Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special


The Wolf Girl
Chat Out of Character here. Feel free to ask questions or plot here as well.
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Hii I am new so I can't use PM so could you just explain how actually do I make 10 posts? It's like replys or something else? ty in advance ^^
Well I was really bored, I like anime so I thought could something like anime rp real xD and so I searched on internet and found this :D .. and btw when will this RP start?

Oh and you asked me why I was interested in THIS RP. Its because I was on roleplay search and your RP was interesting so I wanted to join :D
Well my favourite is One Piece :D but one very interesting is Durarara :D it has kinda interesting happenings its semi realistic and it looks like its posiblle :D

And your favourite? :)

oh and 1 small quastion ... when you start this RP. when I talk IC do I type. My character: msg. Or something different?
Oh man...such a decision...right now I'm really into Vandread. I also enjoy the new Sailor Moon, Junjo Romantica, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic, and Seraph of the End...Just to name a few.

When RPing it's most common to write in third person.

@Gravity Shifter
You can copy and paste the code or you can just copy and paste the list above it. Either one works. I like using the code because it makes my Character Sheets look neat and tidy. Once you post I'll give you feedback and let you know if your character is accepted.

@Gravity Shifter
I have one small question: I personally roleplay in first-person. Would you rather I use third-person? Or do we get to decide which point of view we write with?
@DefinitelyNotErin Oh I feel like I should have known that (Being an English Major and all.), and no problem. When I'm not at work I always have this site up and I feel like there's no point in making someone wait too long.
@Belle Moon You're an English major? Wish I went into something that helpful, instead of philosophy.

Also, I'm super excited to start the rp! There's just not enough well-thought out vampire roleplays, anymore.
I have a couple questions.

What are some things you consider god-modding?

And, are students allowed to have pets? (Small pets, like fish or ferrets)
In my experience, goddmoding is when someone controls how another person's character thinks, feels, and/or acts. Small pets are allowed.
Posting a CS in a little bit........deleted my last message in character sign up since I meant to post it in the OOC. *Newbness is showing*


NightmareCat said:
I have a couple questions.
What are some things you consider god-modding?

And, are students allowed to have pets? (Small pets, like fish or ferrets)
God Modding:

"Gyeong walked into the room and pulled the chair out from underneath Jeff. After he fell on the floor, broke his nose, and chipped a tooth, Jeff began to cry and Gyeong would laugh."

Not God Modding:

"Gyeong walked into the room and pulled the chair out from underneath Jeff, hoping he'd fall on the floor and hurt himself so she could laugh."

(Yes, Gyeong is a bitch. xD )

From my experience you can hint to how a character should/could respond, but you should never say for sure how another character has responded to your actions or time-jump another character somewhere.

But say your character is going onto an elevator with another character and you want to let that character get on could say something like.

Not God Modding:

"Gyeong moved out of the way so that Jo could step on the elevator first, and only after he was inside would she step in behind him and press 'L' for the Main Lobby"

God Modding would be:

"Gyeong moved out of the way and Jo stepped onto the elevator first while randomly singing the theme song to Barney."

(Oh wait, maybe Gyeong isn't a bitch....maybe she's just bipolar!?)

This last example is a bit more tricky, but a general rule of thumb is that in circumstances where it's a 1x1 dialogue or situation were it's pretty damn obvious what's going to happen, or the movement of the other character is infinitesimal, it's okay to go ahead and make a general assumption on how a character would react. I mean sure, "Jo" could have chosen to bitch slap Gyeong and push her onto the elevator, but that's not likely, and it's also not likely that the person playing Jo would get mad that the person playing Gyeong made the assumption that he went ahead and got on first.

Hope that was helpful!! <3 <3

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