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  1. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    We all have these days. At the end of it all, the best moments are those in which you realise that what you look like doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
  2. KalmiaLatifolia

    Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

    Well, the most obvious would be something to do with Tousen being the country's hub of entertainment and talent-spotting and what have you. Unless he has already been scouted, and there temporarily for a performance or meet-up with some other person recommended to him. EDIT: Never mind. Aero's...
  3. KalmiaLatifolia

    Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

    No sooner had the first hoarse word of dismissal issued from Sato-sensei's lips than Miya, scrabbling for her earbuds, was flicking through her playlist; she found the Mendelssohn, and, popping her earbuds in, sighed in relief. Her other hand was fumbling through the piles of books on her desk...
  4. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool O.o
  5. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    Don't worry, Miya likes science. She'll live. I'm more concerned about the hallway-wanderers. And that's quite an apt observation, too. She's the type of teacher that students are terrified of before they get to know her, however, and a couple of days would have been inadequate time for that...
  6. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    @True Queen Ashe ^w^ Miss Miriel. @BobbyW @Hobbesisalive ulp this is not going to go well.
  7. KalmiaLatifolia

    Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

    I'll see what I can do. Promise me that someone will enlighten me of the RP's progression when I log on and want to know of the half a million things that have happened of which I'm unaware, if the pace of the other one is any indication. :3
  8. KalmiaLatifolia

    Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

    The paper had landed directly in Miya’s line of sight. The blonde girl was looking at her over her shoulder. So she was the person responsible. Besides her roommate, the girl was just about the first person who had acknowledged her presence here. She kept her suspicions about her, however; all...
  9. KalmiaLatifolia

    Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

    Miya was in class, copying down all that Sato-sensei was writing on the board. As she reached for an eraser, the table shuddered for the hundredth time in the day, and she hastily settled it with her unoccupied arm. Just her luck she had landed with what seemed like the only unbalanced desk in...
  10. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    Ahhh thank you! I certainly wasn't expecting this level of detail. We seriously need to put this up somewhere, or start a log in the overview topic on potential ships and their progressions. Anything that will enable us to track them all without too much hassle (cue cries of "stalker").
  11. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    Great, I'm going to attempt to join in the RP topic soon. About time. Someone tell me more about the ships :3 I can understand why Yumi's so heavily involved, though, because her personality is almost typical friendly girlfriend material, in an anime sense, that is. Cute too, as a bonus...
  12. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    It's morning where I am, so good morning/afternoon/evening guys! ^u^ Where are we up to? Sent from my C5503 using Tapatalk
  13. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    I must take my leave. I'll be back in a few hours, and I'll add you all on Line then. ^.^ Sent from my C5503 using Tapatalk
  14. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    I suppose I am cheating somewhat by saying so, as I am far more fluent in English than in my other language. Also, @Wataru, a chat sounds like an excellent idea. We're kind of breaking this site by posting so frequently. xD
  15. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    English isn't my first language either. ;) And vocabulary is something easily 'buildable' with constant exposure to a variety of texts.
  16. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    Agreed. In my school, however, the teachers adhere to marking grids, and the system is rigged in such a way that it's almost advantageous to be a bad writer. True creativity is quite heavily penalised. My last assessment was a creative, and I was tearing my hair out of it so much that I decided...
  17. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    I prefer to think I can engage sufficiently well in overly fancy verbal discourse, but when pacing, characterization and whatever other elements of creative writing there are get in the picture, my abilities kind of die right there. To tell the truth, I'm probably the worst writer among my RL...
  18. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    Neither can I. They do share an interest in music, but Miya isn't a guitarist, and, all other aspects of their personalities considered, the notion of any similarity between them is absolutely ludicrous. Yui's grades are abysmal.
  19. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool

    Although I've got to say, her appearance reminds me of Yui Hirasawa's. The ref could be fanart of her, for all I know. Just not Miya's height, for sure. xD
  20. KalmiaLatifolia

    Anime Highschool
