Render - Rules & Sign-ups


Netherworld Overlord

1. Keep romance and violence PG-13 please.

2. You may only have one character and they must be one of the beta-testers. No other kind of character may be created.

3. Play characters realistic. A n00b will not know how many things work all of a sudden. Also known have prior experience in VR games.

4. This RP is co-ran by me and MagicPocket.

5. No god-modding, bunnying or anything of the sort.

6. No OOC fighting. IC is fine, but keep any problems out of the RP or come to me or MagicPocket if you have a problem.

7. Please be literate when posting. Two paragraphs minimum.

Character Sheet

Name: (First and last)

Username: (Be creative but don't go overboard. People will be typing it maybe a lot depending on what name you give, so keep this in mind)

Age: (17-23)

Appearance: (RL and Ingame, can be anything. Anime, realistic, description)

Game class/race: (This is a fantasy-based game. Be reasonable with your choices. If me and/or MagicPocket have an issue with a class or race you have chosen, you will have to change)

Background/Gaming History: (Self explanatory)

Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: (What can they do? Are they a puzzle solver? An expert shooter? Good at remembering details?)

Weakness/Fears: (What are they bad at? All fears should be sent in a pm instead to me and MagicPocket. This will come into use later)

Name: Ashley Brinks

Username: ashes

Age: 19


Game class/race: Elf/Sorceress

Background/Gaming History: Ashley has been a notorious gamer since she was young and she watched her brothers play it. She went through the normal stages from platforms to handheld to online. Ashley usually played a mage caster character where she developed her skills in magic. Ashley also played a variety of MMORPGs but never got too involved in the community of the games, tending to keep to herself and only partying when she had to. Ashley has been playing games of all kinds for over a decade and even tried out a gaming competition. She ended up playing 19th out of 50. Ashley has veered away from FPS the most in her gaming life as she feels she has horrible aim and prefers SRPGs and puzzle games more than anything.

Personality: Ashley tends to be a loner. She'd rather not get involved in group activities and tends to shy away from crowds. Ashley also tends to try harder than she has to as she prefers soloing in games, wanting to show that anyone can make it without teamwork. Ashley is a good natured person though and doesn't like to see people upset or struggling but has trouble connecting or helping them. Ashley tries to see the good in ever situation and has a lot of patience as well, not getting upset when things don't go well the first time or when something is taking "too long". She tends to be observant at times.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: Puzzler solver, able to connect one thing to another easily, gathering information, is an excellent known spell-caster and able to use her spells effectively to win a battle without too much trouble

Weakness/Fears: Has trouble reacting quickly in combat/dodging, does not pay attention to others in combat making her a weak healer/buffer, poor stamina, poor teamwork skills
Name: Cameron Mercer

Username: "Thirty-six" but for the sake of time she goes by "Six"

Age: 20

Game Class: Warrior

Background/Gaming History: Cameron discovered she had a knack for gaming around the time she entered elementary school, with not much else to offer, she wasn't the "best" at anything else other than her coordination. When she was in high school Cameron had a few close friends she would game with, usually FPS played online. Working together they became a closely-knit elite group of unstoppable force. When it came time to choose careers and set upon a course for the future her friends chose things like Game Design and Computer Programers, but Cameron was never interested in that kind of stuff. While they went off to technical school Cameron decided to go professional at the one thing she was best at. She moved to the big city and started enrolling herself in competitions and tournaments. All the while, always improving her skill. It was slow money but eventually she built up her built up her reputation enough to get herself hired at design firms as a tester. When she turned twenty Cameron entered a world-wide tournament. Long story short, she won thirty-sixth place. Since then she has always named herself and acts as a personal reminder that even if she does good, she can always get greater.

Personality: Generally in a casual laid-back mood. Cameron gets along fairly well with other people. She doesn't worry much when she isn't focused in front of a screen. Though, when it comes down to a job, she becomes serious and has little patience for anything else. She is a thinker and thinks deeply of the possibilities when entering a situation so when they do happen she is prepared with a solution.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: She excels at sharp-shooting and melee weapon but prefers FPS/TPS as well as RTS. She has learned how to utilize a team to her advantage and has estimated that her success rate even increases when working with other people. Most efficiently groups of two to four other players. She is a thinker and thinks deeply of the possibilities when entering a situation so when they do happen so she can be prepared with a solution.

Weakness: Cameron is basically useless when it comes to fantasy-themed games and has no affinity for archaic skill types. She's never found a particular interest in the genre and never really spent any time getting familiar with it.


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[in game]

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Name: Mia Abbot



Game class/Race: Human / Healer

Mia can be shy but most the time, but she is always trying to make the best of a situation. Out of game she has a hard time speaking up for herself or around anyone for that matter, but in game she feels only much more confident. She is in no way shape or form a competitive person and likes to take things as they come. She enjoys helping people, but she does not like to lead or be made to make tough decisions, although given a task she can work very diligently until it is done.

Background/Gaming History: Mia’s gaming history is short lived because she did not get much into gaming until she had entered the end of Middle School. She started with basic game consoles, starting with TBS games. Soon she moved more into the RTS and RPGs. She also explored FPS, she had found that she enjoyed and did well with PvM and PvE, but she felt like she failed miserably at PvP. Some time before she graduated High School she had over heard some guys talking about the latest online game, thus started her first adventure into the MMOs. She found that her social misgivings we easily overridden in a new online world and was much liked within any community she had joined. She was good at the Grind, money management, and she caught on to survival systems quickly (i.e. Cooking, Fishing, and helpful things in the environment.) Soon after she entered College to become a writer, and continued to game on her free time. You can say she is a casual gamer, but highly esteemed in the community.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency:
She is good at Grinding (leveling), money management, usual good memory of Areas and NPCs. She has strong social skills only in game and can be good at gathering information.

: She can quickly get fond of in game things, be it a monster mob, NPCs, a weapon, mounts. She also can be a bit of a coward, if she doesn’t think she can do it, she probably will cower and freeze.


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What she looks like but with a staff insted.View attachment 7314
Name: Corinne Desperau

Username: AlleyMutt

Age: nearly 20


Real: She has short, dark hair, a lanky build, she has never really shed the freckles she's had since she was four, her nails are bitten down to the nubs with glow in the dark nail polish and a little scar on her lip

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Game: She is shorter than most, but she looks pretty scary, though, her hair is very long with pure white stripes, her eyes are like ones of a cat, with nearly translucent pale skin

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Game class/race: Dark elf Assassin/Rogue

Background/Gaming History: Since around the age of twelve, Corinne had been given the title ‘Video Game Whisperer’ For her instinct of being able to beat all the video games that were handed to here, even though she’s a bit of an idiot when it comes to real life, so she prefers a video games, she used to get really into the games because that was one thing she was good at, her math skills where horrible, although she was quite a logical thinker in strategy games.

Personality: Corinne is really strange with her own sense of right and wrong; even though she has her own sense of social norms she can adapt very well to different social spheres due to her few recent obsessions with MMORPGs and such, she usually speaks before she speaks

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: she has a photographic memory so that means she’s good with details, and her sneak attacks are really good and she also has a knack for disabling mechanic creatures.

Weakness/Fears: She can’t handle any monsters that are related to bugs

( Sorry, this took me forever, and I failed really badly with her personality... TTATT )
OK so I have come to the conclusion of making a healer. I just don't want her to be stuck in the background all the time being useless haha. That happens a lot in MMO's with healers. ^^;
Name: Gillian "Gill" Hamilton

Username: WindSpirit

Age: 19

Appearance: Real Life:

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In Game:

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Game class/race: Human Marksman/archer/ranger (whatever term you usually use)

Background/Gaming History: his experience is limited to a few old rpgs he got when he was younger. his Father hates games and he has to hide them.

Personality: at first he seems like a proper well behaved polititians son, but really he jusrt wants do do his own thing. he likes to have fun, and explore. he can also be a bit naive at times.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: as his class suggests, he has excellent aim with long distance. he enjoys traveling in groups and is a good team player. he works well with others.

Weakness/Fears: sometimes he has too much fun, and will sometimes goof off. he is afraid water because he never learned to swim.

other: his father is a rich politician and he expected to behave like a perfect son, and he hates his father for not letting him be who he wants to be. he hates his name, therefor most people dont know his full name.

Name: Donovan Luken

Username: Gambit

Age: 21

Appearance: real life:View attachment 8257 in game:View attachment 8258

Game class/race: Human/Warlock (summoner)

Background/Gaming History: Donovan has been playing games all his life. Its his addiction you could say. From WoW, to Skyrim, to Super Smash Bros, he has played it all. He grew up into a family of gamers so there was no persecution. His father made money by making silly youtube videogame commentaries.

Personality:Donovan is pretty much a huge nerd. Socially awkward, over steps boundries, doesn't have a inner filter between his thoughts and what he says and does.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: Good at summoning creatures in any situation. Can read books in the old language. Very good at communication with animals. (mythical and otherwise)

Weakness/Fears: He thinks he can handle any situation and in doing so puts himself in dangerous scenarios. He is also deathly afraid of kittens.


I don't think kittens is a legit fear. Please think of another; however, if you are dead-set on this 'kitten' thing, you will have to justify to me the cause and conditions. In either case you choose, please PM me your response. Until then, you are denied.


You are accepted, feel free to make your first post.


You are accepted, go ahead and make your post.


Where is your sign-up?
Oh goodness, I failed to realize I was bypassing the system. Sorry.

Name: Luna DeClair

Username: Everland

Age: 18

Apperance: Real life: Brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, short

In game: White hair, black eyes, pale skin, medium hight, slight build

Game class/race: Wizard

Background/gaming history: first time ever

Personality: Luna is fairly outgoing. She tries to help cheer people up, but she lacks the necessary discernment and often does the opposite. She has lots of friends and is very attached to her real life.

Strengths: As she was never a gamer, she lacks game related strengths. She has an excellent memory though, which could come in handy.

Weakness/fears: Blood. It make her really sick, practically to the point of complete shut down.
[MENTION=3791]DragonZero[/MENTION] You can still sign-up, yes. The rps kinda slow at the moment, so we could use some extra members to spur some fresh ideas :3
Name: Light Lawliet

Username: Zephyr Flame

Age: 20 Years Old


Real Life – Click here

In Game – Click here

Game Class/Race: Angel/Mage/Tactician

Background/Gaming History: Although he is relatively young, Light began playing games at an early age. He and his friends vowed to become professional gamers. His father was a world renowned gamer, the second best in the world to be exact. However, his father could never defeat his rival. Light also promised his father that he would become the world’s best gamer. He has done everything he possibly can to try to achieve that. He has honed his skills in workshops, conventions, regional contests, national competitions, and even international tournaments. He has currently reached the milestone of the top ten. He hopes to work his way to the top.

Personality: Light is a gamer. Period. He can solo games, but he also a great team player. He has learned how to play all different types of games, and he has added these skills to his arsenal. However, he is also a brilliant mind. He has never lost a match in tactical games, and his team always benefits from his insight. That is also the reason he is a mage. He commands his team and uses his magic sparingly to strengthen his teams’ position and strategy. He can also be socially and emotionally manipulative, willing to sacrifice some players for the cause of victory. He tends to be charming, as this helps in his deceptions. In battle, he is calm, but serious, and he demands absolute obedience. However, he is not opposed to listening to others’ thoughts.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: He is one of the world’s best, if not the world’s best, strategist. His strategic mind also leads him to be very observant and have a great memory. His greatest strength is how he can put events and clues into their place in the big picture, which also leads him to be good at puzzles. Overall, given time, he can win any battle.

Weakness/Fears: Due to his strategic tendencies, he has a propensity to sometimes overanalyze situations, although this only occurs when he isn’t thinking clearly. Also, adding to many variables into a battle at once can frazzle his strategy, causing chinks in the usually airtight plans. However, he can usually adjust fairly quickly, and then fix those holes. His biggest weakness is the fact that he isn’t a sensational warrior. He is pretty advanced, but he isn’t a prodigy. So, although he can hold his own against advanced monsters and enemies, if he is severely outclassed, he is likely to resort to trickery and deceit, which always saves him due to his convincingness and quick wit.
Character Sheet

Name: Elena Vicenzo

Username: Evo

Age: 18


Real Life:

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Game class/race: Monk, Powerfighter, Melee Master, CQB (however you guys would call it)

Background/Gaming History: Elena grew up with four older brothers. As a result, Elena became a very competetive girl. Her brothers were into all types of games but they all played one special genre, 'Fighting Games'. One Vicenzo kid was more aggressive than the last one. But it all boiled down to Elena. With her natural ability to learn quickly and effectively, her brothers became tutorial level-difficulty in her eyes. Elena was so engrossed in fighting games that she had her mother get her mixed martial arts classes. At school, she was totally different. She became very shy and forgiving for she was afraid she wouldn't be accepted for whomshe really was. She lived in the Vicenzo household, above their sandwich shop until, she turned 16 when she moved and lived with her friend to attend the university. By that time, she purchased her own gaming console and continued her love of video gaming.

Personality: Elena is quite elegant and proper during times, but once the controllers come out and the power button is pressed, she transforms into a competitive monster with no goals but to win. She's both quiet and talkative. She is also cheerful most of the time.

Strengths/Gaming Proficiency: Elena is a tactician. Constantly analyzing weak points and open spots for an attack. She is more of a combat fighter and she is as strong as she is smart.

Weakness/Fears: Elena's weakness is her horrible aim. As sort of an inboxer, Elena has trouble fighting and distances. She likes things up and close quarters. Ranged attacks isn't her style. Her fear will be sent through PM.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] - please send me Light's fear via PM. Otherwise, accepted.

[MENTION=3778]Equinox[/MENTION] - sorry, I cleaned out my inbox, if you could please send it to me again. Accepted.

Feel free to post anytime, guys.
Name: Skylar Rane

Username: Mordekaiser

Age: 19


Real Life -

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In-Game - ((Rifle is actually two-handed and he has a one-handed sword on his back))

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Race / Class: Cyborg Juggernaut

Background / Gaming History: Skylar grew up with one older brother and one older sister. Starting off in sports, his competitive persona started. However, when he was introduced by a friend of his to a game where combat and destruction reigned supreme, he couldn't resist. He saw the game as a competition of survival. As such, he was able to play with cautious aggression, knowing when and how to be ruthless, relentless, yet aware. So he made a character that was his weapon: Mordekaiser; a being that was once a man evolving to be almost entirely machine with a vengeance. Skylar's personality became stronger but he was still respectful to others. When he went into college, he went into game design where he could further dwell in the realm where his heart lie.

Personality: Skylar is respectful to others through his competitive personality. He is always challenging others to do better in a positive light as he has always disliked being a bully. He always tries practicing the same philosophy himself believing that he could always do better.

Strengths & Proficiency in Gaming: Skylar knows how to fight and fight well. He is always searching for the strongest link, looking to eliminate it first and foremost to significantly weaken opposing forces.

Weaknesses & Fears: Skylar can be easily caught by surprise and is not very charismatic. Another weakness for him is his a somewhat lack of patience. Fear will be sent via PM.

@Swyft - For now I'm going to have to ask that your character stick to melee weapons only due to the nature of the game, it is fantasy. However, in due time....that shall change and our characters will need guns.

Also, super strength is a tall responsibility. Manage it wisely. I realize the reason is that your character is becoming accustom to the new body, Martian Chronicles style, but please be aware god-modding is not allowed and is only too easy to slip into.
Alright, I can have my guy stick to melee weapons. No problem.

As for super strength, he doesn't have. He cant punch through a brick wall or anything like that. Crack it, sure, go completely through? No. I know, it may have seemed a bit "OP" but I know the limits. No worries. He's just faster, stronger, and overall bigger than a human. But not to extreme extents and Skylar is still getting used to that factoid.

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