*| Chances |*

Mitch kissed her forehead. "Im sorry babe, I'll see you later, and say safe" he said softly. He backed away from her car, and waited until she pulled away. He brushed his hair back, very worried about Kayla, she was very important to him. Mitch waved to Kayla, and squinted in the sunlight.
Mikayla nodded, pulling out of the parking lot and driving away. The engine was quite loud, and it quickly faded away into the distance as she drove off in a hurry. Soon enough, she arrived at her house. An ambulance stood outside, blue and red lights flashing brightly.

Her Mother ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Is he okay?" Mikayla sobbed when she pulled away from the hug. Her mother was quiet for a moment, and than nodded.

"He's fine.. He has a minor concussion and a few broken ribs." Her mother murmured, looking towards the ambulance which blared the siren as it pulled away with my Father inside.

Mikayla sobbed into her hands, sitting on the edge of the sidewalk. Her mother sat beside her, putting an arm around her and holding her dearly. Her day just went to the best, and than to the worst..
Travis held the ball in the crook of his arm as he watched Kayla drive away and Mitch waving her goodbye. He frowned, what happened, Travis looked to Kelsee "Oh well, game over." He said, clearly more dissapointed about the missing player than the game. "So what now? Continue having fun without her?" He didn't know what to think now, I mean, there wasn't anything they could do but without Kayla it felt wrong.

So he sat down on his beach towel next to the cooler and pulled up another Cola, Ricky hopped over to him and laid with his head in Travis lap. Travis sighed, watching the waves and hoping everything was okay.
Mitch didn't feel right. He walked back to the game "Guys, I'm going to go, Kayla needs me" he said picking up his shirt, and calling Duke to his side. He opened the door to his truck for Duke, then got in the drivers side. He pulled out of the parkinglot and drove back to his house and saw Kayla on the sidewalk. He parked his car in his drive way and put his shirt on before running over to Kayla. He sat next to her and put his arm around her back "Im so sorry Kayla" he said rubbing her back.

Kelsee shrugged she walked over to Travis and sat on her towel. She pushed her hair back and looked at the ground, then the water a few meters infront of them. She sat back, and called Dash to her side. The brindle colored dog dashed across the beach to Kelsee's side. She scratched his head and looked at Travis, "I have no idea what we could possibly..." She smirked and ran to the water and stood at the waters edge. She turned back to Travis, and picked up a starfish that had washed up. She brought it back to Travis and smiled "I was told if you found a starfish, it would bring you good luck" she told him as she rubbed her finger over the dried out creature.
Travis smiled as he touched the surface of the creature, "I think that's just what we need" he gave a half smile, he flipped open the cooler "Want something?". He took another swig of his drink, "Well, today was a bust, sort of" he sighed "Well, that's okay, I think" He looked Kelsee in the eyes "We still have a whole summer to think of stuff to do, the possibilities are endless".
Kelsee nodded, she chuckled slightly and thought "No thanks, I'm good, but thanks for asking" she said with a smirk. "Yeah, I agree" she said looking at Travis in his heads, almost like their eyes connected for a few minutes, Kelsee smiled slightly and winked before smiling again "Did you just read my mind?" She asked "I was thinking the exact same thing" she told him with a little chuckle.
He laughed "Perhaps, I have that ability, ya know!" He winked, His blue eyes shone brightly, an excitement that matched the ocean. This summer would be great despite the pitfalls and he knew it "So what do you think would be a cool think to do Kels?"
Kels shook her head "Perhaps you do!" She agreed with a laugh she started to get excited. She knew this summer would be a summer she would never forget. "We could swim, build a sand castle, rent a surf board" she said. She looked at the ocean; she could feel the sun shining down on her, it felt amazing.
"Well, let's do it!" He said "I'd like to surf, unless you'd wanna stay here and build sand castles, it would be easier than surfing." He was pretty good at surfing, but he still wasn't a pro surfer or anything "He looked down the long stretch of the shore "I think the surf shack would be at the end of this beach, it's a long walk" He said "Doesn't sound too bad, I'd like that", Walking down the shore with Kelsee sounded like a great activity after a wild game of volleyball, 'just me and Kelsee' he thought, and blushed a bit. She was pretty cute he thought, and for the first time Travis felt his heart flutter. He stood up "Shall we go?" He held his hand out for her to help her up.
Kelsee smiled "Sweet! Do I need to teach you, or do you know how to?" She joked, knowing that he could surf. She looked up at him, and smiled. After the last hectic minutes, it would be nice to walk down the beach with Travis, and surf the mild waves of the Gulf of Mexico. She took his hand and pulled herself up. She could feel the muscles rippling through his arm. She smirked and called Dash to her side, she tied Dash's leash to the umbrella. She patted his head and stood by Travis. Secretly, she had always had a giant crush on him, he was so sweet, cute, and athletic. She looked up at him; only because he was a few inches take than she was. He was probably 6 foot, and she was around 5'7.
"Ricky, Stay!" He new he didn't have to say that because Ricky would rather stay with Dash, and Dash was tied so they both wouldn't go anywhere. Travis grinned "Yes I can surf, and I'm probably the best surfer you ever saw" he flashed a smile. They started walking, he realized he still held her smooth hand in his, he made no attempt to remove it, though. He led her to the shore, and the waves lapped gently at their feet.
Kelsee "Oh you think so?" She said with a little chuckle "Have you been to State Surf competitions 4 times" she asked as she stuck her tounge out playfully. Realizing they were still holding hands, Kelsee smiled; she followed him along the shore. She looked at him and then the ocean. She gently pushed him a little farther into the water, and giggled.
He nudged her back to the shore gently, keeping himself away from the water "Nah" He said "They kicked me out of the competitions 'cuz I was too good for them" he grinned mischieviously and allowed himself to be shoved back to the water, waves up to his knees.
Kelsee grinned "Right, if your so 'good' at balancing, can you do this?" She said as let go of his hand and ran past him, she did a front handspring then a cartwheel. She finished and turned back to Travis. She walked back to him and took his hand again. "Sooo" she said with a smirk. They were about half way to the shack, and the sun felt like it was giving them a spotlight.
"Well, you got me there, but I can do this" He lifted his hands up, doing a magic trick so that it appeared one hand had removed the thumb from the other and reattached it. He laughed hysterically, knowing it had nothing at all to do with surfing.
Kelsee laughed and looked at Travis "How do you do that?" She joked "I've never been able to harness that much power" she joked again. She pushed some of her hair back and looked ahead of them. Then back at Travis "Are you going to the bonfire tonight?" She asked, hoping he was.
"I'm sure I am, wouldn't miss a good time with all my friends...and you" he looked at her, holding her gaze. They were pretty close to the surf shack now. He knew that holding hands with her was an obvious sign she lieked him. If she responded well to his little innuendo, he would ask her out, after all, he really liked her, and he got the feeling she liked him.
Kelsee blushed she stepped closer to him and kissed his cheek. She looked at him; her eyes shining with happiness, she liked him a lot, and it seemed like he liked her too. "Great, can't wait to see you there" she said with a smile; her cheeks still slightly pink from the blush that sprouted on her cheeks. She looked at Travis and smiled, she continued to hold his hand; not wanting to let go.
Victor had crawled out of the water, and watched the volleyball game go on. As people began to leave, he sat on the sand and watched Kelsee and Travis. He smiled a small half-smile. 'They like each other' he thought. Though this made him chuckle a bit, he felt his heart sink. He didn't know why, and it made his sort of angry to feel bad about nothing. He shook his head. 'Enough of that!' he thought to himself, and tried to focus on the waves beating against the sand, rather than watch Travis and Kelsee. It was none of his business after all.
"Uh...I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out, so I'll take that as a yes...since that rarely means no" He laughed, his cheek still tingled from where she had kissed him. "C'mon Kels, we still have some surfing to do" His eyes glittered when he looked into hers. He ran over, pulling her along by the connection of their hands. He paid for a surfboard rental and they ran back to their side of the beach together each with a surfboard. His feet were submerged under the water "You ready?" he said.
Keslee nodded her head "Yes, I will go out with you" she said with a smile. "Ready" she said as she sat on the surf board and waited for Travis to get a board too. She looked back at him and smirked "Are you ready?" She asked with a tilt of her head. She spun the board around so she was facing the ocean and dipped her hand in the water, in an effort to smooth down her hair.

"Sounds like a plan" she agreed. Kelsee also waved to Victor and then looked at the bright blue water that was infront of her.
Victor calmly stood, waved, but then slowly shook his head once to the left, and once to the right. A small gesture saying 'thank you for the invitation, but i'll leave you two alone.' He flashed a small half-smile at both of them once more, before turning and leaving. "They are certainly nice, but I shall have to be getting home now. Besides, I think they want to spend some time alone together." He said softly to himself as he headed towards his jacket and tie, picked them up, swung them both over his right shoulder, and began to leave the beach.

((I have to leave once again. I just wanted to post at least once today so that you know that I haven't forgotten. :) And I wanted to keep up with it anyway. Sorry about leaving so soon, but hopefully I will have more time tomorrow.))
"Alright, watch a master at work!" He positioned his body on the board, just then a wave came and immediately wiped him out. He got lost under the waves a bit before grabbing the board and resurfacing the top part of his body "The master demands a redo" he laughed.

((By T.B.F, see u later)))
((Alright T, thank you for taking the time to post once or twice tonight :) It's fine; yep, tomorrow's another day!! Well, chat later.))

Kelsee giggled "You'll get your redo, right after I get my first try" she said with a wink. She paddled out a few meters and rode a wave; she began to stand up and look at Travis. She waved to him, then rode down the wave to Travis and jumped off her board "And who's the master" she teased.
"All hail master Kelsee" he bowed his arms to her mockingly. He laughed and rode a few more waves, he did a lot better on the rest, riding a wave nearly to the shore. It was a lot of fun. But soon it was getting dark. "Lets get back now" he said grabbing the boards and leaving the ocean. He packed his stuff and threw it in the car. "I'm going home to get ready, see you later?" he said

He noted to himself that he should return the boards later when driving to the shack.

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