Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)

"Jeez, all I did was randomly run to a new part of the forest and I end up protecting a cat, watching a fight, and met a blonde fox named Chrissie..." Shadow sat on his haunches and sighed. i swear all this satrted when I turned 1, wonder how my second year of life is gonna be... "Well, what now Arabelle?"
Diesel and Autumn walked to the spring, Diesel sat down and Autumn began to lick his wounds, not very many, nor deep, but they stung, Diesel growled loudly, but Autumn knew he wouldn't hurt her.

Asher laid still for a moment, the grass swaying around his body, the grass had barely cushioned his fall, he looked around then sat up again, pain surged through his body, he hissed in pain, digging his claws into the dirt, he sat up for a moment but when he attempted to shift his back legs, it over whelmed him and he yowled in pain falling back onto his side, his chest heaving.
Nichole wiggled out of the wolf's grasp and walked over to asher. she gently licked his wounds. she then left and came back with some berries and leaves. she smashed the berries on the leaves and wrapped them around his wounds.
Ashers wounds stung and he growled loudly, pulling his legs away slightly then he looked back at her, his eyes filled with Pain, anger, and passion (:
Asher laid beside her then sniffed her ear playfully, he then swatted at her ear and purred, his left leg didnt hurt, but he couldn't move his right one. he sat up, putting no tension on his right leg, it didn't hurt, he nipped her ear and purred, he attempted to stand, his foot dangled from his body limp, he looked around and nudged Nichole.
Luna wandered around aimlessly, and found a stream. There were creatures down there, but she was on the other side of the stream, so she assumed she would be safe if they were hostile. She walked down to the stream, stepping in the water, and lapped up a few drinks of water, pretending she did not see the other animals there.
Asher leaned on her slightly, and rested his head on her back, "Wanna see something cool?" he asked with a purr and slowly started to limp the the edge of the woods.
Luna watched them walk away, and she sighed her relief. She really didn't feel like fighting today--or any day for that matter. After lapping up a bit more water, she padded aimlessly along the stream, hoping not to be noticed.
Diesel saw Luna from the corner of his eye, she was on the other side of the stream but it didnt stop him from growling, then he continued to lay in the sun near the stream, and he watched Luna carefully

Asher limped until they came to a long black and yellow road, he looked on both sides of the road then quickly limped across it and waited for Nichole.
He limped over to a large brown fence then crawled under it into a humans backyard, then he stepped through a cat door in the humans home, the smell of tuna fish wafted to him and he purred, then looked back at Nichole
Asher looked back at her "Dont worry, they wont touch us." he reassured her, pressing his nose against her cheek. then goes over to a blue bowl it full of tuna, he sniffs it then beckons Nichole over with his tail.
Timber watched Luna like Deisel. She Trotted over to Deisel and sat down. 'Hi.' she said sheepishley, Her tail flicked from side to side and her ears twitched. She was nervous but not scared of the wolf.
Diesel opened his yellow eyes and looked up at her, he shifted and laid beside her, he was to tired to be aggressive now, plus she didnt seem aggressive, he sighed and looked down at the beautiful blue water "Hi." he said not making eye contact with him and Autumn stood up and walked into the woods to hunt, she was hungry.

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