Hello to all~


I'm new here but have written some rps before and stories in fact. I'm an artist in search for a new adventure. if interested drop a letter or comment below.

thank you~

The unknown writer
First of all, welcome to the RpNation Theunknownwriter!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend

[MENTION=3801]Theunknownwriter[/MENTION] Hi unknown writer :D . I'm also new here. Perhaps you and I can RP together? (I love writing fiction and futuristic type stories)!
[MENTION=1]GgAcE[/MENTION] thank you and hello =)

[MENTION=3796]Tea[/MENTION] Hello there, how are you?

[MENTION=3778]Equinox[/MENTION] Hello and Sure =) You can start it if you like. just drop the link on my profile or here. Its quite nice to meet you~
Why hello there, I'm pleasured to be one of the first people to welcome you here. If your any in the mood for a new roleplay I'm the person to ask. I hope to see you around some time!

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