Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

God knows this site is going to make me pull my hair out! lol

Lesson Of The Day: You can't edit a post with tables without completely screwing up the have to delete the entire post and repost it.....FFS!

But in regards to all your questions, I don't plan on shape shifting into a ninetail fox the size of Texas - I'm not cray cray. Powers aren't even a big part of this RP for me personally, I just used the link as a general reference for traditional Vampirism. So what kind of limitations would he have while shifting? Commonsensical limitations. Shape shifting isn't painless, it's not a 2-second thing, and so on.
Belle Moon] [URL=" said:
@Miss Electric Daisy[/URL] I don't mess with tables for just that reason. lol He's Accepted. I'll add him to the character list and you can start posting.
Oh man, I had no idea tables acted like that here.....

I like using them but I'm going to ditch them for CS's from now on since being able to edit a post without things going INSANE is more important to me than some dotted borders.

But thank you, and I'll go read your first post now! <3
I was wondering, would any of the characters who have been at the school before know each other by sight or by name?
Ellos everyone!

I wanted to write here and let everyone know that I AM alive, I've just stretched myself pretty thin with a few different things irl and online so I'm slow getting around to things. I'm going to post something tomorrow though!!! <3
Well I'm bummed to have to drop out but I can't see myself posting anytime soon, too much stuff irl is going badly atm and I honestly have no spark to write for any RP atm. Writing is usually a release for me but I can't bring myself to do it, or much in general atm. I'm really sorry and like I said, I'm bummed to have to drop out because I was really looking forward to this RP.

GL you guys and have fun.

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