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  1. T


    It began...with an island. An island of beauty and splendor. Nothing could outweigh it's magnificence. and then... the prison was built. On this island, hidden deep in its dense forests, there lays a very well structured prison. Built out of the sturdiest metal that the workers...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor smiled when he sat down. "Yes," he chuckled "most things are too short for me." He looked up at both of them graciously. "Thank you both for helping me. I appreciate it." He smiled at both of them, and this time it was easier to smile, and really be happy. ((I'm going to have to leave...
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    *| Chances |*

    Kelsee's first comment made Victor smile, and the pain was almost forgotten. Yet, when she brought the crutches to him, and he stood up with them, it came back. "Ah!" He gasped once, and struggled to balance right. He almost fell over. "I-I'm sorry. I've never used these before." Embarassed, he...
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    *| Chances |*

    The pain surged through Victor's hand, and he gasped once, but he did not move. He let Kelsee finish before bringing his newly-wrapped hand back, and rubbing it lightly. "Thank you." Was all he could say to both of the girls, and even though he said it as though he were distracted - by the pain...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor, now slightly worried, was unable to say anything. He was just now beginning to feel the pain, having gotten over the adrenaline rush from breaking out of his house. He took the ball from her, and nodded his head in agreement. "I trust you. Both of you." He looked at them both. "Do what...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor, now even more embarassed, raised his head to look at Sylvie, and couldn't help but smile a little. "Thank you." He looked at both of them. "Thank you both." Embarassment wasn't the only thing making him blush now, but he tried to hide it, and agreed to let them take him in and help him...
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    *| Chances |*

    ((Haha! Thanks Wolfnight :) )) Victor, having been called out by Kelsee about his lie, grew embarassed. He lowered his head, and his face grew extremely red. "Well, I...yes." He seemed almost ashamed, though he couldn't help but enjoy the thrill of freedom coursing through his body.
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    *| Chances |*

    Almost shocked to hear another person's voice, Victor looked up suddenly. It took him a few moments to recognize Sylvie. Though he was injured, and still a bit angry, he was as polite as ever. "Oh, Sylvie. I didn't see you there, forgive me." He flashed a small half-smile at her, then looked...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor had been locked in his room since he had gotten home. Literally locked in - his father had locked his bedroom door, and honest to goodness barred the outside of the door with boards. Temporarily, of course - at least Victor hoped so. His father was fuming when he had gotten home...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor calmly stood, waved, but then slowly shook his head once to the left, and once to the right. A small gesture saying 'thank you for the invitation, but i'll leave you two alone.' He flashed a small half-smile at both of them once more, before turning and leaving. "They are certainly nice...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor had crawled out of the water, and watched the volleyball game go on. As people began to leave, he sat on the sand and watched Kelsee and Travis. He smiled a small half-smile. 'They like each other' he thought. Though this made him chuckle a bit, he felt his heart sink. He didn't know why...
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    *| Chances |*

    ((I'm going to have to leave for the night, unfortunately. Sorry. I have school tomorrow blegh. Haha! Anyway, you can just kind of let my character kind of hang there if you want, and continue role playing as you normally would. I will catch up tomorrow. :) See you guys later!))
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor smiled at Kelsee. "Yes, it's good to have fun for once. My parents..." he broke off, not wanting to think about them now. "Well, anyway. I really owe it to you for asking me this morning. I probably would not have come if it wasn't for you. Thank you." He added with a smile.
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor laughed, and smiled more than he ever had in his life he figured. 'this is the best day of my life. I can already tell.' He turned to face Sylvie with the happiest smile on his face. He would have to remember to thank both her, and Kelsee for including him in this today.
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    *| Chances |*

    At first Victor was stunned by the cool water, but for the first time in a long time, it made him laugh. He thought about it for a few more moments, then soon decided to get in the water. He removed his jacket, and tie. He decided to leave his shirt on, and of course his pants. This was the...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor swollowed nervously, but he tried his best to act normal. "Hello! I'm glad I came too, this looks like a great party." He smiled, and then turned to face Sylvie. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He told her, smiling. It wasn't until after the words left his mouth that he realized how dumb...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor looked over just in time to see Kelsee waving. he was greateful for the gesture, and he waved back sheepishly blushing. He felt ashamed just standing over here like a loser. He started to slowly make his way down to everyone. He was very awkward, and didn't really say anything to anyone...
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor saw everyone gathering on the beach, but he hung back. Though he had known these people for years, he was still uncomfortable around them. So, he decided to put of going down there to them by staring out at the scenery around him.
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    *| Chances |*

    Victor smiled at Kelsee's text, but didn't respond. 'I'll most likely see her at the beach, so I can talk to her then. I'll let her hang out with her other friends for now, and stop interupting her with texts.' He was so happy to be going, but there was that thought looming over him of what...
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    *| Chances |*

    As Victor read on and on, he began to loose focus. He couldn't help thinking about how badly he wanted to just let loose, and have a little fun. Though, he didn't exactly know how to. This thought bugged Victor so much, that he finally could stand it no longer. He left that stupid Algebra book...