Slender: Of All The Stupid Thoughts [Sign Up]


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Many have attempted to find the mysterious Slenderman. Kids, Teens, Abandoned, Hunted, Adults, Poets, Cops, Prisoners. All right as they thought they succeeded. Found proof of this Slenderman or just was rid of them. They realized they failed. They were caught in the end. The Operator taking over their metal sanity or just strait up their control of their body. He hunts them. Stalks them. Makes them think their crazy. And always wins. So why do people try? People have shot him. People have ran away from him. But he never dies. He never gives up. Why does he do what he does? Is he existent to begin with? You decide its your job to find out, even if you end up like the others.


Hey all! Now I know my Fandom roleplays never make it but I'm willing to take a shot at this one, a Slender roleplay! If anyone has ever tried to keep up with how many Slender variants there are you probably gave up like me. The reason there's so many is because the coding for the game is incredibly easy to change into a new game, even if they don't have the same feel as the original. But how many characters are there that attempted what I call the Slender challenge that the game seemed to make a story for itself like Minecraft. But why are these people going at it? Why do they try? What does Slenderman do to these unlucky bastards? Its your job to find out! Before it was always people going at the chalange alone but now you and a group that meet at Slender Forest, an unmarked area that has the legendary eight pages and where an audio file in a video camera was found, also where each of you decide to search first. I will be playing Slenderman and my own human character. Good luck to all of you!

When Dealing With The Operator:

When I post as Slenderman the posts are more than likely going to be confusing to you. If I were to put in a lot of sensible things into the posts you would know exactly who "he" is going after. When I post for our target its more of a dropping hints on who he might be attacking and how you could avoid you characters demise. Also, Slenderman can't die. What fun is a horror roleplay if you can kill the most dangerous guy in the roleplay? If he is about to kill you I will defiantly give you warnings like modern technology going wack or your character getting headaches and memory loss. I'll PM you these effects but remember these effects happen if your just next to him, he might not be after your character.

Chara Sheet:


Age: (From 9 - 16)


Items With You: (No weapons or supernatural items)


Bio (Optional):


My Characters:

Name: Slenderman

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Items With You: Unknown

Hometown: Unknown

Bio: This paranormal figure was apparently made up. He hunts his targets no matter how long it takes. He's out to get mankind. Run while you have the chance.


View attachment 9028

Name: Nicole Fisnter

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Items With You: A video camera and iPhone

Hometown: Forgot

Bio: She had been looking for Slenderman sense she illigaly learned to drive and heard of the legends. She decided to come to where it all first started.


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Name: Klara Jackson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Items With You: Flashlight and backpack filled with clothes and extra batteries.

Hometown: Even before this, she never stayed in one city for long with her family.

Bio: Just turned sixteen with her license, ran away from her family when she started to be plagued by thoughts and dreams of Slenderman. Decided to look for him and face him head on.


View attachment 9041
Name: Amber Audaudry

Age: 15

Gender: female

Items With You: backpack with essentials like food, water, and first aid. Always has her phone.

Hometown: New York, New York

Bio (Optional): Amber was just a normal girl with an odd life. With her family being mysteriously murdered, she became paranoid. She turned to slenderman for answers.

Looks:View attachment 9042
Name: Recette Daisy

Age: 9

Gender: female

Items With You: A small knapsack with a sandwich, a bottle if water, and her crappy phone. She also has a flashlight and 3 rocks.

Hometown: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Bio (Optional): Recette was an orphan, living with a younger brother who dissapeared very suddenly. She had been seeing a tall, slender figure for a year and found great comfort with him, so she turned to him as her only hope of help.

Name: Alex Jackson

Age: (From 9 - 16) 15

Gender: Male

Items With You: A pocket watch.

Hometown: Washington, D.C.

Bio (Optional): Alex, the son of some stupid politician, ran away. He had dated a friend from his school, they where truly in love, and then she was taken by the Slender. He does not want revenge. He simply wishes to join her. He wishes his own death, but at the hands of the Slender man.

Looks: View attachment 9234
Name: Jordan Valen

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Items With You: Other than clothes, nothing.

Hometown: Gary, Indiana

Bio (Optional): She's very attractive and she knows it. She doesn't do well in school, but she honestly doesn't care. She's smart but she doesn't use her smarts much. Her and her boyfriend Chris are going on a road trick from Gary, Indiana to Boston, Texas for the summer and their car is falling apart.

Looks: View attachment 9374 She's not perverted and she's better covered than in the pic, but the face and body posture were perfect for who I had in mind

Name: Chris Banett

Age: 16 (Has driver's permit but isn't supposed to drive without an adult in the car, just thought I'd clear that up.)

Gender: Male

Items With You: Nothing other than clothes, and his prize hat. :D (It's no big deal I couldn't use the pistol. I was just going to have them get robbed and the robber use the gun against him to force him out of the car. I guess I'll just change that...)

Hometown: Gary, Indiana

Bio (Optional): Basically, you just need to know he's an average kid from Gary, Indiana and just happened to score with a girl.

Looks: View attachment 9375
Name: Isabella "Izzy" Dios Mio

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Items With You: Backpack filled with school books, notebooks, and pencils. She also has a cell phone, a video camera, and a flashlight.

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Bio (Optional): Ever since Izzy played "Slenderman" on her classroom computer one day, she became obsessed with him. She continuously researched about him upon hours and hours on end. One night, while walking home from her library. She began to feel dizzy and quite light-headed. She wandered to a park where she fell asleep and woke up somewhere else. Somewhere far from home.


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