The 86th Annual Hunger Games : Sign-Ups & OOC

[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] Can I join? I can't type up my information right now because I'm on a phone, but I will gladly post information soon!
Well. It kinda died over a month or so ago, much to my dismay. But if you two are willing. I can make this work, I really wanted to work out the plot line I had set up, but people disappeared. I don't know, maybe I can revive it?
Well. I've given it some thought. I'm not very active on this site as I am on another that I have more of a fancy for as it has a wider and broader scale of members as well as other reasons. I'm currentmy devoted to two role plays here, against three highly involved original rps I GM on the other site. I'm getting deeper into school work as college is around the corner, so I don't want to spread myself too thin. If i was to go back to Hunger Games, I wouldnt revive it, as that would take much more energy amd time as well as a risk factor that it might not suceed.

In conclusion, if I decide to create a new thread it would be on the other site where I could get more players and not waste my time like what happened on here where it died.
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] That's a sin. I love the idea of this thread... I'm sorry to hear that you wasted your time. I know the feeling. I made a thread and in a week, I only got one person willing to join and it kind of bugs me since I put time and effort into it and had great ideas for it. But stuff happens and you just got to move onnnn.
If I do decide to make it. And there's a 70% chance I will, Ill make sure to let you know.

Ill decide over the weekend. But like I said, it would be on the other site. There isn't a large enough demographic here to make it successful.
i felt smart reading all that lol whats the other site? im on your side with the activity on this one

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