Figured this was as good as any...


The Dream Weaver

Did I happen to startle you?



Oh well...

Anyway, I thought it would be fitting to introduce myself. I stumbled upon RPNations by mistake and suddenly, I'm hooked. I have to admit, I am very impressed with the layout and mechanics of the site (a kudos goes out to the Administration). However, I was more focused on the RP of it all.

You see...

...I am, or rather was, an RP addict. I needed my fix as soon as a post left my fingers. This way of RPing was not only destructive, but unproductive to say the very least. After all, I had to result in IMVU for a few years in order to satisfy that urge. I know, I know. Not something a lot of you want to hear. Let me tell you, I don't even really want to hear about it either. In fact, I decided to come BACK to forum RP for the reasons that IMVU gave.

In any case...

I am a descriptive writer and my general genre of RP is Medieval. However, I am prone to fantasy and modern as time.

Disclaimer: If you ask me to RP in a Twilight-based RP, I may come in and destroy it. Just a fair warning...

...In any case, I am here to RP and meet friends along the way. If you're looking for an experienced player or someone who can bring ideas to life, let me know. I would most happily join in the fun and games.

Oh, and please call me Frag, it's a lot shorter than FragmentedFantasies right? Thanks!

Yes, yes...

Another random post about nothing....

Just like this one. ( :P )
Hello and welcome!

Enjoy the site, this place is awesome. I've been sticking around here for almost a year (only 3 months to go, and I've reached that milestone)

Be sure to check the links under the My important Links thingy on the right of your computer screen. It contains most if not all the information you need to know to get yourself started on here.
Hi there. Medieval roleplay sounds like fun! I've never done one, but it does sound like a lot of fun and I'd like to roleplay with you!
I'm always up for a bit of one on one or group. So if you want to RP with me, please, feel free to shoot me a PM or something. Not completely sure how this site works just yet. xD

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