Anime Highschool

RyanJXavier said:
doesn't she have ryuzaki and connor (>n>)
*le gasp* She would never ignore her other group of friends though! Especially her fabulous, amazing, perfect dorm mate!


Wataru said:
Line is the japanese equivalent of iMessages or Whatsapp, the difference is that it doesn't show your phone number, you create an account and can access it anywhere and it has cute stickers. I was once in a Line chat with people from another forum and it was awesome!

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]*le gasp* She would never ignore her other group of friends though! Especially her fabulous, amazing, perfect dorm mate!

RyanJXavier said:
doesn't she have ryuzaki and connor (>n>)

alright Jet's going to mess with her then. Give me a bit 'kay?
Aha alright :D
Doesn't Jethro have the adorable baby Suzumaki! @RyanJXavier

I just wrote a book in IC


Lmfao xD I found Ryuzaki's singing voice. Well it's Aomine Daiki's voice but I use Aomine's voice for Ryuzaki...and his appearance lol xD
Wataru said:
LOL As a K-ON lover, i just can't imagine Yui acting like Miya @KalmiaLatifolia
Neither can I. They do share an interest in music, but Miya isn't a guitarist, and, all other aspects of their personalities considered, the notion of any similarity between them is absolutely ludicrous. Yui's grades are abysmal.
I should go to sleep... I don't wanna, but I'll be up early tomorrow... ;-; Night guys, I'll try to sleep for all of you! I do it because I love you all too much -n- Sweet dreams, and control Yumi if needed to! Just tag me in stuff with her~ *huggles and forehead kisses for everyone*
RyanJXavier said:
@KalmiaLatifolia For some reason, I have a feeling that you're a great writer
I prefer to think I can engage sufficiently well in overly fancy verbal discourse, but when pacing, characterization and whatever other elements of creative writing there are get in the picture, my abilities kind of die right there. To tell the truth, I'm probably the worst writer among my RL friends. I'm forcing myself to improve before creative writing becomes a thing English teachers try to hammer home to you with their restricted views on what is acceptable and not in the "creative" art of writing, hence why I joined this site.
Thank you for the compliment, though!

@Leaf Fi Okies. Good night! :D
KalmiaLatifolia said:
I prefer to think I can engage sufficiently well in overly fancy verbal discourse, but when pacing, characterization and whatever other elements of creative writing there are get in the picture, my abilities kind of die right there. To tell the truth, I'm probably the worst writer among my RL friends. I'm forcing myself to improve before creative writing becomes a thing English teachers try to hammer home to you with their restricted views on what is acceptable and not in the "creative" art of writing, hence why I joined this site.
Thank you for the compliment, though!

@Leaf Fi Okies. Good night! :D
*reads your response* *pauses in amazement* *falls backward onto the ground* okay. Um, you're welcome.
KalmiaLatifolia said:
Neither can I. They do share an interest in music, but Miya isn't a guitarist, and, all other aspects of their personalities considered, the notion of any similarity between them is absolutely ludicrous. Yui's grades are abysmal.
Is Miya joining the music club? I was looking thorugh Yui's photos and she looks pretty serious on "Listen!", now i can see the resemblance, even if just a little.

[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]We should totally create a Line for our characters, and we chat as them! They would be super duper cool!


We could have IC chat and OOC :o
Wataru said:
Is Miya joining the music club? I was looking thorugh Yui's photos and she looks pretty serious on "Listen!", now i can see the resemblance, even if just a little.

We could have IC chat and OOC :o
Line is a Japanese app that people in Japan use everywhere! But we all use it too to communicate with people; kinda like this website. But when I had line it was for my iFunny friends.

KalmiaLatifolia said:
I prefer to think I can engage sufficiently well in overly fancy verbal discourse, but when pacing, characterization and whatever other elements of creative writing there are get in the picture, my abilities kind of die right there. To tell the truth, I'm probably the worst writer among my RL friends. I'm forcing myself to improve before creative writing becomes a thing English teachers try to hammer home to you with their restricted views on what is acceptable and not in the "creative" art of writing, hence why I joined this site.
This, i completely identify. I'm also terrible on creative writing, while my friends have loads of ongoing fanfictions and get great grades on writing chronicles and diaries, i struggle severely on this kind of text.

(By the way, your vocabulary amazes me, as someone whose first language isn't english)

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