of the Dark Class students, but shot this idea down. There was no way she was going to put up with another stuck-up Dark Class... Samuel was already annoying enough. She eventually decided to just talk to some other half-lings.

It wasn't that Venetia was upset or even outraged. She was just feeling a tad bit
bothered. Her father had just called and ordered her to check up on her "brother" and to continually be on the look out on his activities while attending.

She felt disgusted that her father would even refer to that abomination as her brother. It didn't help that she was sent to task completely beneath her. She flicked her hair behind her shoulder - the only sign of her irritation.

Gracefully she stepped into the cafeteria and all its bustling activity; it was usually where freshman gathered on the first day. It was a logical assumption and she was right when she spotted Erin talking to two other half-bloods. If it wasn't unbecoming of her she would of sneered.

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Isabelle shrugged, "If you want. I'm Isabelle, and this is Liam." She gestured to Liam who waved. "We're second years."

Liam smirked, "Despite the fact that you're older than me."

Isabelle narrowed her eyes, "Shut up." She crossed her arms, "That was my genetic donor's fault," her fists clenched as she remembered. He'd been convinced that there was no way she could be that smart. Never mind the AP classes she was taking.

Liam stopped poking fun at her. He knew that she'd been held back but she'd never revealed why. "So," he began to change the subject. "You think Wellcroft will make an appearance? Try to scare the newcomers?"

Isabelle laughed once, "He scares students without trying." She looked up at Erin, "have you met Headmaster Wellcroft yet?"

(sorry didn't mean to take so long to post. My folks made a surprise visit to my place.)

"Well Isabelle, Liam it's nice to meet your acquaintance." So Isabelle was older? Did she fail? Either way that wasn't something you asked on a first meeting. I don't think she would appreciate a stranger asking.

"The headmaster? Never got a chance to meet him. What would he look like?" He looked around the cafeteria hoping someone headmaster-y looking would stick out. What he did catch was Venetia standing at the entrance looking straight at him.

Is she here to check up on me? The thought made him extremely happy and he showed it by waving energetically to her and yelling across the room with - earning some looks from the other students, "Hey Sis! Hey!" Her walking away without acknowledging him wasn't a surprise and didn't lesson his grin at all.

(It's totally fine don't worry.)

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Aaron slowed his pace awestruck at the massive group of building just ahead of him He ran his fingers through his hair and reached down adjusting his uniform. He took the letter from his jacket pocket looking it over the world had become a lot more strange after that night he was bitten things moving faster than he expected in more ways from the first hunger to moving away now to being enrolled in this school. From what the letter said his grades in science and chemistry made him an important asset for the school considering he really had not other choice than to go to the school. He pushed open the gate and placed the letter back in his pocket heading toward the main building maybe to office had someone around who cold show him around or a welcome getting lost in this place was not on his list of things to do. the school was beautiful he hadn't been able to do much research on the place so far other than some of Miss Marlowes....."Friends" he hadn't had contact with any other vampires yet to be honest he was always nervous around them last thing he wanted was to meet the wrong people. for now he was here to help the school in what way he could.
"Headmaster Wellcroft is the tall older vamp with a beard. Probably wearing a suit." Liam looked but didn't see the headmaster anywhere. "He usually wanders around. I don't think he scares people intentionally.

Isabelle frowned; wondering why he would call out to a dark class member, family or not. "Sister?" She asked. "I thought your last name was Rowland?"

At the same time Liam asked, "You're related to an Amherst?"

Headmaster Wellcroft was about to go inside when he saw another student walking up the driveway. He smiled and waited for the student to make it to the doorway before closing it.
Aaron passed by the older male trying his best to give a friendly smile still finding himself a little awkward around others looking around the door closing behind him. "thank you for holding the door." He said politely. He set his bag down and looked at him. "h..Hi there My names Aaron Dechant I..um I guess Im one of the new transfer students." he said scratching the back of his head he adjusted his uniform some. before holding his hand out.

Erin had a proud and pleased look about him. "We're half siblings. My mom was human and I tend to use her family name; officially on the books my name is Amherst." Liam's comment stuck out to him. "You make it sound like being am Amherst is a big thing." Maybe his Sis was popular here - which would make since she's so pretty.

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Headmaster Wellcroft smiled, "Welcome Mr. Dechant, I am Headmaster Wellcroft." He closed the door and gestured to the cafeteria, "Most of the new students are in the cafeteria. You may find a few older students around. I'm always available in my office."

"She's the fencing champion." Liam answered. "Almost all the upperclassman know her name."

Isabelle's frown deepened. She couldn't imagine why he would be proud to be part vampire. All she'd ever wanted was to be like her mother. Better yet to make the man who'd hurt her pay. She stayed silent, knowing that she'd say something she shouldn't if she spoke. She looked out at the freshman to see if she could find any possible troublemakers, and found herself calming down. Her temper wasn't normally so easily triggered, guess it's because I had to spend the last month with him she thought.

"Not surprising." He said it as if they were praising him. "She always practices at home; it's her hobby." Whenever he peeked in her her practice she always looked so cool. Her and whoever was her opponent didn't wear the traditional fencing gear so Venetia's hair always moved in a firey blaze around her. It was so cool.

Then he noticed Isabelle frowning. "Something the matter?" He asked genuinely concerned.

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Aaron nodded to him. "Great T..thanks again." He said. Heading to the cafeteria. He could worry about his room later maybe even get a hold of a map sometime. "It was nice to meet you." he said heading inside looking around at the other students some glancing up at him. He took a deep breath he always got nervous around others some sort of anxiety or something.

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