Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

Jessica who slept near the door heard it close and watched him leave, but instead of going out their she turned away from the door and closed her eyes again, then slowly started to fall asleep.

Lucas sat in bed, he wasn't asleep, he saw Yomi leave and he stared for a minute then looked around, everyone's breath was steady with sleep, a few people snored and he groaned slightly.
"hope your dogs are strong." Micheal smirked. Sierra nods then looks at the form. Her cabin was number 5. Sierra walked off in the direction of the cabins taking in her surroundings, she had been in the military for 3 years before she decided her dogs were ready to come to work with her. Sierra walked past the first few cabins looking for her own, when she came to it she takes a closer look at the form. She knew there would be more to come.

Sierra pushes the door to her cabin open, it was small but adequate. There was a small living space with an ajoined kitchen, there were two lead offs aswell. the first leading to a bedroom the second to the bathroom. Sierra walks to the sofa and sits down. She pulls out her pen and Starts to fill out the first form. Dogs name: Cole, Age:3 Gender:Male, Breed:Blue Merle Border collie and history:He was born in a litter of 9, he was the smallest, the runt. He was attacked by both his owner and siblings. His owner dropped him off in a shelter, he was dissed there too.

Sierra placed the first form on the table and fills out the second, Name: Riley, Age:2, Gender: Female, Breed: German shepherd and history:She was brought by me as a companion for Cole. Riley is Coles partner and they are very rarely seperated. She was brought from a private breeder. she is pure German Shepherd. Sierra picks up Coles form and walks to the kitchen area, she takes the key off the counter and goes out locking the door behind her.

Sierra could hear the dogs barking in the cages, Sierra walks in and places her form on the main desk, the clerk points her to two cages at the back. Cole jumps up at the cage, Sierra unlatches the cage and he rushes at her. Sierra drops down onto her knees ands he licks her face. Sierra takes the lead off the door and clips it onto his collar. She greets Riley and hooks her lead up too. She turns around to see another person talking to a strong muscular dog. Sierra stands up straight and walks over, Cole and Riley walking at heal. 'Hi. I'm Sierra, these are my dogs Cole and Riley.' she says introducing herself and her dogs.
Yomi loved the wind as it flowed through his hair. He took a deep sigh seeing the fog of his breath disappeare. He slowly walked toward the areas where the dogs were being held. He thought about knight, the handsome german rotti. He smiled as he looked at the finger the dog bit.
Haou wagged his tail then saw Yomi he seemed to be like a dark shadow, he didnt like the mans presents, he growled and eyes Yomi hatefully, standing beside, then he looked up at Nichole and wagged his tail happily.

(Alright its morning now guys.)

Micheal saw the sun just barely peeking through the trees, a light fog gathered on the ground and Micheal sat in his bed, then he got out of bed and got his megaphone, he walked into each cabin and yelled into the megaphone, "Get up you lazy mutts!" he yelled at them, everyone's second day would be terrible. Once he had awoken all of the cabins he directed them to go eat breakfast, and he then disappeared inside his cabin.
Yomi heard him then went back to his former place. He went to the breakfast . He sat with one of the otners only eating a banans. He didn't care for the mutt that was staring at him so tnat thought drifted away.
Sierra woke up. She scrubbed up then went to the mess. She got her food then went and sat down at the table that seemed most occupied. She sat next to a person that was only eating bananas. 'Hi, I'm Timber.' She says picking up a peice of toast and spreading butter onto it. She takes a bite waiting for the man to reply.
Nichole was sitting between Jessica and Lucas, Lucas ate eggs and bacon, While Jessica merely played with her eggs and sighed setting down her fork. Lucas looked at Jessica and raised an eye brown "Everything okay Jessi?" he asked past Nichole then he smiled at Nichole and looked back at Jessi.
Lucas watched Nichole leave and then waited for a moment, before standing up and walking outside, he watched Nichole jog for a minute then went into the area where they held the dog kennels.
Lucas stood across the room and looked over at Nichole, he had finally got Chief on a leash and not trying to bite him, once Nichole came in started to shout Chief got afraid and growled loudly once Haou jumped from his Kennel with Nichole, Lucas held his leash tightly but the Pit Bull pulled and barked aggressively on his paper had said he used to be a fighting dog and has a problem with other male dogs, He bared his teeth at Haou and growled loudly.

Haou wagged his tail at Nichole, then heard Chief, he whipped around and bared his teeth back at the large Pit Bull, Haou's fur stood on end and he barked aggressively as the Pit Bull lunged but Lucas held him tight enough for him not to Touch Haou, Haou lunged as well, but quickly came back to Nichole, he stood in front of his owner he growled loudly, Both Chief and Haou had been fighting dogs saved from their horrible future.

Lucas held the dog tightly, he was terrified of his own dog, but pulled hard on the dogs leash, the dog only growling louder and barking more aggressively.
Haou wagged his tail and followed her, but turned his head growling at Chief again as they left, Then he trotted by her side happily.

Lucas looked down at Chief and Chief looked up at Lucas, then Lucas put him back into the cage, and walked out, the sun made the gravel on the ground hot and he looked at the girl walking Haou and he smirked then walked towards his cabin.
Haou stayed in the shade panting, an he laid down and looked at the tree and grass.

Lucas walked into the cabin and sat on his bed, he held his stomach a roaring pain inside.
Sierra stood in line next to a girl, She stood up straight. The sun glinted in her eys causing her to shield them with her hand. The morning was fresh and the air was welcome. The grass was wet from dew and the tree's we swaying gently in the breeze.
In the middle this time Yomi stood by Dyla his hands by his side and his hair partial up. He looked up at the sun again and lelt out a sigh. He like the night time better because of the breeze. He tried to look for the guy that helped him out yesterday, by givig him a shower to use. It's natural for him to say thanks and it would annoy him if he didn't

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