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  1. Xierstel

    Hi ^^"

    A wonderful list! I hope you enjoy the site. Welcome to RpNation!
  2. Xierstel

    Can't think of thread name

    That's just fine! There's always Nintendo 64 games to enjoy. Diddy Kong Racing, Conker's Bad Fur Day, things of that nature.
  3. Xierstel

    Herro... Newbie here! :3

    Five Nights At Freddy's roleplay? Never heard of it and have no idea how it'd work, but good on ya'! Welcome to the site.
  4. Xierstel

    Can't think of thread name

    Welcome to the site! Old games, eh? Morrowind is the best old game!
  5. Xierstel


    I'm actually quite new here myself and haven't really checked out the dice stuff, but what I'm assuming is that it's like traditional RPGs where rolling a die determines starting character attributes, how far a character travels, the damage he does when attacking, stuff like that. I'm probably...
  6. Xierstel


    Wow, looking over all that, it seems like we'd get along great. Welcome to RpNation! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  7. Xierstel

    Zoidberg Jesus.

    Zoidberg Jesus.
  8. Xierstel

    Old Games

    Morrowind is an amazing RPG even to this day.
  9. Xierstel

    Hi there!

    Hi! Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy your time here.
  10. Xierstel

    Hello, hello, hello

    I'm glad you managed to avoid the terrible planes of Xat and the icy tundras of Palringo on your travels. Welcome to RpNation!
  11. Xierstel

    Xbox 1 or PS4?

    It seems most people have voted for the ps4.. But remember; most people are idiots. Go with the Xbox One.
  12. Xierstel

    Figured this was as good as any...

    Hi, Frag! Welcome to the site. I hope you have a great time here.
  13. Xierstel

    *Waves* Hello...

    Hey there, glad to see another new person! I hope you enjoy it here.
  14. Xierstel

    .: Introducing Uniqueness : "Howdy, y'all!" :.

    Hello and welcome to the site! HEIL STANNIS!
  15. Xierstel

    uhhh...helloooo everyone

    Welcome to the site! You may want to start out with simple or casual roleplays to help get you started. I hope you enjoy it here!
  16. Xierstel

    Fallout 4 News

    Fallout 4 sounds really cool. I can't wait for it to come out. Hours of Fallout 3 and New Vegas have left me wanting for something more.
  17. Xierstel

    Hai ヾ(^-^)ノ

    Hey, man. Welcome to the site. Really hope to see you around.
  18. Xierstel

    Well hai there ^o^

    Hey there! I hope you enjoy the site.
  19. Xierstel

    Jon Snow Can't Come Up With Decent Thread Title

    Welcome! HEIL STANNIS!
  20. Xierstel


    Hey there! Sorry to hear that you're overworked. I hope you'll find a roleplay suitable to your tastes.