Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special


The Wolf Girl
Here's the Character Sheet:

* please note that everything here is needed. For the history and Personality you need at least one paragraph (around four complete sentences), if you put "Will RP it out" you won't be accepted until you fill it out. If you haven't gotten a response from me accepting your character please wait until I leave one.

*make sure to tag me ( @BelleMoon ) so that I am sure to see your post.

*If you want to be a professor then please PM me.

Image of your Character (Anime or Real are fine)




Class (Dark or Shadow):

Sexual Orientation:

Looks (If different from the picture):

Personality (Required!):

History (Required!):

Abilities (If your character is a halfling please post what sort of vamperic abilities they have. No links please it just makes things complicated):


Weaknesses (Need 2):

Skills (great examples are cooking or singing):


* code is optional


[imagefloat=left] [img=(replace this with the link to your picture) ] Image of your character here

Sexual Orientation:
Personality (Required!):


History (Required!):

[tab=School Information]

Weaknesses (Need 2):

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Isabelle Graceland

  • artworks-000076245956-03ix7l-t500x500.jpg

    Name: Isabelle Graceland

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Class: Shadow

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Looks: (See image)

    Personality (Required!): Isabelle is a kind-hearted woman with a deep hatred of her vampire father. She's not easy to anger (normally); but if you manage to piss her off then it may be in your best interest to step back, especially if you enjoy having your limbs. The topic of being a halfling upsets her though and she's uncomfortable in her own skin.

    When she's around friends though she's outgoing and fun. She loves to sing (though she's not the best, not bad but not tone deaf) and dance (She's much better at that, than singing). On her days off she can be found in the Library.


  • absolute_hair_color.jpg

    Name: Nelle Lavandier

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Class: Shadow

    Sexual Orientation: Polysexual panromantic

    Looks: Nelle is 6'4" and built strong and lean. Her figure is muscular but not overly buff, and there's a certain grace to her. She walks seamlessly, along with everything else that she does. It all has the look of purpose in it, and she's impressive to just look at.

    Personality: Nelle isn't exactly the most social person. She has a dark, lonely energy about her, and she likes it that way. She refuses to let anyone into her heart, and she is often untrusting of those around her. She's honest, sometimes brutally so. Despite this harsh exterior, she doesn't really have much anger within her. Mostly, it's just apathy and sarcasm. There's a bit of longing thrown in there too, wishing that she could be social, wishing that she was either a full vampire or a full human, not some deranged mix of the two.

@Belle Moon
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Headmaster Wellcroft

  • Christian_Bale.jpg

    Name: Nicholas Alexander Wellcroft

    Age: 360

    Gender: Male

    Occupation:Headmaster (Full Vampire)

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Looks: The only difference is that Nicholas has red eyes.

    Personality (Required!): Headmaster Wellcroft is an intimidating man when students first meet him. Because of his age he's quite old fashioned. When it comes to manners he's very strict. He's got a soft spot for the romantic era poets, mainly Coleridge, Blake, and Wordsworth.


Kasper said:

  • absolute_hair_color.jpg

    Name: Nelle Lavandier

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Class: Shadow

    Sexual Orientation: Polysexual panromantic

    Looks: Nelle is 6'4" and built strong and lean. Her figure is muscular but not overly buff, and there's a certain grace to her. She walks seamlessly, along with everything else that she does. It all has the look of purpose in it, and she's impressive to just look at.

    Personality: Nelle isn't exactly the most social person. She has a dark, lonely energy about her, and she likes it that way. She refuses to let anyone into her heart, and she is often untrusting of those around her. She's honest, sometimes brutally so. Despite this harsh exterior, she doesn't really have much anger within her. Mostly, it's just apathy and sarcasm. There's a bit of longing thrown in there too, wishing that she could be social, wishing that she was either a full vampire or a full human, not some deranged mix of the two.

Everything looks good but I need you to change 'manipulating people's thoughts,' I feel like that's a bit too close to godmodding. You can keep the hypnosis as long as you don't take it too far.

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    Name: Franchezka Cathal

    Age: 17

    Gender: Biological female, yet considers herself agender, uses both male and female pronouns when referring to herself.

    Class: Dark

    Sexual Orientation: Biromantic, asexual

    Looks: When using correct posture, Franchezka stands at 6’1". However, her habit of slouching brings her apparent height to 5’8. Pale and blonde, Franchezka prefers to keep her hair short and out of her face. She has the usual red irises (please forgive the brown eyes in the picture; there were slim pickings for the actual face I was looking for).

    Personality (Required!): Franchezka appears to have unlimited patience and energy, and dedicates most of her time to the school's interests. As a stickler for the rules, she has been referred to as a 'teacher's pet'. Nonetheless, she is the one to go to when you need a helping hand, or just an ear to vent to. But do not mistake her amicable attitude for friendship; Franchezka does not make friends. She merely sees no advantage in being rude or unhelpful. Has a fear for several things.

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@Belle Moon

Name: Dike Eris

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Class (Dark or Shadow): Shadow

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Looks (If different from the picture): She stands at a towering 6 feet tall, and has yellow eyes.

Personality (Required!): She tends to keep to herself, but can be fun and interesting once she gets to know you. She is more of a tomboy than anything, and hates pretty much all things girly. She isn't easily angered or offended in any way, and is quick to defend others. A genuine smile is rare because of the way she shows her emotions, but those close to her can tell how she feels. She suffers from a mild case of Schizophrenia, and will often talk to herself, or one of the voices in her head. She blames her vampire mother for her problems, as she had left when Dike was too young to remember much of her. She was told by her father that it was best that she left. She can be very manipulative and deceptive, a trait she gets from her mother. While on the exterior she may seem more of a "lone ranger" type, if left to her own devices, she will mentally tear herself apart. However, this only applies if she was in complete isolation from other people.

History (Required!): Her early childhood was a peaceful time (for her), but got progressively worse for her parents. Her home became a dangerous place, and once she was old enough her father sent her to Court Hall, as it would be much safer. While she was still living at her house, her father would constantly place her in over-night Art Camps and send her to stay with her friends for weeks on end. At the time, she didn't understand why, but now she does. Her mother was a dangerous person to be around, as her father soon learned. She only got more violent as Dike got older, and he didn't want her to influence Dike into being that way. However, her father been a professional fighter, and taught her to defend herself if the time came. She trains daily.

Abilities: Speed, strength, heightened sense of smell and hearing.

Strengths: Is very honest (sometimes even brutally honest), is a good liar (despite her honesty) and can almost always get whatever she needs or wants, she is easy to talk to and very understanding, being a great fighter makes her a dangerous force to be reckoned with.

Weaknesses (Need 2): Tends to push herself to hard, can be "robot-like" in terms of emotions, can be controlling in groups (as she usually knows what she is doing), and can get extremely frustrated with others who don't accept the way she is.

Skills: Drawing, writing, very agile and stealthy, a good fighter.

Extra: She hates pigeons. If she sees one, she'll trap it in a cage. In her free time, she draws comics. Her dorm is littered with paper, pencils, and comics she has drawn.
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  • 301b25ceec75097fa8c24f11e68cf95a.jpg

    Name: Amon Aiko

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Class: Dark

    Sexual Orientation: Female

    Looks: U can see on image .. but he is very good looking

    Personality (Required!): He is a romantic soul, he hits on every girl that catches his eye, he doesn't think about who that girl is or where she comes from to him it only matters that she is beautiful,because of that he can hurt girls feelings because he will dump her if she isn't smart enough, he shows his feelings without being misterious, if he doesn't like something about you he will tell you. He is patient ( doesn't get angry easly) so when he gets angry he likes to break stuff around him.

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  • 9a738dd9020a6927bab76caa1b5c242f.jpg

    Name: Venetia Amherst

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Class: Dark

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Looks: Venetia stands around 5'6 with slender body. Has blazing red hair that goes to the mid of her back. Her eyes are olive green. Her is usually either worn down or up in an elaborate bun. Possesses two moles, one each under one eye but on the the end closer to the ears.

    Personality: Due to her upbringing Venetia is a very calm individual individual. Not much can phase her and she rarely gets angry or upset. She's very elegant in everything, she was brought up to be a lady and she aspires to it everyday, feeling disgusted with uncouth and obnoxious behavior. Though she does observe the world systematically, like this will do that, or he and she will follow this pattern or logically this is what should happen. One of her biggest things is that she is very prideful in being a full vampire.

I have another character but I'm working on it

@Belle Moon
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.405793d217683f8ee633f79c67527558.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.405793d217683f8ee633f79c67527558.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kai Rose






Shadow Class.

Sexual Orientation:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.fb8c019ef68690f58b5c34a72c088107.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.fb8c019ef68690f58b5c34a72c088107.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kai has always been quiet and observant. She's also very caring despite what the stereotypical view on vampires is. She would rather be on the outskirts of a group, than the center of attention. Despite being quiet, she isn't afraid to stand up to anyone, even if they are Dark class. Her feelings on right and wrong are very strong and rather black and white. She rather have a book than be surrounded by adoring friends.

History: Kai has had a rough entrance to life. During her childhood years, her mother took care of her after her vampire father ran out on them. When she was nine, her mother got sick, so they moved in with his uncle. Spending her early teen years taking care of her mother, when she was sixteen, her mother passed away after a long battle to her sickness. Kai had always taken care to keep her emotions in check, and did so even then. Though she loved her mother more than anything, no tears were shed.

Her uncle was nice enough, but had no idea how care for a vampire, and sent her away as soon as possible.


Speed, very good observations skills, as well as a small amount of healing.


Keeping calm.

Speaking her mind.


She fears rejections.

Being alone.





She has a tattoo of vines up her left hip and side.

@Belle Moon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.0201eb2d635974e615da3115ec4b9ae1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.0201eb2d635974e615da3115ec4b9ae1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Not all things in this world are how you want them to be.

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    Name : Rin Hayashi

    Age : 17 years old

    Gender : Female

    Class : Shadow

    Sexual Orientation : Heterosexual

    Looks :

    An odd yet beautiful sight to be seen, Rin has sleek, waist-length black hair and eyes mimicking the color of a lilac flower. She is not the tallest, but she is also not the shortest either. Rin stands somewhere in between, and is about 5'7" in height. Her skin is ghostly pale, except for the rosiness of her cheeks that always remain a light pink. Rin's smile is often described as 'dazzling' and 'warm'.

    Personality :

    A very caring and optimistic woman, Rin is commonly described as loving and extremely outgoing. Her intentions and words have always meant well, and violence has never been an option for her. Rin is simply one of those rare individuals who would never betray another; someone who sticks up for you although she knows you are wrong. Rin is easily one of the most intelligent individuals out there, and always seems to find a solution for everything.

    People are surprised to find that she is a bit of a bookworm, and can often be found in the library on occasion.

    Although she is kind, Rin can be stubborn if provoked. It depends on the situation, but she is easily irritated when someone or something bothers her to a certain point. Due to years of being bullied, Rin often hides her emotions until she reaches her breaking point. Her friendliness is believed to be a mask to hide who she really is underneath, but no one really knows. Her sensitivity to emotions can cause her to be distant, and if she ever becomes too attached to someone, Rin will become extremely reserved. This results in her friendships fading over time.

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@Belle Moon

I added some to Dike's Personality and Looks.

(Just 1 or 2 things to each that I had forgotten to add earlier.)

Also, I think I will be creating a male character as well...

Make the ratio of girls to boys a little more even.
Liam Day

  • charles-michael-davis-e1360141818277.jpg

    Name:Liam Day


    Gender: Male

    Class: Shadow

    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

    Looks: Remove the facial hair, he's about 6ft 3in.

    Personality (Required!): Liam is the strong silent type, preferring to listen and watch rather than speak. He has a tough exterior and doesn't get offended easily. His temper is minimal and when he is angry it doesn't show; rather he will ignore someone if they've angered him. However he's quick to forgive, after all is father said never to hold a grudge. When Liam is with friends he the quiet one that you can always count on. He loves a good joke and is easy to make laugh.

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  • f348b19c07c79e462f7c1ac9b90646bd.jpg

    Name: Dane Mordechai Silvetti

    Age: 18

    Gender: Genderfluid, biologically male. Uses all pronouns.

    Class: Dark

    Sexual Orientation: Cupiosexual

    Looks: Dane's jaw is strong and even. His facial features are effeminate, but not weak. He stands at 5'7", and his build is slender and agile. His hair is a deep red, and his eyes are a pale orangey-red colour (thanks to a defect). He wears rectangular black glasses due to the fact that his eyes are flawed and he can't very well.

    Personality: Dane is the type of person who acts all abrasive and harsh on the outside, but once you dig a little deeper, he's actually quite genuine. He has trust issues with both vampires and humans because of his past, so every time that he is around one, he immediately puts up his walls. People have to show that they're worthy and willing before they can enter into his heart. Because of this he may seem aloof. Really, he's just trying to be anything but afraid.




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    Name : Hikaru Yoshida

    Age : 17 years old

    Gender : Male

    Class : Dark

    Sexual Orientation : Heterosexual

    Looks :

    A tall, lengthy man, Hikaru stands at the height of 6'2" and has a somewhat muscular build. He has a mess of orange hair on top of his head that sometimes falls in front of his eyes if the wind blows it a certain direction. Hikaru is considered attractive to most women, with mysterious orange eyes and a defined facial structure. His skin tone is in between tan and pale, and is simply neutral.

    Personality :

    Hikaru has a reputation for being mysterious and somewhat popular among the ladies. He is not flirtatious in the least, but his masculinity and quietness seems to naturally attract women. Hikaru is a very sweet man, and is willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. But he is reserved, and often does not express interest towards anything, even to the one he secretly loves. It takes a long time for him to open up, and when someone gets to know him well enough, he's outgoing and carefree.

    For such a quiet person, Hikaru is not shy. He isn't afraid to speak his mind if he believes something is wrong. The only time anyone has seen him smile is within his friend group, either just talking or joking around. To everyone else, Hikaru is closed off, but not to the point where he will never talk to anyone else. He actually enjoys meeting new people, unless they are obnoxious and completely immature.

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  • guykj5.jpg~c200

    Name: Samuel Villamil

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Class: Dark

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Looks: (See Picture) He stands at 6' 2''

    Personality (Required!): He is sort of stuck-up. Raised by a rich pure vampire family, he was taught to think extremely lowly of halflings and humans. While he does believe in what his parents and private instructors have told him, he does find halflings attractive. He tends to overreact to things, and is often called a Drama King. He typically only talks to students of the Dark class, and can be extremely rude and disrespectful to halflings. This sometimes (as in always...) gets him into trouble. He is very intelligent from his many years of private teaching. He uses his intellect for manipulating people into doing his bidding, and is a known liar. He thinks extremely highly of himself and other true vampires.

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Belle Moon] [URL=" said:
@Kasper[/URL] He looks good. I like the weakness of pour eyesight it's a nice touch. Accepted!
@The Velveteen Rabbit Change the manipulation/reading of thoughts. I feel like that's a bit too close to modding.

@NightmareCat Just curious why is he afraid of Dike? Accepted!
@Belle Moon

Dike can get very hot-headed about pure vampires being rude to halflings, and can get a bit aggressive. Additionally, she has a pet ferret named Bandit that she sometimes carries around on her shoulder. (Samuel thinks it's a giant rat)

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