World War Z


One Thousand Club
Everyone's dead. A virus has broken out and ravaged America. And the only way out, is by boat. Welcome survivor, to your worst nightmare. Because this nightmare is real. The dead eat, sprint and infect.

Name:Matthew Plains


Clothing:Blue hoodie,jeans

Stuff:Backpack,iPod, and cleaver

Appearance:Blonde shaggy hair, scrawny, not strong

Bio:Was a small farm boy, didn't have too much education. Parents died from the virus.

Name: Carolina Anne Grey

Age: 16

Clothing: Jeans, boots, black jacket, white tee shirt

Stuff: Hunting knife, backpack with two bottles of water and binoculars

Appearance: Long dark brown hair, dark green eyes, small

Bio: She was living in the city with her older brother, Blaine. Her parents had moved to Europe when she was twelve. She and her brother got out of the city as fast as they could when the virus broke out. They've been wandering aimlessly since. She's very quiet and shy.

Name: Blaine Michael Grey

Age: 22

Clothing: Jeans, blue shirt

Stuff: Revolver, knife, a bag of trail mix

Appearance: Light brown hair, brown eyes, tall

Bio: He had just graduated college and was planning on being a lawyer when the virus broke out. He and Carolina left the city. He's very protective of her and would do anything to make sure she survives.
Name:Lilly Dorsey

Age: 18

Clothing: Black skinny jeans, red collared shirt, and a black winter coat

Stuff: Hiking Bag, Blankets, Water, and a Pick axe

Appearance: Long wavey blonde hair, black eyes, very tall

Bio: Finally finishing highschool, she hoped to travel from her boring forest life. When her mother and only family member became sick, there was no way that she would be able to escape the virus. Making the tough descion, she had to leave her mother to die by herself. Now Lilly is on her own, and her personality has grown cold and harsh.
Name:Scarlet LeCrene


Clothing: A pair of short-shorts under a dress with a relatively tight torso and a loose bottom-half, she is wearing a pear of fishnet tights beneath it all.

Stuff: a sword she picked up during the rush for the exit, an extra tee-shirt and leggings, a messenger bag with some books, a few water bottles and some Mr. noodles and dehydrated apples, she also ahs a fully loaded Colt Cobra

Appearance: Scarlet has hair dyed a bright red with big eyes the colour of sea-foam framed in dark lashes, she has a round nose and pointed ears, she is medium height and isn't thin, she's downright average in weight, she is very curvy and has a heavily scarred palm from an incident with a blender, she also has a nose piercing.

Bio: Scarlet was in the middle of performing the play The Little Mermaid as Ariel the night it all went to hell, she had managed to snag one of the heavy swords from the prop rack and her bag, on her way out, a corpse had fallen in front of her and she grabbed the gun from his hand and bolted.

Name:Cordelia 'Cordie' Maine


Clothing: a pair of jeans with a long tank top that says 'Forever steampunk' in bold letters, a trench coat and a beany with a panda logo.

Stuff: her clothes, a bathing suit, a baseball bat ad a farming scythe with her bookbag full of unneeded ammo and some dehydrate food.

Appearance: Cordie has platinum blonde hair that is normally curled in ringlets that go to her breasts, she has light grey eyes and killer legs, one of her ears is pierced with RIP. She has a tattoo on the small of her back that says 'RIP Mom and Dad' With the signal of marriage beside it.

Bio: Cordie was taking her five year old son to baseball practise when a lunatic attacked him, right before he passed, he yelled, " Mommy, don't die like me." And gave her his favorite baseball bat, Cordie ran and tried t attack Scarlet, thinking she was one of 'them' with her little farming scythe, they decided to team up for safety.
Name:Abel Dorothy


Clothing:Army digital pattern uniform with blood stains and spatter on it brown combat boots, combat helmet and body armor.

Stuff backpack with water meals ready to eat extra m16 and m9 magazines m9 beretta sidearm and m16a2 rifle

Bio:Abel's entire battalion was called in during the governments response to the virus the operation order was sketchy at best chaos in the streets? random acts of violence? the mission was to help local authority restore order in the city and help evacuate civillians except the police were all gone and while trying to help evacuate panicking civillians reports of civillians biting soldiers were slowly trickling through then soldiers were getting sick then died then they came a matter of hours what remained of the fighting 40th battalion was running for their lives and so was abel and his team his teamates and best friends were eaten alive in front of his eyes pv2 Jackson then pfc castro finally his mentor and friend sgt goddard. Abel is a doer and a fixer he is smart and his training helps him remain calm in tough situations however he has a bad habit of losing his temper when he feels strongly about something.
Name: Azeel Jackson


Clothing: black t-shirt, skinny jeans, a grey jacket, and old running shoes.

Stuff: extra t-shirt and socks, backpack, metal water bottle, two boxes of Quaker oats, lots of rope, and a large knife that he found after the virus started.

Appearance: Dark black eyes, pale skin with freckles, dark brown hair, somewhat small for his age but not super tiny, his left ear is pierced.

Bio: Azeel was raised in the city with his parents but they died when he was eight from a car crash. After that he lived with a foster family until the virus broke out and they died. He left the city and has wandered around for a while by himself.
Name: Nike Brosnan

Age: 25

Clothing: an old work-out hoodie wrapped around his waste, a white button-up stained with blood, a belt, black trousers, and work shoes.

Stuff: An old Jansport backpack filled with dried food, bottled water, a spare box of ammo, his wallet, a Spanish novel, a pocket English-to-Spanish dictionary, a kitchen knife, a bar of soap, a washcloth, and a .44 Magnum.

Appearance: Tall, athletic, tan, dark circles around his eyes from bad sleep, black hair with brown eyes, stubble on his chin. He has a scar that runs along his jawline.

Bio: Nike just started working at a legal firm when the virus broke out. His family lived in another state and he hopes for their safety.
if i can join

Name Duke Johnson


Clothing:green torn shirt and torn grey sweatpants

items:four leaf clover, family cutless, desert eagle, ammo,few apples,bacon,and some green beans

appearance:blond hair with a dark spot in the middle, greeneyes,not strong,average height, skinny

bio:When the virus hit duke was trapped in his house.His former family turned.Not knowing what on earth was happemimg he took his family saber on the mantle above the fireplace and ran.He never looked back
Name: Quentin "Jester" slatum


clothing: steel toe combat boots {black}, torn jeans, dark blue T-shirt light jacket

equipment: 9 mm hand gun, combat knife backpack filled with medical equipment

appearance: tall skinny dark brown nose length hair and brown eyes

bio: he comes from a military family and is highly skilled in QCB he is also a sharp shot. his only problem is he has anger problems and useally acts before thinking.
((Possibly still open? And hopefully Active people?))

Name: Chester "Chess" Baldwin

Age: 23

Clothing: He wears A grey under shit with a blue undershirt and dirty torn blue pants with construction boots. Also wears a gas mask covering his face.

Stuff: Gas mask , medium size Satchel , A bowie knife and a first aid kit and a wallet with a picture of his family in it.

Appearance: Black messy hair with stubbles coming out of his face and a large scar on the side of his neck. Medium size in height and a thin build.

Bio: Chester was you'er run of the mill construction worker but he was working on a job sight when the infection hit the town he quickly realized what was going on and abandoned the place he was working he quickly went home to go see his mother and his littel brother but for them it was already too late. When chester stumbled apoun that scene it was grusome some infected had passed by and got them. But Chester didin't cry, He did'int smash anything but more like something inside him broke....
Name: Timothy Collins

Age: 35

Clothing: The gray sweater, button-up shirt, and khaki pants he was wearing when the apocalypse hit- though he managed to exchange the loafers for running shoes, and his tie is now in his pack, to be used as a tourniquet if necessary. He's got a silver cross on a necklace around his neck.

Stuff: Hunting rifle with ammunition, pack, a few days' survival rations, a Swiss Army knife and a canteen.

Appearance: Short, weedy, with sandy blond hair and blue-gray eyes. Cracked glasses. He's got a high forehead and tends to walk with his head down. Limps slightly when he walks.

Bio: Timothy's a professor of classics- specifically, Latin, even more specifically, Roman military history- at the local college. He's also a veteran, with two terms of military service under his belt, and a bit of a survivalist. When the outbreak hit, he finished teaching the lecture, and was able to immediately get home and grab his supplies. At the moment, he's just trying to survive, though he's heard rumors about an evacuation at Santa Alta, about a hundred miles from here...
Name: James Bowing

Age: 22

Clothing: He wears a dirty top hat on his head. On his body a scrappy black sweater, and white under shirt. His trousers, torn jeans with empty holsters strapped on either hip. He also wears dirty black combat boots.

Stuff: A tan bag with a "Bio-hazardous" symbol printed on the flap. It's filled with 4 cans of beans, and rusted combat knife. A .38 snub-nose revolver (with 12 rounds to go), which is usually kept in his bag. The revolver does not fit in the holsters. He also has a picture of a black haired girl, looking his age. She wears heavy leather clothing, the clothing of a mechanic, and goggle above her eyes, on her forehead.

Bio: He was a soldier once, but in the outbreak, he went for home. He discovered only destruction.The death of his wife, and child. He took few necessities and fled his home to wander. He is now low on supplies, and desperate for assistance.

(( I'd love to help get this moving more if I'm accepted. Mind you, I am new, but I have experience. ))
Name: Rayne Blitzkrieg

Age: 21

Clothing: Light blue track jacket, blood-stained black jeans, and a worn out pair of blue and black high tops.

Stuff: His father's 9mm Beretta with one fully loaded magazine, a black stiletto switch blade he stole; an old gym bag carrying three shirts and two pairs of pants, a couple of cans of food, several bottles of water and a crowbar; and a picture of his family he keeps in his pocket.

Appearance: Average height, fit, slightly tanned, dark wine colored eyes, and blue dyed hair, with a large scar on his back from where an aggressive survivor slashed him with a machete.

Bio: Rayne was training at his college for Track and Field at the time of the outbreak, only escaping because of his sprinting ability. He now wanders the broken country in an attempt to find others like him, and perhaps someone to help him...

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