Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

Lucas stood a few guys down from Yomi, then saw him staring, he looked over and raised an eyebrow, but didn't say a word, Micheal was standing to close. He gave him a simple nod then stood straight, his gaze falling off Yomi and to the area in front of them.

Jessica stood straight, her bronze hair was pulled into a tight pony tail. her eyes glinting with curiosity and she glanced around at the recruits, then she looked straight ahead.

Haou sniffed the air once he got into the cage, and smelt fear and delight from the other dogs, he cocked his head to the side curiously, but took no mind to it, and let his tail loll out of his mouth as he waited for Nichole to return.

Micheal walked across the line his hands behind his back, his chest out and he looked as if he were a machine, then he stood and looked at all the new recruits, "Today we will be working hard with our dogs, and examining them to see if they are the correct potential." he spoke loudly, at the other side of the field there was a straight line of the oldest recruits, they didn't have their shirts on and their bodies were chiseled with muscles, Their dogs stood by their sides they even stood straight they legs behind them and they looked beautiful like something you would find in a child's picture book about Fido or some super dog, their collars dangled with dog tags, as well as their owners, around their neck was the silver dog tags.
Yomi was straight his hands by his side as he looked at the old recruits. He thought none were as cute as his, or the same. After knight bit his finger their bond was already created as he licked the blood off. He was a little excited since he was going to be able to play with his dog, and train him.

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