Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

Belle Moon] [URL=" said:
@The Velveteen Rabbit[/URL] Thanks! Accepted!
I'll get the first post up by tomorrow afternoon (Central USA Standard Time).
Can't wait! :)

  • img-thing

    Name:Clementine Rosa Marguerite Darneloph




    Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual


    Personality (Required!):


  • c79be405f3942e7b123da9e08dfdf965.jpg

    Name: Erin Rowland (officially at school he's listed as Erin Amherst but he prefers his mother's name Rowland)

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Class: Shadow

    Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

    Looks: He's 6' and has a mole under his left eye.

    Personality: Erin is usually a pretty cheerful boy though he usually does a lot of things without thinking it through. That usually gets him into heaps of trouble. He just laughs it all off though. In fact he is always smiling - he never shows when he's upset, sad or mad. He hides it all behind a smile. By all means that doesn't make him a loner, in fact he likes to be around others and is quick to make friends and helps out anyone in need. Loves to joke in a way that people can't tell is he's being serious or not.

@BelleMoon I wanted to get this up before you posted the first post. Also in Venetia's bio I changed her from having a sister to a brother.

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Belle Moon] [URL=" said:
@Tiegirl[/URL] I can't wait to see what you do with those two. Can he control other peoples blood or just his own?Accepted! (I'll add him to the character list when I get off work)
@Intoxicated Lover just let me know when you're done.
That's actually a good thought. Maybe because he's not fully part of the Amherst family, he has human blood so maybe that enables him to control other peoples spilled blood too unlike his sister. Though he doesn't know that yet.

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"Familiarity is boring, show me something new, be somebody who's different....or I really won't care."

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  • Simon.Henriksson.full.1719849.jpg
    Image of your character here

    Name:Aaron Dechant

    Age: 16

    Gender: male

    Class: Shadow

    Sexual Orientation: gay (in closet still unsure himself)

    Looks: short black hair piercing red eyes prefers to keep a hood under his school jacket if possible doesn't need them now but sometimes wears a set of glasses on occasion

    Personality: Very timid keeping mostly to himself if possible dealing with sever anxiety along with a split personality he is finding harder and harder to keep suppressed. He is as well still getting use to his new powers and the world he has now been thrust into. He tries to avoid conflict if at all possible finding his hunger hard to ignore at times as well as some of the set backs that are now affecting him.

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(not a problem You might be right Maybe I should lower the age down to 16 that I can fix with a simple edit and what would you like to know about the time manipulatin?)

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