*| Chances |*

Victor, now slightly worried, was unable to say anything. He was just now beginning to feel the pain, having gotten over the adrenaline rush from breaking out of his house. He took the ball from her, and nodded his head in agreement. "I trust you. Both of you." He looked at them both. "Do what you must."
"Alright, first take two of these" Kelseee said handing him a glass of water and Two Ibeuprofiens. When he'd swallowed them, she waited a minute for the pain reliver to kick in. When it had, she carefully clenched the tweezers around the glass, sticking from his hand. She poured a little bit of hydrogen peroxide around the base of the glass, and let the peroxide loosen his skin up. She then pulled out the bigges pieces of glass, then she moved into the smaller ones. She poured some more peroxide on his hand, and proceeded to pull out every shard of glass. When she'd finsihed taking the glass out, she sprayed disinfectant on his cut, knowing it would sting, she quickly wrapped the gause around his cut. She patted his shoulder and said "Your hands done"
Sylvie looked at his bloodied hand full of glass shards. It made her queasy to see it, but she had to be there. These two were her close friends and if they needed her help she couldn't be off somewhere hiding in a corner just because of some blood. "Let me know how I can help, Kels." She said, not knowing what to do herself. Luckily the other girl seemed to know what she was doing.
The pain surged through Victor's hand, and he gasped once, but he did not move. He let Kelsee finish before bringing his newly-wrapped hand back, and rubbing it lightly. "Thank you." Was all he could say to both of the girls, and even though he said it as though he were distracted - by the pain - he did mean it. He couldn't thank them enough just for being there for him. He honestly thought neither of them really cared about him enough. They had friends they were so much closer to, he thought he was unimportant.
Kelsee smiled "It's no problem, anything for a friend" she said as she looked at his foot. She thought for a minute "Can you walk over to the couch? I need to put your brace on." She informed him, Kelsee took the brace into her hand and then grabbed a pair of crutches. She leaned them on the couch and walked back to Victor "Would you like help going to the couch?" She asked curiously.
Kelsee's first comment made Victor smile, and the pain was almost forgotten. Yet, when she brought the crutches to him, and he stood up with them, it came back. "Ah!" He gasped once, and struggled to balance right. He almost fell over. "I-I'm sorry. I've never used these before." Embarassed, he looked at her. "I..umm...I believe that I will need you help." He added, "please." with a small smile.
Kelsee smiled and took the crutches from him "No problem, I'm sure Sylvie would live to help me yeah you how to use them." She said as she turned to Sylvie and looked at her kindly "Could you help me bring Victor over to the couch?" She asked curiously. She was already supporting his right side, she just needed Sylvie to help with us left side.
"Yes," she replied. She went around to Victor's left side to help him walk to the couch, supporting some of his weight on herself so he wouldn't further his injuries. Together with help from Kelsee they got him to the couch quickly and safely. Sylvie adjusted the crutches while Kelsee worked on getting Victor's foot straightened out. "These were probably just too short for you," she said with a smile to Victor. "They should be better now."
Kelsee was hard at work; she had to make sure the brace fit his foot perfectly. Once it was like a painting, she stood up and looked at Sylvie, then Victor. "Thanks for adjusting those Sylvie Kelsee thanked her with a smile. "Alright, Victor, wear this brace all day, except in showers, stay away from sports for now, and be careful" she told him.
Victor smiled when he sat down. "Yes," he chuckled "most things are too short for me." He looked up at both of them graciously. "Thank you both for helping me. I appreciate it." He smiled at both of them, and this time it was easier to smile, and really be happy.

((I'm going to have to leave for the night. School tomorrow blegh. :) I will see you guys tomorrow hopefully, and I'll just jump back into the story somewhere. :) See you then!))
Kelsee wiped the sweat droplets from her forehead and smiled "I told you, it's no problem" she said with a wink "So, would you like to go outside, or stay in here, and get used to walking?" She asked

(Ok :) Night guys!!))
Travis awoke and grabbed his phone, looking at the clock. Oh no! He was fifteen minutes late, if they had started without him. He flipped the phone keyboard out and texted Kelsee, "Hey Kels, sorry I'm not there yet. How are things?" He then waited for a response, getting up and recombing his hair. He then looked back at his sketchbook on his bed, lying open with the cover facing him, he flipped to the page he was working on, and kelsee's face stared back at him. He smiled slightly, wondering if he should show her. His phone vibrated then and he looked to see the response.
Kelsee was walking outside when her phone vibrated. She smiled and began to text Travis back: "Hey! It's ok :) I just walked outside with Victor an Sylvie" she sent to him. She put her phone back, and sat on one of the blankets that were on the grass. There were also chairs around the fire and in between the blankets. She waited for Travis with the fire gleaming on her face, and happiness in her eyes.
Sylvie walked outside with Victor and Kelsee, seeing that the bonfire was already brightly burning and that there were blankets and chairs spread across the ground around it. She smiled and hop-skipped over to one of the blankets, plopping down on it and enjoying the warmth from the flames. Smiling she looked at her other friends. "Have you heard from anyone else?" She asked Kelsee.
Keslee nodded "Yes, Travis, he just texted me and said he'd fallen asleep, and he'll be here any minute" she informed Sylvie. She slowly turned her head to look at Travis' house, then back at Sylvie "and I know that Kayla and Mitch are coming later" added. She smiled against the warm flame meeting her skin "You guys hungry or thirsty?" she asked "I have pop, waters, pop corn, basically anything that is reasonable, I can probably fin inside of my house: she told Victor and Sylvie.
Travis and Ricky took the car over to Kelsee's, he parked it on the driveway and opened the car door releasing his hound. They went to the direction of the bonfire. He arrived just to hear "Have you heard from anyone else?" , said by Sylvie. Travis wrapped his arms around Kelsee from behind and kissed her warm cheek, "She's heard from me" he smiled in triumph.
Kelsee smled when Travis' hands were around her she ran her hands up and down his arms. She looked up at him and smirked, she giggled and gave his cheek a kiss back "I have heard from you" she said wih a little giggle. She pulled him down next to her, but stayed in his arms. She nuzzled her head slightly in his neck, and looked at the fire; it's flames entrancing her.
He felt her breathing under him, feeling the warmth from both the fire and her skin. He held on to her closely, he was watched the flame flicker in her eyes, and he was entranced by the whole thing.

He was stuck in this state for awhile before he rememnered what she had asked everyone right before he came "Oh yes, would you like me to get the food and drink for you instead, ladies...and Vic" He added with a laugh. He let her go for a moment but held her hand in his.
Kelsee thought for a moment "I can get it Trav" she told him "Would you like anything?" She asked "I was going to grab some popcorn, would you like any of it" she asked with a smirk. She started to stand up, still looking at Travis. She ran her fingers over his kunckles and smiled softly.
He nodded "If you insist. Popcorn and a soda for me" He smiled "...and you guys?" he turned to the other two and watched their faces glow from the flames.
Kelsee smiled, she looked Victor, then Sylvie. When they didn't say anything she shrugged and turned back to Travis and pecked his cheek. She let go of his hand and disappeared into her house. She threw a bag of popcorn on the microwave and when it was popping, she grabbed a pop from her fridge. When the popcorn stopped popping, she brought the popcorn out of the microwave, and then brought the pop and popcorn to Travis. "Here you go handsome" she said with a smile. She handed him his pop, and then the popcorn.
((Sorry, I can't respond immediately when I'm at work ;A; ))

Sylvie shook her head. "No, thanks. Maybe I'll get something later." She wrapped her arms around her knees and leaned her chin down onto them. She saw that Kelsee and Travis were flirting, a lot. And she knew there was something going on with Kayla and Mitch, too. Too bad Sylvie wasn't good with boys. She was too shy to talk to most of them, and they usually thought it was dorky when she blushed. She let out a sigh. Too bad she couldn't have brought her boyfriend. If she'd had one, anyway...
Kelsee nodded her head in Sylvie's direction "Ok" she said with a smile "When ever you feel like eating, feel free walk inside and take any kind of food that you want" she said when she sat down next to Travis and the popcorn. She leaned against his shoulder and smiled softly.
Travis suddenly remembered something, "Oh yeah, Kels, I uh,...made this..." He took out the paper from his pocket, unfurling it to reveal the portrait of her face he had drawn before. He laughed "Not as beautiful as the real thing though, he placed a kiss on her forehead as he handed it to her, the fire illuminated it, giving the paper and orange glow.

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