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  1. E

    The 86th Annual Hunger Games

    ((geez I've been so inactive guys. Sorry guys >.< life gets so busy!)) The next few days were such a blur to Izzy: the stylists dressing her, the tribute ceremony, the interviews, everything just whizzed past.. At the Capitol, Izzy had no sense of time. Well, she did but on one scale, she...
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    2150 The Update Era (RP)

    Ethan scanned the neighborhood. There were people in their lawns, on their porches, perhaps talking about about how fine the day was. He wondered how the community would react upon hearing the news of a murder just down the road. People would gasp, measures would be taken, and trust would be...
  3. E

    Hey, don't sweat it. I'm actually more interested in this other RP I'm in so its not your fault. ^_^

    Hey, don't sweat it. I'm actually more interested in this other RP I'm in so its not your fault. ^_^
  4. E

    You don't know me in real life but i just wanted to be friends :3.

    You don't know me in real life but i just wanted to be friends :3.
  5. E

    Slender: Of All The Stupid Thoughts [Sign Up]

    Name: Isabella "Izzy" Dios Mio Age: 12 Gender: Female Items With You: Backpack filled with school books, notebooks, and pencils. She also has a cell phone, a video camera, and a flashlight. Hometown: Los Angeles, California Bio (Optional): Ever since Izzy played "Slenderman" on her...
  6. E

    The 86th Annual Hunger Games

    Walking down a fancy hallway, Fortis admired the construction and details in its epic simplicity. Pitch-black lines that resembled claw marks and cloud white swirls danced together in perfect harmony giving anyone who walked down the hallway indescribable vibes. Fortis was led to a bright white...
  7. E

    Hmm.. I'm feeling less enthusiastic about Update Era the more I post on it. It's quite slow...

    Hmm.. I'm feeling less enthusiastic about Update Era the more I post on it. It's quite slow moving isn't it? (and no I'm not blaming you lol I never will.) you're actually the life of the RP. :D
  8. E

    The 86th Annual Hunger Games

    Fortis exited the train and was greeted by a party mix of people. Each with their own unique quality. That's what made the Capitol different from every other city across Panem. There you had your Careers, some already present and heading towards the city. One had spiky purple hair and piercings...
  9. E

    The 86th Annual Hunger Games

    Fortis peered out his window. He could not distinguish the mountain from trees as the speed of the train seemed to mesh the colors together. "So this is it huh?" He said to himself. There was nobody else in his car and he preferred it that way. He had been trained by his father at an early age...
  10. E

    The 86th Annual Hunger Games : Sign-Ups & OOC

    Full Name: Isabelle Vanguard (nickname: Izzy) Age: 17 Role: Female Tribute for District 9 Personality & Background: Izzy's very quiet and keeps to herself. She speaks very rarely and when she does, she means what she says. She was partially deaf in both ears at a young age but as she...
  11. E

    2150 The Update Era (RP)

    (Sorry for the wait guys! Had a big test this week and forgot to tell you. -__- back now) Ethan began walking down the porch steps when he heard several shots. Zephyra had started. He immediately ran to the edge of the yard just in time to see the butler collapse. His old aged eyes widened in...
  12. E

    2150 The Update Era (RP)

    Ethan understood. He chuckled at how things were beginning to come into place. Ethan saw two paths and this was the one Zephyra would take. Walking down the stairs, Ethan never really noticed the detail put into the staircase elegance. There were three paintings placed equally apart. The first...
  13. E

    2150 The Update Era (RP)

    ((Yay! You're back!)) Ethan opened the door with his elbow. "What, a guy can't have some fun?" Ethan said. "You know, I wasn't here working. I came here by choice." Ethan proceeded to conceal his sword in his sleeve. He sat in chair, the silky smooth leather feeling very nice on his...
  14. E


    Elena burst through the building doors, leaving a tornado of mixed papers in her wake. Notes, Post-It's, and flyers swirled together like a flock of confused paper birds before softly landing on the cracked sidewalk behind her. Elena was in a hurry. Today was the day she would apply. Fusion Tech...
  15. E

    Hiya! I recently submitted a character for your RP (render).but your inbox is full so I can't pm...

    Hiya! I recently submitted a character for your RP (render).but your inbox is full so I can't pm you my character's fears. :/
  16. E

    Render - Rules & Sign-ups

    Character Sheet Name: Elena Vicenzo Username: Evo Age: 18 Appearance: Real Life: Ingame: Game class/race: Monk, Powerfighter, Melee Master, CQB (however you guys would call it) Background/Gaming History: Elena grew up with four older brothers. As a result, Elena became a...
  17. E

    Updates Era needs you >.

    Updates Era needs you >.
  18. E

    World War Z

    Name: Nike Brosnan Age: 25 Clothing: an old work-out hoodie wrapped around his waste, a white button-up stained with blood, a belt, black trousers, and work shoes. Stuff: An old Jansport backpack filled with dried food, bottled water, a spare box of ammo, his wallet, a Spanish novel, a...
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    -The Home Planet- Sign-Ups and Info

    Sorry It's Closed
  20. E

    Hello to all~

    Theunknownwriter Hi unknown writer :D . I'm also new here. Perhaps you and I can RP together? (I love writing fiction and futuristic type stories)!