Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)

Asher nodded and then stretched out, letting his claws slip from their sheathes, then re-sheathed them, he licked his nose and purred, laying in the grass looking up at the clouds "Ever do this?" he asked as he stared at the white fluffy mounds past slowly through the crystal blue sky, the sun making his fur glimmer and shine brightly, he stuck out bad against the lush green grass, he blended in against dead leaves and dead grass, taking after his big cat ancestors and their markings.
Asher did the same as she did quickly, his claws tearing the soft bark of the tree, he smirked, and then looked at the small pink flowers falling off the tree in the wind and he swatted at it like an over grown kitten.
Shadow's fur went down when he was sure that Timber wasn't a threat.She's probably older than me. "Well it's nice to meet you Timber, I'm Shadow." His body tensed when Timber stepped towards Arabelle and he growled.
Arabelle sniffed the air and her hair stood on end as yet another scent hit her. Suddenly a goldish yellow and silver shape sped out of the woods, heading towards them at incredible speeds. It ran straight into Arabelle, knocking her over and pinning her down. "Ch-chrissie!" Arabelle gasped. Chrissie smirked and got off. "What's up Ara?"
Asher looked at Nichole and nudged her shoulder with his paw, he smiled and sniffed the air, then he slowly stood up and walked towards the scent of other cats and wolves, then looked back to see if Nichole would follow him.

Diesel looked up from the spring, and watched the cats for a minute, he was a huge wolf, his sister just slightly smaller in size, he licked his jaws and watched the cats as they slowly walked towards the scent of other animals,he smirked and then stood up, his sister did as well and they walked into the woods, sniffing the air and watching for others then Diesel saw the others, two wolfs, and a cat or two, and a fox? he erected his ears then showed no interest in them, Autumn stared at them for a moment, taking in their looks and their size, Autumn and Diesel were bigger, possibly even better fed. She smirked, and slowly walked behind her brother as the past the strangers.
Asher looked back at her and let out satisfied purr, "Only to check things out." he mewed at her, letting his tail rub her skin and he then kept trotting towards the other animals, just ad Diesel and Autumn had.

(You dont have to but can you make a wolf :c just because no other wolves are interacting with mine)
Nichole shivered and blushed following him. she was confused. flowers fell around her as she tried to keep up. two flowers landed on her head. she ran a little too fast and crashed into asher.
Luna sheepishily peeked out from behind the tree, revealing herself to Shadow. "I'm sorry.....I thought if I followed you, you would find food." she said. She was embarrassed that she had been caught.
Asher sat up,then his fur stood on end, and his ears went back with fear and anger, Diesel stood above them, looking down on them with frightening yellow eyes, and he growled loudly. Autumn stood behind him, she didn't growl, but her tail was raised in an aggressive manner, Asher stood by and arched his back, he stood in front of Nichole, and his fur began to bristle, he hissed loudly and bared his teeth, unsheathing his claws.
Nichole tilted her head and said''you know i can protect myself right?'' she hissed at the wolves. she had her claws out and arched her back at them.
Asher looked at her and lashed his tail with aggression and growled loudly, Diesel bared his teeth and growled loudly, He brought his head down and swung his head knocking both of the feilines away from each other, Asher slide back slightly then dug his claws into the soft dirt, then he launched himself back and swiped at Diesel's face, his claws cutting through the wolves cheek, Diesel growled loudly as blood trickles down his face staining his fur crimson, then he lifted his large paw and slapped it on Ashers head, Asher hissed and drizzly bit onto Diesel's paw, Diesel didnt want to exactly kill the cats, But he whimpered and then bit onto the Ashers Scruff, he shook his then tossed him across the area, Asher tumbled on the ground and then laid their for a moment, then he attempted to sit up, a cut of to on the back of his neck and shoulder, but the wolf had tossed him high and he hadn't landed on his feet.
Nichole's eyes went dark hazel and she attacked diesel. she hissed scratching and biting. she was blinded by anger. she panted and went again. she looked at asher and her eyes darkened another shade. she growled loudly and let out a loud meow aiming for diesel's face.
Timber sensed another cat in the area, but she turned to Nichole who was attacking Diesel. She jumped forward and clamped her jaws gently around her scruff. She torn the cat off but didnt set her down. She might get hurt but she couldnt see one of her own kind get hurt by a cat.
Diesel bared his teeth, he didnt need help, he could have killed Asher but chose not to, he growled loudly at all the animals, even Timber, he didnt like being surrounded, his fur bristled, and he looked around quickly, Diesel looked Timber in the eye, then he walked away, and walked past Asher, Autumn walking behind him.

Asher laid in the grass he growled as the wolves walked past, he sat up slightly then laid back down, His bottom half hurt, blood stained his fur, he dug his claws into the dirt and tried to sit up again, pain surging through his bone up his spine, he growled again and laid down, his back legs hurt, his tail lashed and flicked, he growled at himself for not watching the wolf, for paying attention to Nichole with the wolf standing in front of them.

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