Fallout 4 News


Four Thousand Club
Ladies and gentlemen,with the Electronic Entertainment Expo,otherwise known as E3,Bethesda Softworks,the current owners of the Fallout IP,made some... Pretty damn huge announcements. Besides,you know,the very fact that we're getting Fallout 4 this year,at November tenth. At least,in North America. No idea if Europe,Asia,and Australia will see delayed releases or not. So,for those who want the game,but didn't catch the E3 conference,allow me to break it down.

-New engine. Fallout 3 and New Vegas used the old Gamebryo Engine. Bethesda both no longer has the rights to this engine,and the original owners have collapsed,taking Gamebryo with them. Skyrim launched a new proprietary engine from Bethesda,called the Creation Engine. Fallout 4 uses the Creation Engine II. This translates to much better graphics and lighting.

-Vehicles. From what we've seen,there are two vehicles available to the player in the game; Vertibirds,where you can,at least,use the door gun for,and powered armour. In lore,powered armour wasn't some suit you slip on and off. It was a walking tank. In all respects,it was a goddamned mech. From the E3 footage,your powered armour must be boarded and disembarked from,and it offers an entirely new method of play,almost like MechWarrior.

-Settlement. This was actually the meat of the Fallout 4 keynote. The player is able to scrounge materials from the junk you find in the wasteland,from tin cans and wonderglue,to entire abandoned structures and world debris like tires,and convert them into raw materials,which can be used to make buildings. As the Good Book says,build it,and they will come; As you build up your settlement,people move in. Eventually,you can conceivably build great fortress cities,with the best stocked merchants in the world calling it home. Of course,new settlements are always juicy targets for raider gangs...

-Companions. You know how in New Vegas,companion controls were pretty good,but flawed? Yeah,well it looks like they were improved greatly for this game. It seems to be a hybrid of Skyrim's and New Vegas' companion control interface.

-Swanky new Pip-Boy. Not much,I know,but the player character directly interacts with it,obeying your commands. A nice little touch.

-Fully voiced. Some people hate it,but I personally think it's a step forward. The player character,male or female,is fully voiced. And,the game has an internal name database,composed of thousands of names. If your character's name matches a name on that database,you will be addressed by name.

-Gear customization. The REAL meat of the game. This will have me drooling for months to come,I'm certain. What does this mean,exactly? Well,how does the following sound: Fifty base weapons,with a combined 700+ modifications to be made to them,with the capacity to turn the lowly laser pistol into a long ranged laser sniper rifle? Because that's EXACTLY what they showed off. You can also customize your powered armour to the extreme,swapping out parts and pieces to make your own unique suit of powered armour,with each part providing different performance.

-Modding. Guess what? Console gamers don't need to feel like second class citizens,anymore. Bethesda has said that,out of the box,Fallout 4 will be able to be modded by console players,drawing water from the same well as PC gamers. If you don't have a beastly PC to handle the game,fret not! Those with Xbox Ones and Playstation 4's will be able to expand and modify their play experience. Completely for free,with purchase of the base game. No word on how exactly it's going to be handled,but I think that the console mods will be coming from Steamworks (The "Steam Workshop"),or Bethesda's own Bethesda,net. I fervently hope they work out a deal with the Nexus,because that's where all the good stuff is,and a unified modding community is better for everyone. So,to all of you lifelong console gamers getting Fallout 4,I have only one thing to say.

Welcome. Please,enjoy your buffet.

I think that's everything. However,if I missed anything,don't hesitate to let me know!
Fallout 4 sounds really cool. I can't wait for it to come out. Hours of Fallout 3 and New Vegas have left me wanting for something more.
I'm really excited for this. I was a little iffy about the voiced main character, but it might be good. I'm just worried that it will cut down on the amount of dialogue options and side quests.

I'm pleased about how the faces look though, they looked pretty bad in 3 and NV and they've improved a lot.
tsundere said:
I'm really excited for this. I was a little iffy about the voiced main character, but it might be good. I'm just worried that it will cut down on the amount of dialogue options and side quests.
I'm pleased about how the faces look though, they looked pretty bad in 3 and NV and they've improved a lot.
I wouldn't say the anatomcial facial features looked bad in NV and 3. Heck, I remember when you couldn't choose how your character looked at all.

I'm sure there'll be plenty of shit to do regardless of the amount of side quests, so that's not really a concern for me personally.
tsundere said:
I'm really excited for this. I was a little iffy about the voiced main character, but it might be good. I'm just worried that it will cut down on the amount of dialogue options and side quests.
I'm pleased about how the faces look though, they looked pretty bad in 3 and NV and they've improved a lot.
There is no need to worry about dialogue options because they have been recording voices for the past three years.
Seems like Bethesda's pulling out all the stops this time.

I've heard speculation that they're cutting back on graphics to make the game system itself more complex? Not that the graphics for Fallout have ever been particularly amazing, and no one in their right mind plays these games for their graphic quality, but still. Then again, whose to say relatively what "cutting back" even means.

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