Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

Haou ate the hotdogs and wagged his tail then perked his ears as he heard a loud horn blast, signaling the troops for dinner, he nudged her and stood up licking his jaws and wagged his tail.
Micheal watched the new recruits, the first day wasn't the hardest, but they were tired, really tired.

Jessica walked into the cafeteria and saw Nichole, she watched her, then walked with a few guys to a table then to get their food, but shouldn't keep giving Yomi a quick glance or two.
Nichole ate her dinner then dumped her tray. she walked out and back to the kennels. she grabbed Haou's leash and got him out walking him outside. she sat on a hill and looked at the stars.
Haou looked at the sky then at this human, was he supposed to protect her? was he supposed to trust her? what was he supposed to do? he did nothing and laid their wagging his tail.
Yomi walked with one of the guys who kept talking to him about his pets back at home. Since he wasn't doing anythig he released hishair letting it fall to his shoulders. He scanned the food with his blue eyes. Nothing seemed appatezing to him but he was going to eat something anyways.
Jessica walked past Yomi, she didn't look back but she bit her lip and smiled, then she turned to her guy friend and they chatted while they ate slowly, she couldn't help but look at Yomi then quickly look away, she giggled as her guy friend laughed at her and she blushed, being caught by someone was always embarrassing for her
Yomi stared for a second then finally picked up someething but it was just a hotdog and some fruite. He walked and sat at a nearby table with the guy. He pushed his food forward then leand back. He ran his finger through his hair sighing.The guy asked if he was alright, so he responded low. " m i'm fine
Jessica raised her eyebrows and looked at her friend, he shruged and the continued to slowly eat, laughing and giggleing gently, giving Yomi an occasional glance or two.
Yomi looked over again this time the man looking to. The guy nudged him several of times till he laid his head down on the table and looked up at him. " you can have not into girls." The guy stopped for a bit then laughed as he patted his back. He thought he would leave but he stayed so he counted The guy name Dylan as a friend, for now.
Haou wagged his tail and licked his nose.

Jessica looked away and giggled with her friend for a while longer before they tossed their plates and he left her alone, she sat there for a minute and then sighed, she stood up and walked out of the room, her thumbs in her back pockets, she walked across the dirt road the sun was going down and she walked into her cabin, most of the guys were in the cafeteria, except for a few guys in the room, she got into her pajamas, she saw some guys staring at her, she rolled her eyes and got into her bed, she laid there for a minute, the rolled over and turned to the wall and pulled the covers over her body.
Yomi and Dylan left the cafeteria. They walked to their cabins, yomi exhausted by all the work they did. They got in and Yomi picked the top bunk. He climbed up then rolled over onto his back. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes allowing himself to relax his muscels and the pain. Dylan went straight to sleep with no trouble while yomi just kept his eyes closed.
Jessica messed around with her blanket, she sighed and messed around the the tip of the blanket, but she couldn't ease her mind, she then shifted and laid on her back, the room soon filled with people who quickly got into bed and then the room was filled with snoring and breathing, Jessica groaned and put the pillow over his head.
The cabins got darker and with that Yomi drifted into sleep.He was turned over on his side his hair covering his face. He lightly snored unlike the others who snored like boars. It didn't bother Yomi since his dad was worse so he slept through it.
Ana walked outside and saw someone walking their dog, so she approached the person carefully. "Excuse me, ma'am," she said. "I'm new here. I recently received my registration papers for my dog, but I failed to find out where I go to retrieve my dog. Would you mind telling me where to go?"
Haou saw the woman approach and sniffed at her, not in an aggressive way or nice way, he was sniffing her for harmful objects or substances, he found nothing but stood beside Nichole in a protective way, not letting the lady get to close.

(I'll help you, dont worry, ill look at your post and reply C: )
Nichole said''oh go to the kennels.'' she yawned and said''cmon Haou...'' she put him in his cage. she said''see you tomorrow..''kissing his head. she walked back to her cabin and went to sleep.
Ana nodded and walked to the kennels, and immediately saw Jei. He looked very rough and tough; just the way she imagined him. She knelt next to his kennel, examining him from head to tail. He seemed like a good dog, physically speaking. She held her hands out for him to sniff, clicking to him like you would a newborn baby. "Hi, Jei," she said. "I'm Ana. It looks like we'll be partners from here on out."

(I have a question...will another person have to play Jei or can I take care of that myself? I was just curious because Demonic played as Nichole's dog.)
(You can play the dog yourself, i only play them if you want me to.)

Haou watched Nichole leave then looked at Ana he yawned then laid down, his head resting on his massive paws, and he closed his eyes for sleep.

Micheal looked at Sierra and handed her a paper, it had her cabin number, her dogs name, age gender, breed and history on it, he smiled and patted her back "hope your dogs are strong." he smirked then walked away towards his cabin, he was tried today was okay, but tomorrow will be hard for them.

([MENTION=4200]xXTimberwolfXx[/MENTION] ))
Yomi slowly woke up as he loojed through the darkness. He didn't sleep long but didn't want to disturb anyone. He gripped the bunkbed then jumped over the side landing on the floor silently. He swiftly walked outside shuttin the doors. As he took a step a strong wind moved past him.

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