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  1. M

    ~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

    Pip saw the three-legged dog, and smiled at her. (him?) "H-hi. I'm P-pip."
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    ~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

    Pip lies down beside Kleft. "I don't know. Maybe...maybe eventually we could get out of here, and roam around town." she said.
  3. M

    ~Life on the Streets~

    Steph looked at the sandwich, and felt saliva festering on the corners of her mouth. She raised her eyebrows at this guy, but took the sandwich anyway. Then, she did something very odd-- she split the sandwich in half and offered the other half to the guy. "I'm all for sharing," she said. "I'm...
  4. M

    Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

    Ana nodded and walked to the kennels, and immediately saw Jei. He looked very rough and tough; just the way she imagined him. She knelt next to his kennel, examining him from head to tail. He seemed like a good dog, physically speaking. She held her hands out for him to sniff, clicking to him...
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    Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)

    Luna watched them walk away, and she sighed her relief. She really didn't feel like fighting today--or any day for that matter. After lapping up a bit more water, she padded aimlessly along the stream, hoping not to be noticed.
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    Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

    ( I would wait for DemonicPhenomenon to get on.)
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    Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

    Ana walked outside and saw someone walking their dog, so she approached the person carefully. "Excuse me, ma'am," she said. "I'm new here. I recently received my registration papers for my dog, but I failed to find out where I go to retrieve my dog. Would you mind telling me where to go?"
  8. M

    [Idea] Choose your own Path

    I'm up for it. Seems cool.
  9. M

    Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)

    Luna wandered around aimlessly, and found a stream. There were creatures down there, but she was on the other side of the stream, so she assumed she would be safe if they were hostile. She walked down to the stream, stepping in the water, and lapped up a few drinks of water, pretending she did...
  10. M

    ~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

    Pip tries to relax, and smiles when Kleft licks her cheek. "Okay....I guess."
  11. M

    ~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

    Pip grins; she didn't expect that. "Good." she said. She saw the other dog in the shadows, and cowered a little closer to Kleft.
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    Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)

    Luna watched from a distance; she didn't want to hurt anyone. She came a little closer; she would protect the cat if need be.
  13. M

    ~Life on the Streets~

    Steph bumped into the guy, grunting. "It's okay." Her stomach growled, and she gripped her sides to try to silence it. She really needed food. She could tell he had stuff in his pockets, but she knew that asking him for it would either mean a fight or something worse. Steph tried to play the...
  14. M

    Asylum for criminally insane... nekos?!

    Rion grasped Nicole on the shoulder. "It's fine. I'm sorry I acted so harshly. I just don't want you hurt."
  15. M

    Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

    Ana walked to her cabin, number 4, as she looked at her dogs papers. Name: Jei. Gender: Male. Breed: German Sheperd. Origin: Unknown. Unknown? This confused Ana, but she shrugged it off. She thought about going and getting her dog, but she forgot to ask where she would go to get him. Ana walked...
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    Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

    Ana walked around, kind of lost. She saw a few people running, so she walked up to one person that looked like an official, and got their attention. "Excuse me, sir, my name is Ana Pierce, and I'm a new recruit here. I was wondering what sort of procedures are done for new recruits here."
  17. M

    Quest Academy for Juvenile Deliquents and the Mentally Unstable

    Tori turned her head a bit to see someone sitting behind her. She wanted to say something to her, but Wednesday had her hand over her mouth, preventing her from speaking. Tori smiled with her eyes at the girl, then looked back to the front.
  18. M

    ~Life on the Streets~

    Steph sat on the roof of the local market, scanning the surrounding area, a small pocketknife in her hand. She watched closely, looking for suspecting dangers. Her stomach growled; she hadn't eaten in two days.
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    Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)

    Luna sheepishily peeked out from behind the tree, revealing herself to Shadow. "I'm sorry.....I thought if I followed you, you would find food." she said. She was embarrassed that she had been caught.
  20. M

    Asylum for criminally insane... nekos?!

    Rion chased after Nicole, jumping in front of her to protect her from any danger. "Don't ever do that again! People will hurt you here if they see you out of area!"