*| Chances |*

Kelsee smiled at Sylvie "Great!! I'll drive" sh said as she led her out iom her house to her car. Kelsee climbed into her white mustang convertible with Sylvie and drove the two to the beach. When they arrived, she let Dash out of the car and then got out herself. She waited for Sylvie to get out of the car with her, and then se walked to Mitch, Kayla, and Travis with Dash and Sylvie at her sides. She set her things down and took of her cover up, which exposed her swimsuit and toned body; http://www.surfermag.com/files/2010/11/wpid-nikiiswiss677.jpg . Kelsee was round of her body.Mitch smiled towards Kayla. He combed his hair back with his fingers, and rubbed the top of Dukes head. He turned towards Kayla and then back to Travis; yes deffentally he had a crush on her.
"Kayla!" He exclaimed and gave her a gentle hug, "This is going to be great! I cant wait for everyone to show. He looked at the dogs, Ricky had a stick in his mouth "Here boy!" He cried out. Ricky bounded over and he took the stick and hurled it accross the sand, he dashed to get it.

He figured since he had the two lovebirds here he'd be mischievious "So guys, how's it been so far, with just the two of you. Here all alone. By yourselves" He grinned devilishly.
Victor saw everyone gathering on the beach, but he hung back. Though he had known these people for years, he was still uncomfortable around them. So, he decided to put of going down there to them by staring out at the scenery around him.
Kelsee walked towards Travis and smiled "Hey!" She exclaimed, she looked back to see Dash running around the other dogs. She chuckled and pushed her hair back out of her face. She looked at Mitch, then Kayla, and Travis. She pulled her sunglasses down off of her forehead and onto her bag. "Thank God summer is here" she said with a little laugh.

Mitch agreed "Totally, can't believe summer is finally here; no more Mrs. Rynders, thanks God" he said with a chuckle. He looked at Travis and shook his head "The water is great. Stop being so perverted Trav" he joked as he gently punched his shoulder. He looked at Kayla "Sorry about him" he said pointing at Travis and shaking his head.

Then Kelsee saw Victor, she smiled and waved to him, just to let him know that she knew he was there. Sh bent down and took a pop from the cooler, and cracked it open. She smiled as she took a sip of the cold beverage.
"Ow!" He laughed. "Can't blame me for trying" he shrugged "So who's ready to hit the water?" He threw up his arms and shouted "Let's do this! He ran toward the ocean with Ricky running after him.
((guh, you guys are hard to keep up with))

Sylvie walked up to the group of people with Kelsee. The whole group was here, including Victor who usually seemed to prefer studying over going to the beach. She remained quiet as usual as the others asked about their days and such.
Mikayla blushed a little bit when Travis asked that question. She glanced over at Mitch, than to back Travis.

"We've just been hanging out and swimming." She said, smirking when she noticed the mischievous look on his face. She turned her blue gaze back to Vincent, than looked up when Kelsee and Sylvie came towards them. She waved at them and smiled, calling Vincent over to he wouldn't run over to them and trample them.

"Hey guys!" She exclaimed, running over and and hugging them both. She let go and smiled at them sweetly.
Victor looked over just in time to see Kelsee waving. he was greateful for the gesture, and he waved back sheepishly blushing. He felt ashamed just standing over here like a loser. He started to slowly make his way down to everyone. He was very awkward, and didn't really say anything to anyone; just stared down at the sand, then kept looking back up to look at everyone around him.
Mikayla laughed when Travis began running towards the water with Ricky following. She flashed Mitch and the others a sweet look before running towards the water as well, with Vincent following quickly. She did a perfect swan dive into the water, her head emerging out of the water a couple seconds later.

"Come on guys! Jump in!" She yelled, kicking her feet and swimming out far. Vincent stayed in the shallow area, paddling around stupidly.
Kelsee followed Travis as she ran to the water, falling in at her waist, and drenching her body and hair in the perfect temperature of water. She came up and smiled; her Carmel colored hair was pushed back and little droplet of water were falling from her chin.

((lol I know!!))

Mitch looked at Kayla, he snuck up behind her and grabbed her by her waist. He ran into the water, and threw her into it with him. He came up, soaked once again. He waited for Kayla to come up, and he looked around at the dogs following them into the bright blue ocean.
Travis splashed water at Mckayla's face. He took a dive and emerged again spurting more ocean water. The cool waves crashed over him and his dog paddled all around the deep blue water that reflected his eyecolor perfectly. He grabbed his dogs collar and laughed as the three legged dogs powerful paddle was able to pull him about the sparkling water.
((night Wolf D; ))

Kelsee stepped out of the water to greet Victor with a "Hey!! Glad you came!" She was still dripping water, and her hair was a dark brown instead of its usual Carmel color. "this is Sylvie" she said as Kelsee brought her over to socialize with Victor.

She then ran back into the water, also diving in. She came up and shook her hair; sending water torpedoes everywhere. She saw Dash coming in and she moved to the side. She moved back after the dog had started to play with Vincent.

Mitch looked at Kayla, and ran After her. He jumped into the water and swam over to her. He waited to her side and smiled softly. She was really pretty, and he couldn't help but to steal a few glances of her.
Kelsee had joined them and So had Mitch, he made sure not to leave them out and delivered a playful splash to their faces as well.
Victor swollowed nervously, but he tried his best to act normal. "Hello! I'm glad I came too, this looks like a great party." He smiled, and then turned to face Sylvie. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He told her, smiling. It wasn't until after the words left his mouth that he realized how dumb they must sound to everyone. His face started to turn red out of embarassment.
Kelsee laughed and dunked Travis' head under the water. When she let go, she playfully stuck her tounge out and smiled brightly. She thought that this would be the best summer ever.

Mitch splashed Travis back and then splashed Kayla. He shrugged his shoulders and winked at her. He then turned towards Travis and nodded for some odd reason.
Travis gasped, remembering that as long as he did what he was supposed to his dad would let him have fun this summer, but he was in such a rush to get here he forgot his basic chores. He frowned and turned to Mitch "I gotta go man, I'll be right back, take care of Ricks for me" he turned to leave but first said "Ya better make your move on her before I get back" he winked. "Sorry guys, I'm out" He ran out of the water and onto the beach dripping wet, he dryed of and got in his car headed for home

((That's it I'm out, don't have too much fun without me ;) ))
Mikayla squeaked in surprise when Mitch grabbed her waist from behind and threw her in with him. She emerged out of the water laughing, splashing Mitch and Travis.

"Oh my god, Mitch!" She exclaimed splashing him again. She had to think of a way to get back at him. But how.. She thought for a moment, but than ended up forgetting about it. She'll get back at him later.

She swam out farther, diving under the water until she touched the bottom. And that was REALLY far down. You couldn't even see her figure underwater anymore because she was down so far. She finally came up about 20 seconds later, flicking her hair back and glancing back at Travis and Mitch with a grin.
Kelsee waved to Travis as he left and said a mere "Bye" then turned around to splash Victor, as if to say come on in!! Have some fun!! She hoped he wouldn't get in trouble or skipping his library time.

(night Wolf :) ))

Mitch smiled. He winked at her, then watched her swim deeper and deeper until he couldn't see her. When she came up, he swam a little closer to her and smirked. "Hey hey hey, watch the hair rapunzel" he joked. As he poked Kayla playfully and smiled.
"Hi," Sylvie said, blushing as well. She wasn't used to being around new people, just her friends. She noticed his cheeks were turning red as well, so she didn't feel quite as nervous now. "Come on," she said, giving him a cute grin as he got splashed. "Let's go swim!" She ran into the ocean and ducked underneath the water's surface, coming back up and pushing her blondish-brown hair from her face.
At first Victor was stunned by the cool water, but for the first time in a long time, it made him laugh. He thought about it for a few more moments, then soon decided to get in the water. He removed his jacket, and tie. He decided to leave his shirt on, and of course his pants. This was the first time he had ever been this unclothed in public, and he had a lot of clothes on for being at the beach. He barely payed any attention to it before walking to the edge of the water, and stepping in a bit after Sylvie had. He let himself adjust to it for a while before wading out near Kelsee. He couldn't help but splash her back. He was having more fun than he had ever had in his life, and the day had barely begun.
Mikayla giggled and poked him back, swimming just a little bit closer to him. Her blue eyes glittered as she grinned at him again. She decided to embarrass him, and she chuckled.

"So.. What did Travis mean by 'make a move on her'?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and swimming a little bit closer. She could tell by the look on his face that he liked her, she just acted like he didn't for some reason.
Keslee smiled when Victor popped up from the surface "Hey" she winked, and splashed him again. She also splashed Sylvie and jerked her head, gesturing Sylvie over to the two.

Mitch rubbed the spot where she had poked him. When she moved closer to him, he moved closer to her. Mitch blushed a little bit at her question. Instead of explaining, he took her hands, and kissed her cheek "That" he told her with a wink.
Victor laughed, and smiled more than he ever had in his life he figured. 'this is the best day of my life. I can already tell.' He turned to face Sylvie with the happiest smile on his face. He would have to remember to thank both her, and Kelsee for including him in this today.
Kelsee smiled "Im glad I could help get you out of your routine for once. It wasnt fun when we had to leave you behind" she admitted. Kelsee called Dash to her and scratched his short fur.

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