*| Chances |*

Mikayla blushed majorly and she turned her gaze away from his when he kissed her cheek. She was not expecting that at all. She thought maybe he was going to try explaining to her. But I guess that works too. A smile formed on her face when she looked back at him, meeting his gaze. She noticed he was still holding her hands, and she blushed a little bit again. Even surprising herself, she slid her hand over his cheek and leaned towards his face slowly. Her heart quickened as she gently kissed him, holding it and than pulling away. She looked into his eyes for a moment, than flashed him a smile before diving into the water and down to the bottom again.

While she was under the water, she giggled a little bit, trying to hold her breath at the same time. She could almost imagine the expression on his face right now.
Victor smiled at Kelsee. "Yes, it's good to have fun for once. My parents..." he broke off, not wanting to think about them now. "Well, anyway. I really owe it to you for asking me this morning. I probably would not have come if it wasn't for you. Thank you." He added with a smile.
Sylvie smiled and waded over to Kelsee and Victor, splashing Kelsee back for earlier. "I'm so glad you invited me along." She said with a giggle. "My day would have been totally boring if I had to stay home on the first day of summer!" She tried to keep too much water from getting on her thick black glasses, but it seemed a hopeless cause as droplets covered her lenses. She shrugged it off and ducked under the water again. Nothing worse than dried out salt water hair.
((I'm going to have to leave for the night, unfortunately. Sorry. I have school tomorrow blegh. Haha! Anyway, you can just kind of let my character kind of hang there if you want, and continue role playing as you normally would. I will catch up tomorrow. :) See you guys later!))
Mitch put one if his hands on her side just as she dove under again. He was still a little shocked from her kiss, he looked down again and waited for her to come up. He was very glad that sh liked him too, and he hasn't made a fool out of himself. He paitently waited for Kayla to resurface.

"It's no biggy" Kelsee said with a smile. "But you're welcome" she added with a wink. She pushed some of he hair back, out of her face, and looked at Victor, then down at the Basenji that was almsot asleep.

((Bye T.B.F :P ))
Mikayla quickly resurfaced when she ran out of breath, and appeared in front of Mitch. He seemed sort of shocked about her kissing him. Well, she would be to if someone did that to her. She couldn't help but giggle to herself quietly when she met his gaze.

"You seem surprised about this." She said with a wild grin on her face as she kicked her feet to keep her head above the surface.

(Okay bye:)
"Kind of" Mitch admitted. He put his hand on her side, and held the other. He quickly scooped her up in his arms bridal style and grinned "So, stay I'm the water or the beach" he asked with a smirk. Mitch pecked her forehead and waited for her answer.
Mikayla looked just a tiny bit surprised when he scooped her up, but she didn't mind. She thought it was cute.

"The beach." She said, staring straight into his eyes and giggling. When he kissed her on the forehead, the smile on her face widened. Vincent, finally noticing that Mitch had his hands on Mikayla, he began barreling towards them. He leaped up and pounded on Mitch from behind, knocking him and Mikayla over at the same time.
Mitch fell when Vincent pounded on his back. He made sure he set Kayla down on a towel, then he rolled in the sand. He sat up, and shook the sand from his hair, then stood up. He walked over to her and sat next to her with his arm around her back. Mitch looked at Kayla, "Im ok" he said "just in case you were wondering" he joked. He kissed her cheek, and gently rubbed her back.
Travis finally finished everything he needed to do, hopefully his dad hadn't noticed and if he did he wouldn't have been too made once he had come back and done it. He grabbed his keys and took of to the beach. He soon came to it's scenic image, seeing his friends in the water, and two very familiar friends lounging on the beach.

He grinned. Mitch had taken his advice. He strolled up slowly behind them. Then he suddenly appeared between them, arms draped accross both their shoulders "Hai guys!" His face held a goofy smile, "So Miitch, I see you have taken my advice" he winked "I know, I'm a love guru, you're welcome" he joked. "Too bad I missed all the fun, huh?" He got up and walked toward the beach "Well, you kids have some fun, I'm going to summon a few friends for beach volleyball, join us if you want", with that he ran toward the beach.

He saw Sylvie and Kelsee as usual, but he was happy to see a new face, "Vick, how are ya!?" He gave him a pat on the pack. Victor was always the shy one, but he would adjust he supposed, for now he'd just be friendly. He looked him up and down "A bit overdressed for the occasion aren't you?" he laughed he then turned to the two girls as well "

"Who's up for some beach volleyball?, Anyone?"
Mitch laughed at Travis; somehow, he always made Mitch laugh. "Would you like to play Beach volleyball?" He asked when he looked at her. He looked at the beauty that was sitting next to him, then the people scattered all around the beach.

Kelsee turned to Travis and smiled. "I am totally up for a game of beach volley ball" she said with a smirk. She grabbed one if hthe volleyball that were by her and threw it at Travid; completely catching him offguard. She smiled at Travis and grabbed her sunglasses from her bag.
((Vincent is the dog.))

Sylvie smiled and dragged herself from the water, shivering in the breeze that was warm to her only a few minutes ago. She walked over to where some of the others were going to play volleyball. She wasn't very good at athletic stuff, so she didn't know whether or not she should play or just spectate. Whoever had her on their team was sure to lose. She wiped off her glasses so that they were dry, then replaced them on her face and waited for the others to join them.
Mikayla's eyes immediately were filled with excitement when Travis mentioned the word volleyball. She absolutely loved volleyball.

"Of course!" She exclaimed, leaping up to her feet and helping him up. She grabbed his hand and slowly began walking towards Travis and the others. She really did like Mitch. More than he knew. She grinned at Mitch, than at Travis.
Travis's hands shot up real quick, he almost didn't see that coming, luckliy the ball landed in his hands instead of hitting him in the face. He smiled back at Kelsee, "Well c'mon" He said "You wanna be on my team Kels?" He then turned to the others, "Well, c'mon guys let's get started! He positioned himself at the front of the net, waiting for the others to join him or go against him.
Kelsey nodded "Of course" she said as she took the right side of the front next; also called a setter. She looked at Travis and walked over to him and whispered a plan into his ear: "Alright, so before a serve, I'll give you a signal of a two with my fingers, then" she told him the things to do after she gave him the two. Kelsee looked at him and walked back to her position "Got it?" She asked.

Mitch smiled and walked with Kayla to the opposing team of Travis and Kelsee. He took center back, that was where he always started. He winked at Kayla and pushed her off to find a position. Usually Mitch would be oober competitive during a sport like this, but this time was different, he really didn't care if they won or lost. All he wanted to do was have fun.
Travis looked to Kelsee "Got it!" He grinned, he looked around to see if the others were in position. Then he got a stance ready for the game. Mitch was always better at sports than him, but he seemed more like he just wanted to have fun, he might have a chance if his competetive side didn't kick in.
Keslee smiled; she looked at her team, and it wasn't half bad! She looked to her opponent team, they had the same athletic ability. She looked at Travis and smiled. Mitch's team had first serve; as the ball came over to their side, Kelsee stepped back, and set the ball to Travis.

Mitch wasnt really paying attention he just wanted to hit the ball a few times and then see who won. He was still in his stance from the beginning.
Sylvie stood off to the side as the others grouped up. She looked at both teams and saw they were about equally matched. She figured she would unbalance it at this point and decided to sit this one out. "I'll be the referee." She said, smiling a little bit. "Someone has to make sure y'all don't cheat!" She giggled a little at her own joke, a goofy habit.
Kelsee smirked "Sounds like a plan Sylvie!" She said with a smile. Glad that Sylvie wasn't being left out, and only watching the game. The volleys continued, it seemed like forever.
"It's okay I don't plan to cheat I plan to win!" he joked launching the volleyball over the net with his wrists, it sailed over smoothly and onto Mitch and Kayla's side of the net. He really didn't care who won, as Mitch didn't but he was going to enjoy victory when him and Kelsee had it. He looked over to kelsee and smiled.
Kelsee jumped and smiled, she looked at Travis and walked over to him "Nice!" She said giving him a fist bump. "Good job" she added with a smirk. She couldn't wait to play another match. That was so much fun, she love the sport of Volleyball, and winning to, but loosing wasn't bad either.
Mikayla giggled a little bit, obviously enjoying herself. That was until her phone rang. She looked over to it curiously, jogging over to it and bending down to get it. She had gotten a text from her mother.

It said:

"Get home immediately. You're Father has gotten into a car accident."

As she read that text, the smile faded from her face, and tears began dripping down from her eyes. She ran towards her car without saying a word to the others, and grabbed Vincent. She pushed the huge dog into the car, and than looked back at the others.

"I'm sorry guys.. Something came up and I have to get home right away." She said, more tears continuing to slip down her face as she slid into her car and started the engine.
Mitch felt a sudded wave of fear come over him. He ran after Kayla, extremely worried. He stood at he car door "Kayla, what happened?" He asked anxiously. He could feel Duke's warm breath on his leg gave him goosebumps. He kept he attention on Kayla. "I know you need to go, but you're too important to me to not know what happened" he told heR.
Tears continued to stream down her face as she stared at the steering wheel sadly. She flicked her gaze to his, than looked down.

"My Father.. Got in a car accident.. I have to see if he's okay." She said in such a sad voice, that it made Vincent whimper. She glanced down again, putting her hand on the steering wheel.

"I-I have to go, Mitch.." She said, preparing to put the car in reverse.

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