Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs

Micheal watched the recruits gather around Yomi, he smirked and pushed his recruits out of the way, he stared down at Yomi, then slammed his heavy boot onto his back, he pressed down harder then his recruits had, and could Feel Yomi shake and want to break, he smirked adding more and more pressure.
Yomi's body was shaking as he began to panty. He was heavy, he felt like any second he would fall and would have to start over. His arms began to give and because of the heat he had become dizzy and lost of sight. In his head it kept telling him, dont do it, keep up. Yomi dug his nails into the ground more as he planted his hand firmly to the ground. He wasn't going to give to someone like this. For the first time as he was doing his pushu ups he let out a slight laugh. "..i wont go down that easy."
Micheal heard him and laughed, then put all his weight on Yomi, using his strength to waste Yomi's strength "Come on dog!" he shouted in Yomi's ear "Hurry up!" he said and the Recruits laughed, Micheal knew this kid had some potential, but disrespect wont be tolerated here. Micheal quickly added more weight on Yomi knowing we could break any second, then he smirked and watched Yomi drip with sweat, then got off of Yomi, and stood beside him, he grabbed Yomi by his shoulders and yanked him up beside Micheal, the new recruits were still trying to do push ups but kept falling, "Stop!" he shouted and watched the new recruits drop onto their stomachs almost all together and he chuckled, and pushed Yomi in front of everyone "Why is it that, this is the only person i can see going into the military." he shouted at the others "I see weak mutts!" he shouted "Pick it up! We are running now." he shouted at them then Shoved Yomi back at the line and talked in a civil tone for once toady "Get back in line." he ordered.

Lucas stood with everyone else, and looked at the kid he had brought out, The kid looked tired, very tired. he smirked then stopped when he heard running, he groaned silently and stood in line as Micheal led us to the track.
He followed. He was tired and his hair was wet. His face was scratched up and dirty.HIs eyes twitched as he tried to gather his breath. He looked up toward the other as they were tired aswell then he looked over to Michael. He thought..he put a lot of pressure on me if he had done it for 20 more seconds I would have fallen. He looked up toward the sun and sighed.
Micheal brought them to road, it had slight shade and he heard sighs of relief "Run dogs!" he shouted loudly and he jogged with his old recruits, and they watched the new recruits run.

Lucas started to jog with the others, Micheal had probably ran this trash thousands of times. he grumbled in his mind frustratedly, the sun beating down on the recruits, sweat dripping down his face.
Because of the line Yomi ran in the back keeping up with the one infront of him. It sucked he ran in the back only because the front person was running slow. Yomi looked over his shoulder and saw the gap the man was making. Yomi nudged him forward but hte man looked back tired. " I know your tiredbut doing this will make us run more...your making a gap ..hurry and fix it." The man only shook his head and ran at his current speed. With this Yomi would become tired because hes matching his pace with the man's. He didnt want michael to come back here but he had to stay in line.
One of the recruits saw the gap and looked at the front of the line, he other recruits looked over, but no one told Micheal, instead the recruit fell back and ran beside the guy making the gap "Hurry up, you gotta run." he said to him, when the guy looked at him with tired eyes, he looked over at Micheal who was shouting at someone in front of the line "If you dont hurry Micheal will come back here and shout at you, Pick up the pace." he said then looked at him again "Micheal doesn't like stopping for others." he said then continued "If you dont hurry up, he is going to make you run another mile!" he said wasting his breath talking to a new recruit, the breath he should be conserving, he then looks at the guy "Hurry up." he starts giving demands "because if you dont hurry up and fix the gap, Micheal will make us all run, and he will let the dogs out to chase you and keep you in check! Do you want that!? because i know i didn't but damn it happened! so pick up the pace!" he snapped, getting irritated with the new recruit.
The worst thing happend. The man tripped over his shoes falling over on the ground. Yomi who was listening but didn't pay attention tripped over the taller man landing over him onto his back. The taller man laid there breathing heavy as his eyes were slowly closing. Yomi's body couldn't move , it was to tired but knew he had to get up. "tsk.."He thought to himself move..damn it move..The heat was hotter than ever as his eye's were closeing to. He slowly tried to move but the taller man stayed still.
The recruit growled loudly, then grabbed both of them by their shoudlers "Move!" he shouted in their ears loudly "Get your asses moving!" he shouted, and saw Micheal turn around and delight dance across his face. then the recruit shoved the boys towards the now stopped line "i warned you." he said in an annoyed voice, and walked back to his line shaking his head with disappointment.

Micheal walked over, and looked at the two of them "Well, well, well." he said "Did the heat get the best of us?" he asked in an ignorant voice, then he waved to a few recruits and they ran back to the dog kennels "I'll teach you what tired is." he snapped and watched the recruits bring out five, large German Shepherd dogs, they were going ballistic, barking, lunging, and baring their teeth. Micheal smiled, two of the dogs were his, Hawk and Diesel. The recruits quickly brought the dogs over, their barks getting louder and more vicious. "Everyone, is to keep running." he shouted "If you stop, these dogs will not hesitate to attack you!" he smirked "and they only let go on MY say." the new recruits got frightened and gave nervous looks to each other.
with out hesitation, Yomi got up and began to run. The man running slower trying to catch up to Yomi. Yomi's eyes were faded and his body felt numb, His energy was draning and the only thing driving him was to keep on moving. He quickly closed the gap and ran with the others. His shirt drenched in sweat. The other guys took off there shirt and trhew them to the side. Yomi was debating on takeing his off but wasn't sure.
Micheal released the dogs and they snapped at the ankles of the new recruits barking loudly chasing them getting them to run faster, Micheal smirked after awhile "Only a little longer mutts!" he shouted to the running group, they sun was slowly going down and he smiled.
Yomi kicked it into high gear. He took off his shirt flinging it to the side as he ran up taking lead of the others. He wasn't staying in the back at least with the dogs. Two men from behind fell as they begged for water, Yomi and another man just kept running. The guy had druken his sweat so he was ok except it had salt in it. Yomi was getting thirst so he bit into his wrist, a small portion of blood flowing. If it was the last thing he was going to do, it was not to stop.
One dog each attacked the two men, biting onto their arms and thrashing around, their screams of pain echoed around and Micheal smirked and grabbed onto Hawk's collar then Diesel's the dogs had the mans arms in their mouths the men crying in pain, "Stop." Micheal said with a smirk and Diesel and Hawk let go of the men's arms, blood trickled onto the gravel and Micheal picked up the two men, "Stop whining they barely bit you!" he shouted, examining their arms then pushing them back from his dogs, they wagged their tails happily as Micheal patted their heads, "Stop running boys!" he shouted to the remaining people, he left the men with a doctor to clean their wounds, the dogs trotted around the recruits who had been running happily their tongues lolling from their jaws, Micheal walked over and laughed at them "Can you taste the blood?" he asked one of the men who was keeled over throwing up into the grass, the man nodded and Micheal laughed and slapped his back "Thats good!" he threw a bottle of cold water to each of them even the men who slacked off and were attack by his dogs. "Good day maggots." he shouted "Now go to your cabin and get some sleep!" he chuckled and walked his dogs towards their kennels, they ran ahead barking like happy puppies, they knew today had been good as well.
Everyone walked off but Yomi took his time. He ran his finger through his hair pulling it back. He was tired and his body ached. He listend when ghe guys were making remarks about him. They thought he used drugs because the way his body was built those push ups should have knocked him down each time. They reached the cabins but the showers were full so he walked out and sat on the ground. "..longest day i've ever had."
Nichole pushed herself harder going passed her limits running faster and faster. her chest hurt and she couldn't breathe but she couldn't give up. she ran harder and faster.she didn't stop she wanted to pass her limits. she could feel her chest burning and coughed heavily. her asthma finally got to her. she fell to her knees panting and wheezing. she forced herself up and continue to run. she was gonna show that just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's weak. she barely got trough the push ups.
Ana walked around, kind of lost. She saw a few people running, so she walked up to one person that looked like an official, and got their attention. "Excuse me, sir, my name is Ana Pierce, and I'm a new recruit here. I was wondering what sort of procedures are done for new recruits here."
Nichole kept going. her chest burned now. she finally gave out falling to the ground. she couldn't breathe. she coughed violently and trembled.
Micheal ran past Ana and went over to the trembling Nichole he grabbed her angerily "What are you doing?" he shouted with slight fear "We stopped running! Why aren't you at your cabin showering getting ready for dinner!" he shouted, he didnt know what she had been doing or why.

An Old recruit helped Ana "You came late. So i suggest you go to your cabin." he handed her the paper with her dogs name, his age, Gender, breed, and where he came from, but it also had her cabin number, "Just walk over there." he pointed the the large cabins "the numbers are right above the door." he smiled at her then gave her a push towards the Cabins.

Lucas walked out of the showers and saw Yomi "Bro." he called as he started drying his hair with a towel, then he wrapped the towel around himself "Get in the showers, Before her shouts at you calling you like a nasty mutt." Lucas shook his head then looked at their other cabin members, then back at Yomi.
Nichole said'' im sorry sir i was trying to make it passed my limits to see how far i could go...'' she jogged to the showers. she took her shower. then dried her hair putting on a fresh sett of clothes. she walked out slowly. a few tears leaked from her eyes. she quickly wiped them away there was no crying in the army. she put on her poker face walking o her cabin.
Sierra walk up to the man who looked incharge, (Sorry for the cliche) She was nervous. She wondered if this man knew her brother. 'Um Sir i'm a new recruit, I came with my two dogs, can you tell me where my cabin is please?' she says formally, anxious to meet up with her dogs. (Sorry this was so late i didnt know you started)
Ana walked to her cabin, number 4, as she looked at her dogs papers. Name: Jei. Gender: Male. Breed: German Sheperd. Origin: Unknown. Unknown? This confused Ana, but she shrugged it off. She thought about going and getting her dog, but she forgot to ask where she would go to get him. Ana walked into her cabin, stuffing her papers in her large pocket and tying up her moderately long blonde hair, and waited for further instruction.
Yomi got up and nodded his head walking into the showers. He took the one on the far right and began to washup. Unlike other hair, his hair wasn't stringy but stayed the same as he washed all the dirt and sweat out. He got out of the shower and put on some clothes, the usual uniform, a black shirt with camo pants. He tied his hair up again and fixed his nails to where they were short. He was back to normal but still looked tired.
Nichole sat on her cot and left her cabin. she snuck to the kennels and walked to Haou's cage. she opened it and sat in there with him.
Haou wagged his tail and let his tongue loll out of his mouth, then he nuzzled her hand and laid his head in her lap and looked up at her, then nuzzled her pocket with the hot dogs.

Jessica sat on her bed and examined the boys, she looked across the room at Yomi, then quickly tied her silky golden brown hair into a ponytail, she loved it here, she wore a black tank top with camouflage shorts. She messaed around with her hair, then put it back into a high tight ponytail.

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