The 86th Annual Hunger Games : Sign-Ups & OOC

Full Name: Gambolio (Gaam - Bo - lee - o) "Gambi" (Gam - Bee) Frithus (Frith - us)

Age: 14

Role: District 10 (Livestock) Male Tribute

Personality: Gambi is very shy. He tends to shy away from others, with the exception of his parents. He's usually the one to go to the market and buy the food for dinner, even though he is the youngest out of 3 sons. If you get to know him, you'll see he can be the generous one out of all. Giving, even though he needs, and never taking since he knows others need most. He likes to spend his time at the market, glaring glass-eyed at the many products the marketers sell. People mistake him for a small, innocent boy; even though he's actually strong and loving. His abnormally small for his age, give nthe reason people mistake him for a 9-year-old.

Background: Gambi's family is not the usual bunch you'd know. He's the youngest of 3 brothers. His other brothers are aged at 28 and 30. His mother had the oldest at 16, when she had met her first man she supposedly "Loved". The man left her, and she had the other and Gambi with the same man she is married with today. The oldest, Harben, is always excluding the family out of his life. He believes he's the black sheep of the family, since the father he knows today isn't his real father. Harben is always the one to cause trouble in the family. The middle son, Grendel, is lazy. He the one to sit on the couch and chew on potato chips while the others work hard to feed and take care of the family. These two brothers are less cared for by Gambi's parents. Gambi's the youngest, and the most loved. He's always caring for his ill mother, who's sick with liver cancer. Even though his father is usually out working at the livestock farm most of the week, Gambi still gets to see and love his beloved father. In order to be paid money for the family to survive, Gambolio works at a livestock farm far from the house he lives in. It's the one opposite to the farm his father works at. He was unable to join the other because they had no spots to be full-filled by a,"Small, no-good, weak little boy". Since Gambi is shy, he's the one to be secluded from others while he works. Since he's secluded, Gambi likes to be alone while he works making him like solitude.

Skills: Gambolio is a very strong boy, despite his form. He can slice through skin with a knife, and do a big amount of damage since he usually does so at the farm. Although he's never hurt a human, he can if he would have to. With a knife, he may do wonders if he is forced to. In a dire situation, he would have 2 choices like all others; Flight or Fight. Gambi would usually Flight, unless he is cornered, or well armed. He's also a very fast runner, he found this out after he had stole a chicken carcass from a farmer a few years back when his family was deprived of food. If Gambi's good with a knife, he might even be able to weild a few daggers; and maybe even a sword for once.

Weaknesses: Gambi won't be able to make allies very easily. He's shy, and while most likely hide from all others during a moment he needs someone most. He secludes himself, making him vulnerable to being cornered by a pack. He also doesn't have many survival skills, except the ability to hunt an animal, if he has the right weapon.

Token: Gambolio usually wears a necklace his father gave him when he was 10. it consists of a peice of Boar's tusk. It has aged to be a dark brown now.

Other: Nothing really.

Appearance: Gambi has short, straggly hair. He has dark green eyes, and his skin is a slightly light copper tone. He's 4'8, and his fingernails are almost chipped.


(I'll be making another character soon,)
[MENTION=3825]ToxicCupCakez[/MENTION] - Please read the rules over please, and pm me your characters' fear when you're ready.
(Oh, okay. :P )

Fears: Gambi is highly afraid of insects. Any insects he sees sends him in a spazz-like frenzy. Even though the place he works at is full with flies (because of the meat), the small creatures are despised by Gambolio in the most hateful manner possible.
(Sorry I'm horrible with two characters xD I'm making one for now, than another for later or something.)

Full Name:
Aria Everheart.

Age: 18 years old.

Role: District six Female Tribute.

Personality: Passionate and fiery, Aria is very headstrong and tries to take control of her own destiny. She feels the most at home in the outdoors honing her impressive athletic skills. She loves to explore and be adventurous, always wanting to learn new things. She has a vibrant spirit, but Belle has a softness of heart, especially around the ones she cares about most.

Background: Aria didn't have the best life in the world. Her parents died in a terrible accident and instead of taking care of herself like she had planned, she was brought to District Six where her awful Aunt lived. Snobby and stuck-up, her aunt did not care much for Aria, barely giving her any resources. The only times she actually even spoke to Aria was when she had begun to get hungry and wanted to fetch her something to eat. Aria hated her for making her do things for her, but she learned to deal with it at she grew older. After awhile, she began use her time for practicing for the Hunger Games, which she knew were coming up in a couple of years. Every day, Aria would go out to an old tree that grew in the forest near them. She would steal a few of her kitchen knives, and got to that spot by the Oak tree. She practiced using the knives, hand-to-hand combat, and even how to survive in the wilderness. It didn't take her long before she had fully gained enough knowledge to survive in the games.

She knew she had what it took, so she volunteered as a tribute, sacrificing herself for a girl who had been picked.

Skills: She knows how to use multiple weapons, but she prefers to use the daggers out of all of them. Why? Because she is most effective with them and can easily take out her target. She is average with hand-to-hand combat, meaning she isn't particularly good at it, but is probably better than most. She's been practicing throwing knives for quite some time now, so she has become very accurate with those kind of things. Like a spear or a sword. She could fling them at the target, and probably not miss. But she's not perfect, so there are times she can miss her target.

Weaknesses: With an unlikely twist, Aria's number one weakness is her anger. Once angered or even slightly irritated, she can't concentrate on what she's doing, and always seems to mess up. It takes her quite a long time for herself to calm down, which also is a disadvantage. She's tried to fix this problem, but it's not easy.

Token: A silver chain necklace that has a blue diamond encrusted in an oval shaped metal. It belonged to her mother, so it is very important to her. She hasn't taken it off once since her mother and father both died.

Other: Being the stubborn girl she is, someone wouldn't expect her to be fine with having an ally or two on her side.

Appearance: 5'11 and is pretty muscular, but not by too much. She has light blonde hair that flows to her hips, and sapphire blue eyes. Her skin is a light tan from practicing throwing her daggers out in the sun all day.

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Full Name: Ariana Darrikin

Age: 16

Role: Female Tribute from District 8

Personality: Ariana is a somewhat clumsy and emotional girl, this was hugely brought out when her name was called in the reaping.

Background: Ariana lived as close to a normal life in Panam as there could be. She worked to help her family sense her father was killed in the Hunger Games and asking for something that costed money was out of the picture. She didn't complain because what President Snow did to her family wasn't her fault and he must have done it for a reason. She had faith in the Panam government even though they had done nothing to help her. She had put her name in the reaping 5 times every year for food for her family, two sisters and her mother, as being the oldest. She had lots of friends that said they would always stick together but not only when she was called for the reaping she had no volunteers as tribute, but the only people that reacted were her 9 year-old sister and her mother.

Skills: Has proficient skills with weapons similar to throwing knives and needles however that was the only weapon she had ever been exposed to in her entire life. She has almost no other skills except hiding in small places.

Weaknesses: Clumsy and easily persuaded.

[Fear] : [PM'd]

Token: A hair bow given to her by her mother, it was passed down through the family.


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Dark Blue eyes, 5'7'', strange birthmark on the inside of her left palm

Full Name: Joclynn Sariix

Age: 14

Role: Female Tribute from District 12

Personality: Joclynn is a sweet girl that is a little too nice for her own good.

Background: Joclynn had a good life. She got what she wanted, she didn't ask alot from her nearly rich father. The week before the reaping she met a girl that was constantly depressed because of the upcoming event. She had over that week gotten to know the girl and on the reaping her new friend was called. Her emotions took her into a guilt trip that eventually lead to Joclynn volunteering for the girl.

Skills: She has no skills that would help in the Hunger Games.

Weaknesses: Her lack of skills

[Fear] : [PM'd]

Token: A button made of gold that has the quote "May the odds be ever in your favor" given to her by her father that he got custom made if she were to ever get into the Hunger Games


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Green eys, 5'5''

Full Name: Narra Grundy

Age: 21

Role: Mentor from District 8

Personality: She is cruel and violent due to the games.

Background: Narra still remembers the game. Before the games she was calm and would hurt a fly. But after the games she came out an entirely different person. Every tribute she trains HAS to win for she lashes out in a massive rage fit, which has only happened once in the past when her tribute stepped off of the launch early, killing both of them and 13 other tributes. She never let a tribute walk out of the training building in the Capitol without being able to kill someone in a second.

[Fear] : [PM'd]


View attachment 9145

Brown eyes, 5'10''
@dististik - Accepted

@Aura, @HanaChan13, @Equinox, @Coedy, @Ember Bare, @ToxicCupCakez, @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥, @dististik

To anyone else: I encourage you all to take up a mentor here or there, if you can. I plan on having periodic important roles in the Control room as well in the arena, only need to involve mentor character's ever now and again.

I'm also looking for anyone who is a confident literate writer and is willing to come up and shoot around ideas. Gabriel Ryker gave me the idea of having a small board of Gamemakers to come up with some nasty inventive things to challenge characters with. Using Skype for chat and leave messages to toss ideas. I need a few individuals who would be willing to get involved with the story. Let me know if you are interested!

Also, I will start the rp hopefully tomorrow afternoon, that is, hopefully I will be getting my license so maybe later in the day if not Wednesday.
If only my Skype worked!!! *shakes fists in the air* I can most likely make a mentor tomorrow, seeing I have not sports or Extra Curricular activities tomorrow. But I am willing to brainstorm some ideas though, and will PM them to you or some jazz like that.
Name : Bradley Vaas

Age: 18

Role: Male District Eight.

Personality: Odd mood swings ends up switching from sad to angry and vice versa. Only fights to protect the weaker people. He wants to win but he'll help anyone else who deserves it more than him.

Background: Grew up with his mum and sister. Worked in the factories. He hated it and he didn't along with some of the peace keepers. Not that they would give them that harsh of a punishment. Most peace keepers didn't agree with the capitol either its not like they got that great of a living. Just some extra food and some of stupid stuff. He doubted that if they had children they would be excluded from the reapings. To be honest he wasn't that shocked he was picked put in his name atleast 50 times for some extra food and its not like he expected someone to volunteer as tribute they didn't have any disgusting career tributes.

Skills: Likes to use his fists and has some knowledge of spears.

Weaknesses: Swornds

[Fear] : (Please PM this to me. No kittens or boogey monsters. Can be people, things, ideas, etc.)

Token: A person saluting.

Other: (Anything else that needs to be said)


Also if you give me your skype name. I can help throw out some ideas aswell,

Edit: No she isn't a potato

Full Name: Castle Steve Johnson

Age: 18

Role: Male, D. 1 tribute

Personality: Castle is very strong and super stubborn. He only plays things by HIS rules and HATES direction. He can be somewhat nice, but only when he wants do be.

Background: He's from District One. His mother died when he was very young, and his father has trained him and trained him since he could walk. His dad hardly pays attention to him. He's either always at work, on some stupid date, or he's yelling at him to do better with his training. He grown to get used to it, though.

Skills: The sword. He's also very handy with spears and knives.

Weaknesses: Swimming, archery

[Fear] : (Please PM this to me. No kittens or boogey monsters. Can be people, things, ideas, etc.)

Token: A watch it was his mothers.

Other: Pie

Appearance: View attachment 9270
Name: Sylvia Lovelace

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Role: Female Tribute District 5

Story: Sylvia was born and raised like a little princess. She was the mayor's only daughter and only child at that, that's why she practically spent her entire life indoors--everyone at her command. But she didn't grow up spoiled as people would've expected. Of course, her parents would never have had approved of that. In fact, they never approved of anything she did. This made Sylvia grow up shy and quiet. She was the type to sit in the corner with a book while everyone else was enjoying parties or gatherings at their house. She always had the feeling she was never good enough and her parents confirmed this to her all the time: her father by beating her every now and then, and her mother for barely paying any attention to her. People who watched her grow up may easily say that she's a girl that can't even hurt a fly--docile, shy and maybe even a tiny bit naive for her age. This is exactly why she's been wanting to break out of her shell and prove to people that she was more.

An opportunity for her came when her name was reaped. For once, her family showed true concern to her, knowing she didn't have any actual friends to speak of. Her mother cried and her father begged for her to look for a volunteer but of course, seen by other girls as an object of envy, no one was willing to volunteer for her. Sylvia was happy with this situation as she finally had the chance to prove that she wasn't just some spoiled backboneless princess.

Skills: Despite being seen by many as gentle and maybe even angelic, Sylvia has been sneaking combat lessons with her private tutor ever since she was 11. She knows the basics of knife throwing and is actually adept at hand-to-hand. Aside from that, she's also sharp when it comes to identifying useful plants and herbs

Weaknesses: She easily trusts, being naive as she is. People can easily trick her into things and being naturally good natured, she is easily taken advantage of.

Token: Her token is an old-fashioned lace choker handed down from her grandmother. Her name and names of Lovelace girls 7 generations back are etched on the back of the small gold pendant.

Other: Though she's quite shy and was forced to be anti-social by her upbringing, she wouldn't mind having allies

Appearance: She is 5'4 with a petite build. She has short red hair and bright green eyes that seem to change with her mood.

View attachment 9274

Other: Katniss is... a root crop. Potato? I'm not sure but it's close to rootcrop so, okay!

@Dino - Please read rules and add to your post.

@Mockingjay123 - Pie? Please read rules and add to your post.

@21stCenturyCapulet - Glad to see ya! But you must read rules and add to your post.

Otherwise, all accepted, you may post.

For my Skype, click the little blob with the X through it ::

<---- Somewhere around here
Full Name: Isabelle Vanguard (nickname: Izzy)

Age: 17

Role: Female Tribute for District 9

Personality & Background: Izzy's very quiet and keeps to herself. She speaks very rarely and when she does, she means what she says. She was partially deaf in both ears at a young age but as she matured her ear-drums grew essential parts to an incredible point where she can hear sounds from a greater distance that than of an average human. She very rarely spoke and she learned sign language to communicate with others in her family and selected few at her school. She loves to read and is an avid bookworm. Izzy is also quite poetic and she has a massive imagination. She never really went into the farming industry like her family did and she kept away in the attic of her old house. At school, she didn't make many friends and as a result, she's become quite selective of who she trusts.

Skills: She has no knowledge or training of weapons. She did however learn a few wrestling techniques from her father before he passed away and street fighting from her brothers during her childhood. They often wrestled to make sure Izzy was active. If she didn't, she would hide in many places such as her closet where she would read through the light from a slightly open door.

Weaknesses: Trust. Izzy has a hard time trusting people. Once she knows enough of them, she opens up little by little.

[Fear] : PM'ed

Token: Izzy has a necklace given to her by her father. Its an amethyst stone on a simple silver chain.

Other: I'd like her to go pretty far and I'm hoping I can RP well with her. Ultimately her fate hasn't been decided yet..


@Aura, @HanaChan13, @Equinox, @Coedy, @Ember Bare, @ToxicCupCakez, @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥, @dististik [MENTION=2460]21stCenturyCapulet[/MENTION], [MENTION=2671]Dino[/MENTION], [MENTION=2295]Mockingjay123[/MENTION]

If any of you haven't posted, I've given multiple warnings, if you don't post within the next week, you're kicked. I have been more than generous. It will be up to you to catch up.

For reference, you can use these names for the mentors instead of just "Mentor" if you like.

District 1 Flicker Silvercast
District 2 Atlas Galloway
District 3 Sedra Zoltzar
District 4 Magnus Fairfax
District 5 Mela Duo
District 6 Calix Hayfire
District 7 Noahdiah Armstrong
District 8 Narra Grundy
District 9 Dwaine Peilheight
District 10 Shaemus Nadir
District 11 Vermillion Cohen
District 12 Audin Wolfram

I'm going to skip to the Training.
This will take longer than necessary doing the training and stuff. I propose we do alliances in occ with what remained of our characters, sorta what they did in the books were their mentors are in charge of the allainces. So we skip, the interviews are optional when we time skip.

How bout it?

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