Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

Haou growled, as if understood what she said, but proved he still didnt trust her, then he turned away from her and faced the back of the cage and laid down like a grumpy big dog.
Nichole sighed and said''Haou please turn around...'' placing the back of her palm on the cage door. she wanted him to be used to her scent.
Haou turned his head to her, he licked his nose and then sat up, he grouchily went and sniffed her hand, she smelt of hot dogs, he sniffed her hand more and licked it, she tasted nice, he then wagged his tail slightly, letting it thump on the hard metal.
Yomi and the dog stared at each other. He read the sign and it said knight. Knight wagged his tail as it watxhed him. Yomi stuck his finger in the instantly the dog but him. It didn't her but the dog gave him a smile and let go. Yomi licked the blood from his finger and smiled back.
Lucas turned to his dog and the dog bared it teeth he rolled his eyes "Look you sack of fur." he said to the dog, the dog pricked his ears and glared at him "If you want to live, i suggest you be good, because i think this is your last stop before the put you down, if you want to live, i suggest you be good dog." he glared at the dog, and the dog just stared, not a bad stare, but a questionable one, did the dog think it was a good dog? maybe.

Haou ate the hotdog quickly and licked his jaws, he nudged her hand and licked it, his tail thumping on the metal.

Micheal let out a shout, "Everyone should have their dogs in the kennels lets hurry up!" he shouted loudly at the new recruits, the old ones standing in a single file line, their dogs in their kennels on the other side of the room.

Haou jumped when he heard a human yell, then he bared his teeth and growled loudly, and crawled the the far corner of his cage, his fur along his spine risen.
Knight backed away as Yomi turned around heading back to line. His hands were twitching again since he wanted them in his pokets but her forced himself not to.
Haou watched her leave and sniffed the air, he laid down his head resting on his paws.

Micheal shouted out after a moment "Okay maggots, you guys can have 'play time' with your mutts tomorrow. For now, since its the first day, we will do basic conditioning, follow me." he said with a smile and walked out of the building, his new squad following him, his old one in the very back smirking.
conditioning. Yomi rubbed the back of his head and walked behind the one that got pushed down. The guy looked back at him with pasdionate eyes. " geez...hes great ive never been pushed down like felt amazing." Yomi shook his head in dusgust, to be persuaded so eaisly.
He lined up as ordered next to a tall man and a short one. The short one looked up at him with a smile while the other one looked at us with a cold stare. Yomi brushed it off but glanced from the side at the man. Tall, strong...he thought, useful and seems intresting but fcourse thats what he thought.
Micheal stared all of them in the eyes, "Drop down mutts!" he snapped "Give me twenty push ups." he snapped loudly and stood at the beginning of the line, once the first person dropped down and started to do fast push ups then Micheal slammed his heavy boot on the mans back, making him fall onto his stomach, his face going in dirt, just barely cutting his face, "Get up princess!" he shouted down at the man, He slowly raised himself and continued to do push ups but Micheal did it again, once the man got up again and started to do the push ups over and Micheal slammed his boot down, the man didn't fall, but kept doing push ups, his face going red. "When i'm done with you dogs." he began "I should be able to stand on your backs while you do push ups!" he shouted pressing harder on the man who now refused to fall.

Lucas dropped down quickly, the hard dirt under his hands, then he watched as the old recruits move din and stood beside the newer ones, Shit he thought and started to do pushups, the squad member smirked and pushed down on Lucas's back, Lucas stayed strong and kept doing pushups, his head up and let out slow even breaths, the Recruit laughed then pressed hard on Lucas's back, Lucas's muscles strained and he closed his eyes tightly, and kept doing them, But the recruit pushed harder and Lucas fell onto his belly, the hot dirt cutting his face, he panted and then go back up when the recruit began yelling at him.
Yomi dropped down and began to doa pushup when one came over and pushed him to the floor. He fell dirt rubbing against his face. He gets up once more only to be pushed down again. Yomi did one more but was pushed down. He gritted his teeth then pushed back up. He did another ,the foot slamed down but he didn't go down his hands were planted firm on the ground with his nails in the dirt. He was in a sweat as more came over to push him down. His back was aching along with his arms and legs as he forced himself to do more without going down.

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