*| Chances |*

Kelsee also packed up her things. She took Dash from where he was tied up and threw her bag over her shoulder. She walked to her Mustang convertible and threw her stuff in the back seat. She also had brought Sylvie back with her, and put her in te passengers side of her car. "See you later" she repeated; Kelsee kissed him softly and gave him a hug "Bye" she said as she waved and started her car's engine., but still standing outside of her car.
Travis kissed her goodbye and held her in a tender embrace "See you later" he said, and he got into his own car, Ricky in tow. He'd be at the bonfire tonight, that was for sure

((Thanks Coedy, but I'm leaving also, see you later))
(Bye wolf. Hope you have a good rest :) ))

Kelsee drove back to her house, she saw Mitch and Kayla sitting on the curb, and wondered what had happened. She dropped Sylvie off first, them drove back to her house, turned her car off, let Dash out, and took her things from her backseat into her hands. Kelsee set the stuff down in her garage and walked inside with Dash at her heels. She quickly changed into http://www.polyvore.com/just_chilling/set?id=54469834 she loved her outfit, and then she sat in her room. Thinking.
As soon as Mitch showed up, Kayla's mother got up and slipped back into the house, leaving the two alone. Kayla tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, trying not to cry. She's already been crying for about 15 minutes. It was probably time for her to stop.

She pulled away from him, staring into his eyes as a tear fell from her eyes.

"Mitch.. You should of stayed with Travis and Kelsee. I didn't want to get in the way." She murmured, looking away from him for a second. She did feel guilty about leaving. She probably should of stayed and acted like nothing happened..
Mitch comforted Kayla "Hey, I left because I could, you didn't make me do anything; I left because I care a lot for you, and you mean the world to me" he informed Kayla. Mitch gave her a comforting kiss and ran his fingers though her hair.
((Sorry I don't post much, but at least y'all didn't leave me at the beach haha))

Sylvie said her good-byes to everyone and rode home with Kelsee. After saying goodbye to her as well, she walked into her house and changed her clothes to something that wasn't covered in sea water and sand. She stretched out and walked across her room, picking up her guitar and plopping down on her bed, lying back on the plush blankets as she started to play. Artemis curled up by Sylvie's head and fell asleep to the sound of the mellow music she was playing.
Kayla nodded slowly, kissing him back and sliding her hand over his cheek. She heard a door open, and she stopped kissing him and looked up at her porch. Her mother had a grin on her face when Kayla shot her a glare.

"MOM!" She growled, her cheeks becoming a light pink shade.

"Sorry honey. I wasn't trying to interrupt anything. But I just wanted to say that your dad is alright. The hospital just called." Her mother said, trying to look innocent. Besides her mom spying on her and Mitch, she was actually relieved her father was okay. She sighed, looking back to see that her mom was gone.

"Sorry about my mom.." She muttered embarrassingly, looking down at her feet and grinning a little bit.
"It's ok Kayla" Mitch said with a smile "You're going to the bonfire tonight, right?" He asked. He put his head on her shoulder and ran his hand up and down her side. He really did care a lot for Kayla; she was everything to him.

((you're welcome KaitWink :) right now I'm kind of stuck on how to wave your character into the current 'script'))
Kayla looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah. I actually should probably get dressed.." She said, grinning sheepishly. She stood up off the curb and smiled.

"I'll see you at the bonfire, alright?" She said, pulling him towards her and kissing him softly. She pulled away and began walking up the steps, opening the door and flashing Mitch a smile before shutting it.

She quickly ran upstairs and picked out her outfit, and than changed into it. Admiring herself in her full length mirror, she walked into her bathroom and straightened her hair. Than putting on a little bit more makeup. Once she was done, she checked the time just in case it was getting close to leaving.

(Her outfit: https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/sweeper-production-contestimage/500e210bf4d9cc48cc000c1c-large.jpg
Mitch smiled and kissed her cheek "I'll see you there my girl" he said as he waved and walked to his house changing from a swimsuit and salty hair, to clean hair, shorts. And a t-shirt. He is sprayed a little bit of cologne on himself of spiked his hair. Mitch looked at the time; it was about 10 til the fire was lit.

Kelsee saw it was around 10 minutes until she had to light the fire. She was excited for the summer and the night. The night because she loved Summer Bonfire Kick Off because she would be able to spend time with Travis, and all of their friends. The other reason dhe was excited for that night was because she would most likely snuggle up with Travis at the fire.
As soon as Travis arrived home, he jumped in the shower and washed the salt and sand out of his hair. He took Ricky and washed him while he was at it. He dried off, combing his hair and put on a pair of dark jeans and a flannel shirt ((http://www3.images.coolspotters.com/photos/98757/fox-compass-flannel-shirt-profile.jpg)). He turned to his dog who had shaken himself of and dozed on his bed. "Well Ricks, whaddaya think?" Rick waggled an ear in response but did nothing else. "Thanks for the enthusiasm" he said.

There was still about an hour until the bonfire. So he grabbed his sketchbook and lied on his bed, as soon as he put pencil to paper, his mind took off, sketching pristine and detailed lines. It took a while, minutes had passed. He had nearly finished, but then dozed off. His arm hung limply off the bed and the pencil fell to the floor.
Sylvie set aside her guitar, suddenly realizing what time it was. She was going to be late for the bonfire if she didn't hurry. She quickly put on a cute outfit (( http://youqueen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BEACH-OUTFITS-1.jpg )) and rushed downstairs. Once she made sure her hair and makeup looked good, she got in her car to leave. Luckily she had just gotten her license two weeks ago. She backed out of the driveway and drove towards Kelsee's house.
Kelsee looked at the clock that hung on her wall; it was 8:30 ish, and she decided it was about time to light the bonfire pit that was on the side of her house. She pulled on her converse and walked outside the the right side of her house; the pit was just next to the field that was to the far right of the house. Kelsee began to stack little logs that she'd personally chopped over the old newspaper, into the pit. She clapped the dust from her hands off onto the ground, walked into her house, took the lighter that was in a drawer, and brought it outside. She knelt down to the edge of the pit, and carefully put the lighter's end into the fire, and lit the newspaper on fire. She then moved to the other sides of the pit, until she'd lit every corner that she could. She smiled at what she had accomplished and brought the lighter back inside; now all that she needed to do was wait.
Victor had been locked in his room since he had gotten home. Literally locked in - his father had locked his bedroom door, and honest to goodness barred the outside of the door with boards. Temporarily, of course - at least Victor hoped so. His father was fuming when he had gotten home; apparently the librarian had watched him leave, and knowing his parents, called them up on the phone and confirmed that he was not at the library anymore. So, punishment was of course executed, and now Victor sat, still in his wet pants, shoes, and white button-up undershirt, on his bed. (His mother had had a fit about that. 'Why, you're practically naked!' she had over-exaggerated earlier.) He didn't care that he was soaking up his bed with the ocean's water, he was so angry. Victor had always disliked his parents - he was always afraid to say that he hated them - but he didn't think that he had ever been angrier at them before now. He finally decided to change into dry clothes, and did so - almost the exact same looking outfit (black suit and pants, dry black dress shoes, a different black jacket, a clean white undershirt, and a blue tie) The anger built up inside Victor as he looked over at the clock hanging on his wall and saw what time it was. 'Almost time for that bonfire' He thought to himself. Almost fuming now, and loosing his senses, Victor stood, walked over to his window, pulled back his right fist, and punched a giant hole right in the glass. The loud noise startled his parents, and he heard them shouting from below, but he did not care. Even from the attic, he decided to jump right from his window. The fall was not a long one, but he hit the ground with force, and rolled a few feet. He heard his parent's shouting louder now, and knew they were in his room. He quickly got to his feet, and soon realized that he must have twisted his left ankles pretty badly because he could hardly walk. His right fist, with which he had punched the window, was dripping with blood - he had cut himself badly - he didn't feel it though. All he could do was limp quickly as possible away from his house, and towards that bonfire.
Sylvie parked her car and walked the rest of the way. She thought it was stupid that her parents insisted she drive to Kelsee's. Just because she happened to live slightly farther away than the others didn't mean it wasn't walking distance. Heck, her parents were so worried about her getting kidnapped, she was surprised they didn't make her take the car to go to the end of the driveway to the mailbox! She giggled a little at this thought as she walked up to her friend's house and saw Victor limping towards the area. "Victor?!" She exclaimed. "Wh-what happened?!"
Almost shocked to hear another person's voice, Victor looked up suddenly. It took him a few moments to recognize Sylvie. Though he was injured, and still a bit angry, he was as polite as ever. "Oh, Sylvie. I didn't see you there, forgive me." He flashed a small half-smile at her, then looked down and seemed to be examining his injuries. He looked back up at her nervously trying to come up with an excuse. "Oh, well, you see, I..." He stuttered. "I was in such a hurry to get here that I tripped and fell in the street. There just happened to be some glass where I landed, and it cut up my hand pretty badly. I twisted my ankle in the fall." He tried to smile again, to cover up his lie, but he was unsuccessful.
[QUOTE="T.B.F.]Victor had been locked in his room since he had gotten home. Literally locked in - his father had locked his bedroom door, and honest to goodness barred the outside of the door with boards. Temporarily, of course - at least Victor hoped so. His father was fuming when he had gotten home; apparently the librarian had watched him leave, and knowing his parents, called them up on the phone and confirmed that he was not at the library anymore. So, punishment was of course executed, and now Victor sat, still in his wet pants, shoes, and white button-up undershirt, on his bed. (His mother had had a fit about that. 'Why, you're practically naked!' she had over-exaggerated earlier.) He didn't care that he was soaking up his bed with the ocean's water, he was so angry. Victor had always disliked his parents - he was always afraid to say that he hated them - but he didn't think that he had ever been angrier at them before now. He finally decided to change into dry clothes, and did so - almost the exact same looking outfit (black suit and pants, dry black dress shoes, a different black jacket, a clean white undershirt, and a blue tie) The anger built up inside Victor as he looked over at the clock hanging on his wall and saw what time it was. 'Almost time for that bonfire' He thought to himself. Almost fuming now, and loosing his senses, Victor stood, walked over to his window, pulled back his right fist, and punched a giant hole right in the glass. The loud noise startled his parents, and he heard them shouting from below, but he did not care. Even from the attic, he decided to jump right from his window. The fall was not a long one, but he hit the ground with force, and rolled a few feet. He heard his parent's shouting louder now, and knew they were in his room. He quickly got to his feet, and soon realized that he must have twisted his left ankles pretty badly because he could hardly walk. His right fist, with which he had punched the window, was dripping with blood - he had cut himself badly - he didn't feel it though. All he could do was limp quickly as possible away from his house, and towards that bonfire.

(((Wow...that's intense)))
Kelsee looked over to the street and saw blood gushing out of Victor's hand, and his limp. Like any friend would, she ran to him and stood next to Sylvie, almost in unison, they asked the same question, Kelsee could see shards of glass in his hand, and she looked at him. As she was looking up, she noticed the whole in the window above his house "You..you.. Broke out" she said with dissbelife in her voice. She never knew Victor would do something like that. She was proud of him.
((Haha! Thanks Wolfnight :) ))

Victor, having been called out by Kelsee about his lie, grew embarassed. He lowered his head, and his face grew extremely red. "Well, I...yes." He seemed almost ashamed, though he couldn't help but enjoy the thrill of freedom coursing through his body.
Sylvie crossed her arms. "You're lying, Victor." She said, pouting a little. "We can see your window from here, you know." She pointed to his house. "You broke out and ran away? That's crazy. That's really... Brave." She blushed a little as she said it. Shaking her head, she added. "Come on, let's get you fixed up."
Victor, now even more embarassed, raised his head to look at Sylvie, and couldn't help but smile a little. "Thank you." He looked at both of them. "Thank you both." Embarassment wasn't the only thing making him blush now, but he tried to hide it, and agreed to let them take him in and help him with his injuries.
Sylvie turned to Kelsee. "Do you have any first aid stuff?" She asked. They would need disinfectant and stuff, but she honestly didn't know what to do about his twisted ankle. She hoped he wouldn't have to go to the ER or something!

Disinfectant and such**
Kelsee looked from Victor to Sylvie. "Yeah, we should probably get you hand fixed and put a brace on that ankle" she said with a chuckle. He helped Victor hop to her house, and she sat him down in her dining room. She took out her first aid kit; she pulled gause, tweezers, tape, band aids, and a small brace form the kit and her closer. She put a mat under his hand and turned his hand so the palm was up. "You need to trust me" she said looking at him "Here, squeeze this when the pain rushed through the cut" she told him, handing him a pressure ball.

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