*| Chances |*

Kelsee looked at the drawing, then at him "It's amazing" she exclaimed, her cheeks were flodded with a light blush. She took the paper from his hands, put it in her pocket, and then wrapped her arms around Travis. She was like a magnet for heat; from the fire, and from Travis. She loved the feeling of the fires flicker on her skin, and how it flickered on his skin. She smiled and looked up at him, and softly smiled; she was very happy with Travis, he was perfect in her eyes.
Mikayla squealed in anger once she noticed she was 10 minutes late.

"Crap. Crap. Crap." She repeated over and over again under her breath, trying to find the car keys. Finally, she found them, and she snatched them up and literally ran straight out the door. She suddenly skidded to a halt, and did a sharp whistle than shattered the night's silence. Heavy paw-steps pounded down the porch, and than Vincent was by her side, leaping into the passenger seat of her silver Mercedes Benz.

Kayla slid into the driver's seat, slammed the door, and than started the engine. She slammed her foot on the gas pedal, and sped towards the direction of the beach.

After finally getting there and parking, she opened the doors and let the huge dog jump out and barrel at the others. She waved at the others, smoothing out her hair and her dress before walking over.

"Hey guys." She said, smiling as usual. She stared at the fire admiringly, watching the flames lap up towards the sky. She looked around, wondering where Mitch was.
Mitch walked to the bonfire. When he could see the flames, he could make out Kayla's beautiful figure. He could hear her say "Hey guys." He snuck up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist "Hey beautiful" he said with a smile. Mitch pecked her cheek, and rubbed her side. He smiled against her soft skin and looked at the fire. Then he saw Kelsee and Travis, "They must of hit it off" he said to himself with a smirk.
Kayla squealed slightly in surprise, giggling when she realized it was Mitch. She kissed him back, shivering a little bit from his warm touch. She must of been cold.

"Hey babe." She said, grinning when she looked over at Travis and Kelsee.

"Looks like it." Kayla smirked, referring to Travis and Kelsee. Her blue eyes flicked over to Vincent, who was barking noisily and playing in the sand with the other dogs.

Kayla looked back up at Mitch and leaned her head against his shoulder, sighing softly. Her eyes closed for a quick second, and than they snapped back open when she heard a car door slam. Glancing over towards the sound, she noticed a group of guys staring at them curiously. They looked pretty shady to her. She ignored them, and looked back to Mitch.

"Those guys are kind of staring at everybody funny.." She murmured, taking a quick glance back at the group of guys again.
Mitch smiled, he walked MiKayla over to a blanket and sat down. He kept his hold on her and looked at the guys that were standing by a car. Mitch felt his body tense up, he eased up slightly and held Kayla tighter "It's ok Kay; I'll protect you if they come near" he said with a little chuckle. He kissed her again with reassurance, and them held her in his arms. He was in love with Kayla, and she meant the world to him.
Kayla smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes. She loved Mitch so much, that you could see it in her eyes when she looked at him. Suddenly a few popping noises rang out, making her cover her ears and open her eyes in fear. Those were gunshots.. She was absolutely terrified of guns. Vincent stopped playing and growled at the group, who were laughing that they had scared a few people on the beach.

"Bro! Did you see the look on that girl's face! Priceless, man." One of them joked, fist bumping a guy next to him and laughing again. He must of been the one that fired the gun.

Kayla turned her head slightly towards the group in fear, watching the one guy with the gun turn towards her and wink.

"Hey there gorgeous! Why don't you come over here and ditch that sorry a*s you're sittin' next to." He called, grinning to himself. Kayla clenched her fists in anger, prepared to leap up and smack the sh*t out of them. She shot them an angered glare, and than turned away.

"Aye, don't be like that sweetheart!" Another one of them called out. She looked back, and noticed they were inching closer.

She leaped to her feet, storming towards the one with the gun and slapping him. HARD. The other guys around her gaped in shock, also sort of laughing that he had gotten slapped.

"I am not your b*tch. So don't act like I am, as*hole." She snarled to the one she had slapped, glaring at him. Her fists were still clenched, meaning she was absolutely pissed. The guy snickered and took a few steps toward her, rubbing his cheek.

"What? You gonna run back to your boyfriend now?" He mocked, gripping the gun tighter in his hand. That was the last straw. Kicking her leg out, she kicked him hard in you-know-where, and than turned around and stomped back towards the others. He collapsed in pain, cursing angrily under his breath.

"You stupid b*tch!" She heard him say before groaning again in pain.
Travis tensed and protectively put himself over Kelsee in case the men were lethal, but Kayla had taken care of it fairly well. "Go Kay!" He bounded to his feet and shot his fist in the air when she had kicked one of the men in the balls. He then added "If you need backup I'm here!" He looked down to Kelsee, "Keep the phone ready to call for help just in case" He walked toward Kayla and said to the men "Hey dudes, she's pretty pissed, I'd help her if she needed it, but if anything you might want to leave before you become sterile for life!" he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was afraid they might not back off at the combined bravery of both him and Kay, but if they didn't he was ready to defend Kelsee and the others when necessary.
Mitch did have time to do anything. By the time he was ready to go up to her side, she was coming back. He did have time to stand up though. He put his arm around her and brought her down next to him. "You were very brave" he said quietly "You.. Are amazing, I hope you know that" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her. He was in a way connected to her, he had grown so fond of her, and he knew she was mean for him.

Kelsee nodded, clasping the phone in her hands. She watched as Travis left the fire, and went to Kayla's side. She reached for the drawing he had given her moments ago. Then a great sensation came over her, and she went to his contacts, entered "Kelsee <3", her number, and then a picture of her. She smiled softly and when she looked up Travis was coming back. She looked at him with relife and then took the phone he had given her out of her pocket and held it in her hand, waiting for him to sit down.
Travis sat beside Kelsee, leaning his head against her shoulder and watched the fire, sighing happily. This couldn't be any more perfect. He wrapped his arms around Kelsee and kissed her cheek. It would be great if this lasted forever, just him and her, cuddling by the fire. It didn't get better than this.
Kelsee was surrounded with Travis' embrace. This would be a night she would never forget, she also put her arms around him, and kissed the top of his head. She was loving that moment, she ran her fingers through his hair and placed her head on top of his. She looked at him, and then the fire; mesmerized by both, but she had more interest in Travis of course.

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