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  1. G

    Fantasy Hideout (Accepting Again)

    The final warning of the Hag echoed in her ears as she walked through the alleyways and decrepit streets, relieved when the roads straightened out and the houses became increasingly less crooked and run down, until she finally reached the gate that lead to her manor. She dropped her unremarkable...
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    Fantasy Hideout (Closed for Now)

    Character Name: Crista Jude (Landure), most address her as Lady Jude. Gender: Female Age: 46 Race: Half-human, half-elf Occupation/Class: Nobility, and she's a dark sorceress, shhh. Picture or Description of Appearance: Crista had taken after her mother in appearance, sharing...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    "Cute." Lucien purred, disregarding everything the troll said, for now. He chuckled, moving into a sitting position to stare at the supposed troll. "You're shivering like a leaf, on a really windy day.." He hummed, "I don't feel a breeze though..." Then he narrowed his eyes slightly, cocking his...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    "Not..." He began, but lost his train of thought the second he opened his mouth. His gaze flicked between the two, a smirk curling the edges of his lips. He rested a cheek on a bloody palm, though the quiet squelch that followed the actions caused him to roll onto his back, not caring about the...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Lucien watched everything from inside a locker at the end of the hall. Though he didn't have a perfect view, he saw enough to keep him awake. With a jerk of his elbow, he spilled out of the confined space, somehow gracefully landing in a crouching position. He didn't keep that pose, of course...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Name: Lucien Melloth Age: 17 Creature: Sloth demon. Human form: Magical form: Personality: Lucien is a very lazy, care-free person. Mentally smart as a whip, though otherwise he is very slow. He doesn't care much for what others think of him, but he does care about others enough to...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Lost in her thoughts as she was, Connor hadn't noticed the intruder. At least, not until she heard the soft squeak of shoes on perfectly polished floors. She sat up, her strange eyes wide and staring at the stranger. Immediately the urge to flee overwhelmed her but she barely managed to keep it...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Frowning, Connor folded her legs under her and hovered midair, staring at the door and wondering what to do next. A silent debate warred in her mind, as she tried to weigh the pros and cons of actually signing up for classes this year. The headmaster had always encouraged her to do so, as her...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Connor stood on the very tips of her bare toes, her head swinging left and right rapidly, as if she was looking for someone. Very few people seemed to notice her, those that did were the unfortunate victims are of her unblinking stare. Though it was hard to tell if she was staring at a specific...
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    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Hnnn, yeah I'll change it up. Otherwise, am I accepted? (' :) )
  11. G

    Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

    Name: Connor Age: 17 Creature: Ghost Human/Magical Form: The only difference between both forms is that she becomes more transparent and physically untouchable when threatened, which counts as a magical form, I think. Personality: Connor isn't the smartest crayon in the box, nor the...
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    Fantasy fantaschool:the school of fantasy creatures

    Name "Mira, short for miracle, pronounced MEER-AH. Hahaha..." Age "Well, I COULD be 17... Or 71... But most likely 17. Or far older than 71." Appearance "I'd like to wear YOUR face, however..." "Oh... Uh, this is how I appear without a body. Ugly, isn't it..?" Crush "I admit, I am...
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    Fantasy Invasion

    Grisan looked out the window, watching the shadows down below with a careful eye. A small grin crossed his face when he saw movement in the far distance, definitely not Drosa and most certainly humans. He wouldn't say anything tonight, but the people that went in would do well to be gone by noon...
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    Fantasy Invasion

    Name: Grisan Alicte Species: Drosa Age: 24 Personality: Grisan is an odd individual, he believes humans are below him but does not believe they should be enslaved or killed. Still, he is far more interested in his own safety than others. Grisan is overly polite and obediant but that's just...
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    Fantasy Invasion

    Hi, I'm interested in the roleplay. Is it okay if I make a Drosa male char? I have a description for his appearance ready, I can post it and see if it's okay with you. It might be a little bizarre.. Of course it's fine if you do not want any more people ^-^
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    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Name: Danaya Kult (Pronounced Dah-Knee-Ya Cool-T) Power: Danaya is capable of two things; flight, and invisibility. While she still struggles with her invisibility, she's very graceful and quick in the air, and can always be seen hovering midair whenever possible. Though without any goggles or...
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    Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)

    "Well, I've always wanted to be a princess." Marcy grinned, one hand casually resting on the handle of her machete as she spoke, "But no, call me Marcy." Without looking she could tell her brother was bristling and fingers twitching towards his pistols. He knew that he couldn't shoot with a...
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    Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)

    Marcy nodded, a smirk on her face as she regarded their overnight base. "Yup, baggy as hell though." She said, gesturing to the olive colored sweater she wore, her shoulders made it hang around her torso, though it wasn't a bad thing. "All the clothes should be in a pile by the over turned TV...
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    Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)

    A gleeful smile spread over Marcy's face, even as Mason pointed his guns in the direction of the speaker. "And you have a big fuzzy beard! Seriously, did you glue that shit on? Wow!" Not taking her eyes off the man, she forcefully made her twin lower one of his guns, taking in the rest of the...
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    Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)

    "Well, pretty sure survivors in Russia heard you screaming bloody murder, so we'd better leave. Like, right now." Marcy said after catching her breath, feeling at ease after sharing a laugh with her twin. He rolled his eyes, about to make a snarky comment but the creaking of the house/shack...